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PoliceNewsThe Voice of PoliceSpecial offerSix months freeHome InsuranceBuying a new home or refinancing canbe an expensive process, even withtoday’s lower interest rates. We aimto make it easier on Police WelfareFund members’ pockets. So for thetime being those drawing down a newPolice Home Loan will be eligible for sixmonths free home insurance through theWelfare Fund’s Police Fire & GeneralInsurance*.Members eligible for the free covershould contact our Member ServicesTeam on 0800 500 122. You will need acopy of your loan document fromThe National Bank or ANZ.Police Home Loan PackageANZ or The National Bank – it’s yourchoiceWhether you’re refinancing, buying yourfirst home, selling, investing in property,building or looking for ways to manageyour current home loan – a Police HomeLoan through The National Bank or ANZmay be able to help.The Police Welfare Fund Home Loanpackage provides attractive benefits toPolice Welfare Fund members and theirimmediate family, like:• No Home Loan application fee• A contribution of $500 towards legal feesFor borrowing 80% or lower of a property’svalue:• Discounted floating rates• 0.50% pa off the standard National Bankor ANZ Flexible Home Loan interest rates• 0.25% off the standard fixed interest ratesOur Police Home Loan package is highlycompetitive and flexible.For more information or to apply for the PoliceHome Loan Package visitwww.policeassn.org.nzThe National Bank and ANZ’s lending criteria, terms, conditions and fees apply. Forborrowing over 80% of a property’s value, a low equity premium on a graduatedscale will apply, and a registered valuer’s report will be required. Eligibilty to apply fora Police Home Loan package is at the discretion of the Police Welfare Fund Limitedand applicants must be current members of the Fund. This home loan package is notavailable for low documentation home loans or loans approved through a broker. Fora copy of The National Bank or ANZ Disclosure Statement and full details (includingterms and conditions) contact any branch of The National Bank of New Zealand (partof ANZ Bank Limited) nor the ANZ.*Police Fire & General Insurance will be subject to the standard underwritingterms and conditions and is provided through the Police Welfare Fund not byThe National Bank or ANZ. Members are eligible for one period of six months freePolice Fire & General Home Insurance premium only, per member, regardless of theterm of Police Home Loan taken. Police Fire & General Insurance is underwritten byLumley General Insurance (NZ) Limited.07-2011Police Home Loan NewsSelling (and buying) a homeSelling and buying a home are amongstthe most important events in mostpeople’s lives. As with most things in life,the more knowledge you have the betteroff you’ll be - so here’s a look at the prosand cons of the main methods used forselling homes in New Zealand.Offer and negotiationThis is a time-honoured and probablystills the most popular method of buyingand selling a home. Your home isadvertised at a specific asking price orrange (for example you can indicate‘Buyer Enquiry Over’ (BEO) a certainamount). Alternatively, you can list it withno price – for example it’s increasinglycommon to simply provide the RateableValue (RV) as a broad indication, and seewhat the market is prepared to pay.Buyers submit offers which the seller canaccept it, reject, or make a counter-offeragainst. The counter-offer can includechanges to the price, the conditions, orboth. The process can go backwards andforwards in this way until an agreement isreached (or not).The advantages of the offer andnegotiation method are that it’sstraightforward and easily understood. Itcan also result in good competition if youhave two or more people interested inyour home, which can lift the price –particularly if you have a skilled real estateagent. On the other hand, buyers willalmost always expect your price to benegotiable, and setting your asking pricetoo high can scare off potential buyers.TenderTenders are an increasingly popular wayof selling a home. No price is set –potential buyers are instead asked tosubmit their best offer in writing (offerscan include conditions). All offers areopened at the same time and the sellerthen reviews them. They don’t have toaccept any offer but are free to negotiateon any of them with the buyer.The major advantages of tenders are thatbuyers are encouraged to put their bestoffer forward, which can mean theyreceive a better price, and the setdeadline creates urgency amongstbuyers. Tenders can also be a useful wayof establishing a market value for homesthat have unique features that make themhard to price. On the other hand, asbuyers don’t know what the ‘competition’is prepared to pay, there is less directcompetition amongst buyers.AuctionAn auction is a relatively straightforwardway to sell a home. The auction is held ata specific time and place and buyerssimply turn up and place their bids. Theseller sets a reserve price and once thatreserve is reached the home must be soldto the highest bidder