Questions - John Buchan School

Questions - John Buchan School Questions - John Buchan School
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John Buchan Middle SchoolLevel 5 Investigative Skills46 min43 marks1. Periwinkles(a)Periwinkles are animals with shells that live on rocks at the seashore.Shell of periwinkle AShell of periwinkle BThe shell of periwinkle A is smaller than the shell of periwinkle B.Describe ONE other way the shell of periwinkle A is different fromthe shell of periwinkle B...............................................................................................................1 mark(b)Periwinkles do not have bones inside their bodies but they do have a shell.The shell does not help the periwinkle to move.Describe ONE function of the shell...............................................................................................................1 markJohn Buchan Middle School 1

<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong>Level 5 Investigative Skills46 min43 marks1. Periwinkles(a)Periwinkles are animals with shells that live on rocks at the seashore.Shell of periwinkle AShell of periwinkle BThe shell of periwinkle A is smaller than the shell of periwinkle B.Describe ONE other way the shell of periwinkle A is different fromthe shell of periwinkle B...............................................................................................................1 mark(b)Periwinkles do not have bones inside their bodies but they do have a shell.The shell does not help the periwinkle to move.Describe ONE function of the shell...............................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 1

The foil strips on the train act like a switch. When both foil strips on the traintouch the foil inside the tunnel roof, the bulb lights up.Complete the circuit diagram below by drawing the switch and the bulb to showthe circuit on Andrea’s train.(ii)(i)2 marks(b)Give ONE property of metal foil which makes it a good material for Andrea to useas a switch......................................................................................................................1 mark(c)When only one foil strip on the train is touching the foil in the tunnel, the bulbdoes not light up.Complete the sentence to explain why the bulb does not light up.The circuit ...................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 6

4. Washing day(a)Some children have washed a jumper.Why does the jumper feel heavier after it is washed?......................................................................................................................1 mark(b)The children want to find out how long the jumper takes to dry.They hang the jumper up to dry.Name the process that completely dries the jumper.......................................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 8

(c)The children weigh the jumper every hour.They make a graph of their results.How many hours did the jumper take to dry?.....................................................…hours1 mark(d)The children repeat their test the next day. They wash and dry the same jumper inthe same way. The jumper dries more quickly.Give ONE possible reason why the jumper dries more quickly when they repeattheir test.......................................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 9

6. Mustard seeds(a)Evan investigates how temperature affects the germination of mustard seeds.Evan has three dishes. He puts some paper towel and 40 mustard seeds in eachdish.He puts one dish in a fridge, one dish in a dark shed and the last dish in acupboard. He waters the seeds regularly.Describe TWO things Evan should keep the same to make sure his test is fair.1. ..................................................................................................................2. ..................................................................................................................1 mark1 mark(b)Evan counts the number of germinated seeds in the dishes each day.Place Temperature Number of germinated seedsof place Day 1 Day 2 Day 3fridge cold 0 0 0dark shed cool 0 12 24cupboard warm 0 25 39How many germinated seeds did Evan count in the dark shed on day 2?<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 12

...................................................... seeds1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 13

(c)Evan concludes: ‘My results show that the cupboard was the best place formustard seeds to germinate.’Explain how the evidence in the table supports Evan’s conclusion.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 mark(d)Use the table of results above to answer this question.Tick ONE box after each sentence to show if, in Evan’s investigation, it is true,false or you can’t tell.Evan’s investigation shows that the temperature affected...True False Can’t tellthe length of the stem.the germination of the seeds.the colour of the seeds.1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 14

7. Threads(a)Sam and Anna tested the breaking strength of six different kinds of thread.They attached a thread to a forcemeter and Anna pulled.Sam recorded the size of the force on the forcemeter when the thread broke.910012345678N012345678910The forcemeter they used.Their teacher said this was not a safe way to investigate breaking threads.What is a safety risk in their investigation?..............................................................................................................……1 mark(b)Why was it difficult for them to collect exact results?..............................................................................................................………..................................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 15

(c) All the threads broke at a reading of 10 N.Sam’s conclusion was: ‘All the threads are the same strength’.Anna said: ‘I think all our readings are 10 N because we used the wrongforcemeter’.Look at the forcemeter they used.Why did all the results being 10 N make Anna think they had used the wrongforcemeter?..............................................................................................................………..................................................................................................................1 mark(d)Complete the table to show what must be the same, what must be different andwhat makes no difference in this investigation.Tick ONE box for each statement.The first one has been done for you.Statementsmust bethe same.must bedifferent.make nodifference.The kinds of thread they use ...The colours of the threads ...The persons doing the pulling ...If the strengths of the threads arethe same, the forces required tobreak each one ...If the strengths of the threads aredifferent, the forces required tobreak each one ...2 marks<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 16

8. Dissolving sugar(a)Look at the picture of Luis using a thermometer to measure thetemperature of some water.What is wrong with the way he is trying to measure the temperatureof the water?......................................................................................................................1 mark(b)Luis and Jack want to find out how the temperature of water affects thetime taken for sugar to dissolve.What is the ONE factor they should change as they carry out theirinvestigation?......................................................................................................................1 mark(c)Name ONE of the factors they should keep the same to make theirinvestigation fair.......................................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 17

(d)They carry out their investigation 3 times and record their results.Time taken for sugar to dissolveTemperature of water(°C)Time (minutes)Test 1 Test 2 Test 330 10 9 1140 8 12 950 7 7 860 6 6 7For which temperature does one of the results seem unlikely?............................................ °C1 mark(e)Jack predicted that sugar will dissolve more quickly when the water is hotter.(i)Is Jack’s prediction supported by the evidence in the table?Tick ONE box.YesNo(ii)Use the evidence in the table to explain your answer.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 18

9. Circuits and sensors(a)Class 6D makes different circuits using the same type of bulbs, motors with fansand cells (batteries).(i)Tick ONE box to show the circuit in which the bulb or bulbs are brightest.– – – –circuit 1 circuit 2 circuit 3 circuit 41 mark(ii)Explain why the circuit you chose has the brightest bulb or bulbs.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 19

(b) Tick ONE box to show which circuit diagram below is correct for circuit 3.MMM1 mark7(c)Each of the circuits made by class 6D has one cell.Complete the sentence below to explain the effect on the bulbs of adding asecond cell to circuit 1.The bulbs will ...............................................................................................1 mark(d)Class 6D made three new circuits. They used a light sensor to measurethe brightness of one of the bulbs in each circuit.The sensor gave the results on the graph below.brightLight sensorreadingdimA B CCircuit1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 20

Write A, B or C next to each circuit below to show which circuit gaveeach light sensor reading on the graph.– – –––circuit .................... circuit .................... circuit ....................1 mark<strong>John</strong> <strong>Buchan</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> 21

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