EEBA Program (PDF/3MB) - EEBA - Annual Meeting

EEBA Program (PDF/3MB) - EEBA - Annual Meeting

EEBA Program (PDF/3MB) - EEBA - Annual Meeting


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Accommodation & TravelingZagrebThe capital of the Republic of Croatia, is oneof the oldest European cities and is yet one ofEurope’s youngest metropolises. It is often calledthe city of museums, as there are many of them,approximately fifty museums and galleries, aswell as private art collections and about twentytheatres and musical venues, which does notmean there is nothing else for you to do.Despite being a Central European city ingeography, culture and baroque architecture, inmany ways, Zagreb has a Mediterranean way oflife. Thanks to its many influences, the city hasa special charm and hospitable feel generatedby its open-hearted people. You can, accordingto a local custom, have a coffee (“popiti kavu”),which translated from Croatian means: “sit andwatch the world go by”, as Miroslav Krleža, afamous Croatian writer used to do, or immersein other rich contents this city offers to itsvisitors.Zagreb is famous for its green areas. You will findcharming parks in the city center and for thoseof you who are park lovers there is the Maksimirpark, one of the biggest city parks in EasternEurope.A walk through Zagreb is an interesting andpleasant journey that encapsulates both historyand modern day life. Ilica, the longest street inZagreb, divides the city into the old romanticUpper Town and the young, busy and businessorientated Lower Town. The oldest areas, Gradecand Kaptol, from which Zagreb arose, areconsidered to be one of the most preserved andbeautiful European city centers built in the ArtNouveau style. The Upper and Lower Towns areconnected through the Kamenita vrata (Stonegate), yet another recognizable Zagreb touristattraction that is linked to many legends andbeliefs, as well as to faith and peace.For some, the most recognizable place in Zagrebis its neo-gothic Cathedral situated at Kaptol.Although it took many centuries to build, theCathedral that stands today was completed atthe end of the 19th century.XXV ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN EYE BANK ASSOCIATION Zagreb, Croatia 18/19 January 2013 21

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