on an unconditionalbasis. If the reserve is not met the highestbidder gets the first chance to negotiatewith the seller.The obvious advantage of auctions is thatbuyers are directly competing againsteach other, which can lead to a premiumbeing paid to secure the property. They’reoften used when the market is ‘hot’, tostimulate competition. On the other handthere are additional auction expenses,and if there are few bidders the lack ofcompetition may not deliver the bestprice.Different real estate agents mayrecommend different methods. As always,the best method for you depends on yourspecific home and your situation. Askyour real estate agent why they aresuggesting a specific method, and makesure you know exactly what’s involvedbefore deciding how to sell your home.Police Home Loan PackageHowever you choose to buy or sell yourhome, remember you can take advantageof the great benefits and specialdiscounts available with the Police HomeLoan Package. For more information,contact us on the following email address:specialistchannelsnz@nbnz.co.nzThis material is provided as a complimentary service of ANZ National Bank Limited. It is prepared based on information andsources ANZ believes to be reliable. Its content is for information only, is subject to change and is not a substitute for commercialjudgement or professional advice, which should be sought prior to acting in reliance on it. To the extent permitted by law ANZdisclaims liability or responsibility to any person for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may result from any act or omissionsby any person in relation to the material. Package details are subject to change. ANZ’s eligibility and lending criteria, terms,conditions, and fees apply. ANZ National Bank Limited.196August 2011

New Zealand Police AssociationA $1 billion kick start fund for Christchurch homeownersIf you or your family has a home inChristchurch in the Government’s designatedresidential red zone, ANZ can help.They have created a $1,000,000,000fund to support the city and its peoplemove ahead. If you have a home in thered zone you can take advantage of aheavily discounted variable rate – currently3.70%p.a. for the first year of lending– no matter where you relocate to in NewZealand.Members will be able to transfer to thediscounted Police Home Loan Package whenthe year is up.To find out more, go to anz.co.nz/relief orcall them on 0800 269 4663.To be eligible, you need to take up theMental health nurses based atChristchurch Central provetheir worth in freeing up policeBy Deb Stringer, Communications AssistantAn initiative, which has proved instrumentalin addressing the needs ofoffenders exhibiting mental health,alcohol and drug issues - as well as freeingup Police resources at ChristchurchCentral Police Station - has been extendedfor another year.Two mental health nurses are based atthe watch-house as a result of the pilotprogramme, which was instituted in2008. It has been going from strength tostrength in the interim. So much so, thatanother nurse is set to join the team ona part-time basis to ensure services areaccessible to police officers every day.The initiative is run as a partnershipbetween New Zealand Police and theCanterbury District Health Board(CDHB) with funding for the projectadministered by the CDHB.Positive partnershipSenior Sergeant Steve King, formerofficer-in-charge of the ChristchurchCentral watch-house, said the initiativehad been extremely beneficial to police.“A lot of offenders who come to us havemental health and/or drug and alcoholissues. Now thanks to the guidance ofthe nurses, who work alongside us, weare able to address their needs and theycan be referred on to the appropriateservices.”Mr King said one of the biggest benefitsof the initiative had been the saving oftime and resources – freeing officers toconcentrate on other things.“I think it has also given us a greaterunderstanding or mental health anddrug and alcohol issues and hasstrengthened our relationship with theMinistry of Health, as well as otherGovernment and community agenciesspecialising in this area,” Mr King toldPolice News.Mr King said he would love to see theinitiative rolled out nationwide.Speaking from experienceMental health nurse Steve Howie, whohas worked at the watch-house since2008, voiced similar sentiments.“The partnership has been so beneficialand it’s great that we now have policedropping in to talk to us and asking ouradvice on how to deal with these kindsof issues.“I really enjoy working with police andhave the utmost respect for the job theydo and how they deal with challengingsituations.“In the future, we aim to hold moreformalised information sessions forpolice officers, to give them furthersupport to deal with detainees withmental health drug and alcohol issues,”he told Police News.Steady workloadSince his time at the station, Mr Howiesaid the workload had continued tosteadily increase. Every week his teamare seeing 50 to 60 offenders who hadmental health and/or alcohol issues.Of these, 20% have serious mentalhealth issues, with 80% of all offendersbeing processed at the station displayingeither moderate to severe signs of alcoholor drug addiction, Mr Howie said.