Understanding Neutron Radiography Reading VII-NRHB Part 2 of 2

Understanding Neutron Radiography Reading VII-NRHB Part 2 of 2

Understanding Neutron Radiography Reading VII-NRHB Part 2 of 2


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. The data given below should therefore be used with the above<br />

reservation in mind as it does not represent an optimum set <strong>of</strong> conditions, but<br />

only a consensus <strong>of</strong> opinion.<br /> Vibration can be a problem when there are machines (e.g. cranes etc.)<br />

is use in nearby buildings. This should be verified by taking both short and<br />

long exposures <strong>of</strong> the object with a camera, using a slow speed photographic<br />

film, with the camera mounted on a base that is relatively unaffected by the<br />

vibrations.<br /> Geometry. The collimator ratio (L/D) should be 100 or higher, but it is<br />

considered that the advantages <strong>of</strong> increasing the ratio greater than 300 are<br />

diminishing.<br /> Converter foils for the transfer method are limited to indium<br />

dysprosium, and gold, all <strong>of</strong> which emit a particle <strong>of</strong> approximately 1 MeV, i.e.<br />

long range and not conducive to high resolution. However, the dysprosium<br />

foils are thinner and therefore have better resolution capability. A thickness <strong>of</strong><br />

0,025 mm (25μm) or less is recommended.<br />

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

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