Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook - Julian Emperor

Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook - Julian Emperor

Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook - Julian Emperor


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<strong>Sexuality</strong> in Late Lombard Italy 1311112342225672228910111232224567892022212345678930111123435678940111123222Table 1.1 Sexual matters in the History of the LombardsPaul’s attitude HL PrincipalsAbduction Neutral 1.16/1.17 Agelmund/LamissioNeutral 1.27 Alboin/RosamundNeutral 5.8 GrimoaldNeutral 5.14 GrimoaldAdultery Neutral 4.46 GrimoaldNeutral 4.47 GundepergaDisapproves 4.48 RodoaldDisapproves 5.6 Clerics at MonzaNeutral 5.37 CunincpertWoman promotes husband’s Approves 6.26 Ratperga/Pemmoadultery (but fails)Serial monogamy Neutral 1.21 WacchoNeutral 6.50 RomoaldFornication Neutral 2.28 Peredeo + maidDisapproves 2.28 Peredeo + queenGang rape Approves 4.37 Avars/RomildaHomosexuality? [or friendship Neutral 5.36 Alahis/Cunincpertbetween men] Disapproves 6.24 FerdulfSexually forward, Neutral? 2.5 Sophiachallenging women Disapproves 4.37 RomildaWoman murders for Disapproves 2.28 Rosamundsexual motive Disapproves 2.29 RosamundAbstinence Approves 1.19 SeverinusApproves 3.1 HospitiusApproves 6.16 Arnulf of MetzChastity Approves 4.37 Romilda’s daughtersApproves 6.58 LiutprandVirginity Approves 6.58 Peter, Bishop of PaviaImputation of clerical Disapproves 5.38 Alahis/ThomasunchastityMiscellaneous:Women masquerading as men Mocking 1.8 Winnili womenMen masquerading as women Neutral 2.5 Narses the eunuchProstitution/monstrous birth Approves 1.15 LamissioRomance Approves 3.30 Authari/TheodelindaApproves 3.35 Agilulf/TheodelindaFacial mutilation Approves 6.22 Theodorada/AuronaSexual disease Disapproves 2.4 Romans

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