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How many weeks is it until the winterOlympics in Sochi in 2014? This is the final fullseason before that key date for lady jumpers andour Alpine scholarship athletes. Investments intraining need to be made now to fully impact theresults for the next season and season start. Sourgent money is needed. Read on for ways tomake YOUR investment. Impresarios are neededto conduct benefit events!Dick Shawkey, Trustee, displayed his accustomedprowess at raising funds for scholarshipsat the FWSA Convention in June. His teamraised nearly $1,500 from raffles of desirableprizes and much more from auctions of generouslydonated travel packages from GrouseMountain Lodge and Whitefish Mountain. Thesehave become an annual commitment by theselong time industry partners. And, we must alsonote the continuing commitment of the <strong>Ski</strong>yente<strong>Ski</strong> Club of Portland for the Nicole Erin Award.Clubs and councils may sponsor a scholarship“slot” with selections made exclusively by thescholarship committee. Check www.fwsa.org for2011 scholarship winners. The 2012 scholarshipsare announced October 1.Randy Lew, FWSA President, exercised onthe-spotleadership to raise funds for Women’s <strong>Ski</strong>Jumping by challenging Film Fest viewers tomatch his kickoff $100. This resulted in an immediate$400 with additional pledges to come. Weneed to build the jumpers’ fund in order to makean impact from organized skiing with an FWSFgrant. We need much more to make a meaningfulgrant to support the preparedness for the comingjumping season.She’s the best! Sarah Hendrickson secured theoverall FIS World Cup title in Zao, Japan inMarch 2012, the first ever Women’s World Cup.Sarah received a President’s Award at the 2012FWSA Convention. Photo courtesy of WSJUSA<strong>Ski</strong>ing with friends: Waltraud Cardona (Gordon's mother), Darryl Coit,Robert Allen, Dianna Digiandomenico, Sigrid Noack, and Gordon Cardonawith Bert Witsil, his Sun Valley Adaptive <strong>Ski</strong> School Instructor, pause to checktheir downhill routes at the <strong>Far</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ski</strong> Week in Sun Valley, 2011. The newFoundation Objective Two Program is being formed to assist a physically challengedskier to attend a <strong>Far</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ski</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>Ski</strong> Week. photo courtesy DiannaDigiandomenico and The Unrecables <strong>Ski</strong> Club, Los AngelesRemember, the coming season is the lastseason before the Sochi 2014 Olympic season.Support over the next 18 months is needed to ensurea great showing by our jumpers. LindseyVan (World Champion in 2009) and Sarah Hendricksonhave already shown us the possibilities.Sarah secured the overall FIS World Cup title inZao, Japan in March 2012, the first ever women’sWorld Cup. Check out the new jumping film entitled“Ready to Fly” or get the DVD fromwww.wsjusa.com.To build up our capability, we are namingseveral Associate Trustees to provide focusedleadership to support our objectives and serve aspoints of contact for collaboration with <strong>Association</strong>counterparts. For Objective Two (rehab):Gloria Raminha and Linda <strong>West</strong>lund; for OutreachExpansion and Media Utilization: GeorgeStewart.<strong>Far</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ski</strong>FoundationExpandsProgramby John WatsonPresident, FWSFFoundation Objective Two ProgramWe have highly motivated volunteers tolaunch support functions for our rehab function.Friends of Linda <strong>West</strong>lund, Fred’s daughter, havecreated the Fred <strong>West</strong>lund Fund for support ofthe rehabilitation objective. Fred was a WorldWar II veteran of the Ardennes and Bastogneand a long time skier, commencing with membershipin the Windy City <strong>Ski</strong> Club of Chicago.Gloria Raminha, one of the fund’s charterdonors, has arranged an innovative additionalway to increase this fund with Mary Manningof Aspen <strong>Ski</strong> Corporation. Aspen is the continuingsponsor of the <strong>Association</strong>’s annual Safetycontest, as well.The initial idea for the Foundation’s objectivewas to provide support for a challenged skierto attend <strong>Ski</strong> Week. Our new Associate Trusteeswill discuss this and develop alternative plans tosupport the objective. We will also contact theWounded Warrior programs to see if there is arole for us there, as well. In addition, we expectfurther additions to the fund in October from anevent in Arizona in honor of Fred <strong>West</strong>lund.Legacy/<strong>Ski</strong> History ProgramAs far as legacy/history is concerned, <strong>Far</strong><strong>West</strong> people are in extremis. Materials, peopleand histories, oral as well as durable, are rapidly26 <strong>Far</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ski</strong>er’s Guide 2O12 - 2O13 / See the Digital Edition of the <strong>Far</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Ski</strong>er’s Guide at www.fwsa.org.

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