“There is a lot of work for us to do butwe are pleased to be part of somethingthat seems to be making a difference.”Government offer and bank your payout withANZ within two months of receiving it anddeposit your salary into an ANZ transactionaccount. Eligible residents will receive a2.04% p.a. interest rate discount off ANZ’sSimple Variable home loan rate for the firstyear of lending up to $500,000. The loanmust be drawn down by 31 December, 2012and is only available directly through ANZ.Craig Tickelpennyelected as newRegion 5 DirectorThe face of the NZ Police AssociationBoard of Directors has changed inrecent months with the election oftwo new Directors and a new Vice-President, and the latest change hascome in Region 5, where WellingtonbasedCraig Tickelpenny was recentlyelected as a new Director.Senior Sergeant Tickelpenny did athree year secondment as an IndustrialOfficer at the Association’s NationalOffice before taking up an appointmentat the Royal New Zealand Police College(School of Leadership Management andCommand) as a trainer earlier this year.Mr Tickelpenny told Police News he wassettling in to his new role and recentlyattended his first Board meeting.“I’m looking forward to representingmembers in my region so that theyget the best out of their Associationmembership and involvement,” he said.• Craig Tickelpenny – the Association’s newRegion 5 Director.August 2011197

<strong>Police</strong><strong>New</strong>sThe Voice of <strong>Police</strong>Special offerSix months freeHome InsuranceBuying a new home or refinancing canbe an expensive process, even withtoday’s lower interest rates. We aimto make it easier on <strong>Police</strong> WelfareFund members’ pockets. So <strong>for</strong> thetime being those drawing down a new<strong>Police</strong> Home Loan will be eligible <strong>for</strong> sixmonths free home insurance through theWelfare Fund’s <strong>Police</strong> Fire & GeneralInsurance*.Members eligible <strong>for</strong> the free covershould contact our Member ServicesTeam on 0800 500 122. You will need acopy of your loan document fromThe National Bank or ANZ.<strong>Police</strong> Home Loan PackageANZ or The National Bank – it’s yourchoiceWhether you’re refinancing, buying yourfirst home, selling, investing in property,building or looking <strong>for</strong> ways to manageyour current home loan – a <strong>Police</strong> HomeLoan through The National Bank or ANZmay be able to help.The <strong>Police</strong> Welfare Fund Home Loanpackage provides attractive benefits to<strong>Police</strong> Welfare Fund members <strong>and</strong> <strong>their</strong>immediate family, like:• No Home Loan application fee• A contribution of $500 towards legal feesFor borrowing 80% or lower of a property’svalue:• Discounted floating rates• 0.50% pa off the st<strong>and</strong>ard National Bankor ANZ Flexible Home Loan interest rates• 0.25% off the st<strong>and</strong>ard fixed interest ratesOur <strong>Police</strong> Home Loan package is highlycompetitive <strong>and</strong> flexible.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation or to apply <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Police</strong>Home Loan Package visitwww.policeassn.org.nzThe National Bank <strong>and</strong> ANZ’s lending criteria, terms, conditions <strong>and</strong> fees apply. Forborrowing over 80% of a property’s value, a low equity premium on a graduatedscale will apply, <strong>and</strong> a registered valuer’s report will be required. Eligibilty to apply <strong>for</strong>a <strong>Police</strong> Home Loan package is at the discretion of the <strong>Police</strong> Welfare Fund Limited<strong>and</strong> applicants must be current members of the Fund. This home loan package is notavailable <strong>for</strong> low documentation home loans or loans approved through a broker. Fora copy of The National Bank or ANZ Disclosure Statement <strong>and</strong> full details (includingterms <strong>and</strong> conditions) contact any branch of The National Bank of <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> (partof ANZ Bank Limited) nor the ANZ.*<strong>Police</strong> Fire & General Insurance will be subject to the st<strong>and</strong>ard underwritingterms <strong>and</strong> conditions <strong>and</strong> is provided through the <strong>Police</strong> Welfare Fund not byThe National Bank or ANZ. Members are eligible <strong>for</strong> one period of six months free<strong>Police</strong> Fire & General Home Insurance premium only, per member, regardless of theterm of <strong>Police</strong> Home Loan taken. <strong>Police</strong> Fire & General Insurance is underwritten byLumley General Insurance (NZ) Limited.07-2011<strong>Police</strong> Home Loan <strong>New</strong>sSelling (<strong>and</strong> buying) a homeSelling <strong>and</strong> buying a home are amongstthe most important events in mostpeople’s lives. As with most things