Police and civilian receive bravery awards for their - New Zealand ...

Police and civilian receive bravery awards for their - New Zealand ...

Police and civilian receive bravery awards for their - New Zealand ...


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<strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Associationacross the night sky at the <strong>Police</strong> Officers’Memorial Garden, representing the thin blueline. Hearing taps played by the lone buglerwas very sobering indeed.As we left <strong>and</strong> walked towards the functioncentre, our guys were a little quieter. Youcould see each in <strong>their</strong> own moment ofreflection.On arrival at the centre, we were met byDetective Billy Weeks; a larger than lifecharacter who is always on the go. The venuewas an eye opener. Around the outside edgeswere booths set up to sell all manner of policeparaphernalia you could wish <strong>for</strong>; Tee-shirts<strong>for</strong> all occasions, knives, holsters, torches,h<strong>and</strong>cuffs, gloves, badge holders, the listgoes on.“Our nation’s police officers areheroes who risk <strong>their</strong> lives to keep ourfamilies <strong>and</strong> communities safe. Eachof these brave men <strong>and</strong> women goesto work not knowing what dangersmight lie ahead, making tremendoussacrifices to uphold justice <strong>and</strong>protect the innocent...police officersput <strong>their</strong> lives on the line to protectours, sometimes making the ultimatesacrifice. One death is too many, <strong>and</strong>every death is an unfathomable lossto the officer’s family, colleagues<strong>and</strong> community...they are continuallycalled upon to remain vigilant <strong>and</strong>take courageous action. As a country,we promise to st<strong>and</strong> behind our publicsafety community <strong>and</strong> do our part...”Excerpt from US President Barack Obama’sPresidential Proclamation.• <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Association President Greg O’Connor with Marcello Murratti, Presidentof the Fraternal Order of <strong>Police</strong> (District of Columbia Lodge No. 1), after Mr Murratti waspresented with a Maori carving to thank him <strong>for</strong> his hospitality in hosting members of TheFencibles (Auckl<strong>and</strong> <strong>Police</strong> rugby league team,) who toured the USA recently.Firearms commonThere were cops from everywhere! Somecops carried guns in <strong>their</strong> ankle holsters,some on <strong>their</strong> belt holsters, <strong>and</strong> some in<strong>their</strong> pockets. I began to feel a bit nakedwithout one. There was even a group ofgang members...or so we thought. They had<strong>their</strong> own patches, had long hair, grew longbeards, rode Harley Davidson motorbikesbut there was one small difference, they allcarried a badge. They were sworn officersfrom various law en<strong>for</strong>cement agenciesacross America.As expected, once people started to hearthe cops from <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> had arrived,the request came <strong>for</strong> our guys to do a haka.A small space was cleared away <strong>and</strong> therousing rendition of the haka was led by Lee• Fencibles rugby league team member, Tyrrel Green, with <strong>for</strong>mer Canterbury District Comm<strong>and</strong>er<strong>and</strong> now Washington-based NZ <strong>Police</strong> OS officer, Superintendent S<strong>and</strong>ra M<strong>and</strong>erson.August 2011199

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