Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles, Third Edition

Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles, Third Edition

Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles, Third Edition


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194 <strong>Fundamental</strong> <strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Electronic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong>Assignment Questions35 Two air-cored coils, A <strong>and</strong> B, are wound with100 <strong>and</strong> 500 turns respectively. A current of 5 Ain A produces a flux of 15 μ Wb. Calculate (a)the self-inductance of coil A, (b) the mutualinductance, if 75% of the flux links with B, <strong>and</strong>(c) the emf induced in each of the coils, whenthe current in A is reversed in a time of 10 ms.36 Two coils, of self-inductance 50 mH <strong>and</strong> 85 mHrespectively, are placed parallel to each other.If the coupling coefficient is 0.9, calculate theirmutual inductance.37 The mutual inductance between two coilsis 250 mH. If the current in one coil changesfrom 14 A to 5 A in 15 ms, calculate (a) the emfinduced in the other coil, <strong>and</strong> (b) the change offlux linked with this coil if it is wound with 400turns.38 The mutual inductance between the twowindings of a car ignition coil is 5 H. Calculatethe average emf induced in the high tensionwinding, when a current of 2.5 A, in the lowtension winding, is reduced to zero in 1 ms. Youmay assume 100% flux linkage between thetwo windings.39 Sketch the circuit symbol for a transformer,<strong>and</strong> explain its principle of operation. Why isthe core made from laminations? Is the corematerial a ‘ hard ’ or a ‘ soft ’ magnetic material?Give the reason for this.40 A transformer with a turns ratio of 20:1 has240 V applied to its primary. Calculate thesecondary voltage.41 A 4 :1 voltage ‘ step-down ’ transformer isconnected to a 110 V a.c. supply. If the currentdrawn from this supply is 100 mA, calculate thesecondary voltage, current <strong>and</strong> power.42 A transformer has 450 primary turns <strong>and</strong> 80secondary turns. It is connected to a 240 Va.c. supply. Calculate (a) the secondaryvoltage, <strong>and</strong> (b) the primary current when thetransformer is supplying a 20 A load.43 A coil of self-inductance 0.04 H has a resistanceof 15 Ω . Calculate the energy stored when it isconnected to a 24 V d.c. supply.44 The energy stored in the magnetic field of aninductor is 68 mJ, when it carries a current of1.5 A. Calculate the value of self-inductance.45 What value of current must flow through a 20 Hinductor, if the energy stored in its magneticfield, under this condition, is 60 J?

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