in life,the more knowledge you have the betteroff you’ll be - so here’s a look at the pros<strong>and</strong> cons of the main methods used <strong>for</strong>selling homes in <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong>.Offer <strong>and</strong> negotiationThis is a time-honoured <strong>and</strong> probablystills the most popular method of buying<strong>and</strong> selling a home. Your home isadvertised at a specific asking price orrange (<strong>for</strong> example you can indicate‘Buyer Enquiry Over’ (BEO) a certainamount). Alternatively, you can list it withno price – <strong>for</strong> example it’s increasinglycommon to simply provide the RateableValue (RV) as a broad indication, <strong>and</strong> seewhat the market is prepared to pay.Buyers submit offers which the seller canaccept it, reject, or make a counter-offeragainst. The counter-offer can includechanges to the price, the conditions, orboth. The process can go backwards <strong>and</strong><strong>for</strong>wards in this way until an agreement isreached (or not).The advantages of the offer <strong>and</strong>negotiation method are that it’sstraight<strong>for</strong>ward <strong>and</strong> easily understood. Itcan also result in good competition if youhave two or more people interested inyour home, which can lift the price –particularly if you have a skilled real estateagent. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, buyers willalmost always expect your price to benegotiable, <strong>and</strong> setting your asking pricetoo high can scare off potential buyers.TenderTenders are an increasingly popular wayof selling a home. No price is set –potential buyers are instead asked tosubmit <strong>their</strong> best offer in writing (offerscan include conditions). All offers areopened at the same time <strong>and</strong> the sellerthen reviews them. They don’t have toaccept any offer but are free to negotiateon any of them with the buyer.The major advantages of tenders are thatbuyers are encouraged to put <strong>their</strong> bestoffer <strong>for</strong>ward, which can mean they<strong>receive</strong> a better price, <strong>and</strong> the setdeadline creates urgency amongstbuyers. Tenders can also be a useful wayof establishing a market value <strong>for</strong> homesthat have unique features that make themhard to price. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, asbuyers don’t know what the ‘competition’is prepared to pay, there is less directcompetition amongst buyers.AuctionAn auction is a relatively straight<strong>for</strong>wardway to sell a home. The auction is held ata specific time <strong>and</strong> place <strong>and</strong> buyerssimply turn up <strong>and</strong> place <strong>their</strong> bids. Theseller sets a reserve price <strong>and</strong> once thatreserve is reached the home must be soldto the highest bidder on an unconditionalbasis. If the reserve is not met the highestbidder gets the first chance to negotiatewith the seller.The obvious advantage of auctions is thatbuyers are directly competing againsteach other, which can lead to a premiumbeing paid to secure the property. They’reoften used when the market is ‘hot’, tostimulate competition. On the other h<strong>and</strong>there are additional auction expenses,<strong>and</strong> if there are few bidders the lack ofcompetition may not deliver the bestprice.Different real estate agents mayrecommend different methods. As always,the best method <strong>for</strong> you depends on yourspecific home <strong>and</strong> your situation. Askyour real estate agent why they aresuggesting a specific method, <strong>and</strong> makesure you know exactly what’s involvedbe<strong>for</strong>e deciding how to sell your home.<strong>Police</strong> Home Loan PackageHowever you choose to buy or sell yourhome, remember you can take advantageof the great benefits <strong>and</strong> specialdiscounts available with the <strong>Police</strong> HomeLoan Package. For more in<strong>for</strong>mation,contact us on the following email address:specialistchannelsnz@nbnz.co.nzThis material is provided as a complimentary service of ANZ National Bank Limited. It is prepared based on in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>and</strong>sources ANZ believes to be reliable. Its content is <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation only, is subject to change <strong>and</strong> is not a substitute <strong>for</strong> commercialjudgement or professional advice, which should be sought prior to acting in reliance on it. To the extent permitted by law ANZdisclaims liability or responsibility to any person <strong>for</strong> any direct or indirect loss or damage that may result from any act or omissionsby any person in relation to the material. Package details are subject to change. ANZ’s eligibility <strong>and</strong> lending criteria, terms,conditions, <strong>and</strong> fees apply. ANZ National Bank Limited.196August 2011

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