EEBA Program (PDF/3MB) - EEBA - Annual Meeting

EEBA Program (PDF/3MB) - EEBA - Annual Meeting EEBA Program (PDF/3MB) - EEBA - Annual Meeting


MID-TERM RESULTS ON VISUAL ACUITY AND STABILITY AFTER DESCEMET MEMBRANEENDOTHELIAL KERATOPLASTY (DMEK)E. A. Groeneveld-van Beek1,2, L. Ham1,3, K. van Dijk1,3, I. Dapena1,3, G. R.J. Melles1,2,31Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery; 2Amnitrans EyeBank Rotterdam; 3Melles Cornea ClinicRotterdam, The NetherlandsPurpose: To report on the mid-term visual outcomes and stability after Descemet membraneendothelial keratoplasty (DMEK).Methods: DMEK was performed for Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, bullous keratopathy or previouscorneal transplant failure in 300 consecutive eyes The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) wasdocumented before, and after surgery at 1, 6, and 12 months, and annually thereafter.Results: 97.4% of eyes reached a BCVA of ≥20/40 (0.5) within the first months after surgery, which wassustained over 5 years. A BCVA of ≥20/25 (≥0.8) was reached by 77.6% at 6 months (n=228), and 87.5at 5 years (n=8). A BCVA of ≥20/20 (≥1.0) was obtained by 45.6% at 6 months and 62.5% at 5 years.Furthermore, a BCVA of even ≥20/17 (≥1.2) was obtained by 14.5% at 6 months and 12.5% at 5 years.Conclusions: DMEK provides a fast and often complete visual recovery. Furthermore these visualoutcomes appear to remain stable for at least 5 years after surgery. Thus, DMEK surgery seems tosurpass other EK techniques in visual rehabilitation and final visual outcome.44

ENDOTHELIAL CELL DENSITY AFTER DESCEMET MEMBRANE ENDOTHELIAL KERATOPLASTY(DMEK): 1 TO 6 - YEAR FOLLOW-UPK. Mangundap, L. Ham, L. Baydoun, K. van Dijk, G. MellesNetherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery, The NetherlandsPurpose: To assess the rate of decline in endothelial cell density (ECD) for patients up to 6 years afterDescemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK).Methods: From a larger group of 300 consecutive patients who underwent DMEK for Fuchsendothelial dystrophy or pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, ECD measurements were available for254 eyes with 6 months follow-up; for 234 eyes with 1 year follow-up; 130 with 2 years follow-up; 63with 3 years follow-up; 25 with 4 years follow-up; 9 with 5 years follow-up, and 7 eyes with 6 yearsfollow-up.Results: Our findings show a 35% sharp decrease in ECD in the first 6 months after DMEK, followed byan annual decrease of approximately 9%.Conclusions: The rate of endothelial cell loss in patients up to 6 years after DMEK closely resemblesthe published reports for patients after alternate forms of endothelial keratoplasty. This, combinedwith evidence that >¾ of patients achieve visual outcomes of ≥20/25 (≥0.8) at 6 months after surgery,may indicate that DMEK could become a preferred treatment method in corneal endothelial disease.XXV ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN EYE BANK ASSOCIATION Zagreb, Croatia 18/19 January 2013 45

ENDOTHELIAL CELL DENSITY AFTER DESCEMET MEMBRANE ENDOTHELIAL KERATOPLASTY(DMEK): 1 TO 6 - YEAR FOLLOW-UPK. Mangundap, L. Ham, L. Baydoun, K. van Dijk, G. MellesNetherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery, The NetherlandsPurpose: To assess the rate of decline in endothelial cell density (ECD) for patients up to 6 years afterDescemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK).Methods: From a larger group of 300 consecutive patients who underwent DMEK for Fuchsendothelial dystrophy or pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, ECD measurements were available for254 eyes with 6 months follow-up; for 234 eyes with 1 year follow-up; 130 with 2 years follow-up; 63with 3 years follow-up; 25 with 4 years follow-up; 9 with 5 years follow-up, and 7 eyes with 6 yearsfollow-up.Results: Our findings show a 35% sharp decrease in ECD in the first 6 months after DMEK, followed byan annual decrease of approximately 9%.Conclusions: The rate of endothelial cell loss in patients up to 6 years after DMEK closely resemblesthe published reports for patients after alternate forms of endothelial keratoplasty. This, combinedwith evidence that >¾ of patients achieve visual outcomes of ≥20/25 (≥0.8) at 6 months after surgery,may indicate that DMEK could become a preferred treatment method in corneal endothelial disease.XXV ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN EYE BANK ASSOCIATION Zagreb, Croatia 18/19 January 2013 45

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