Connecting Collecting - Sveriges Museer

Connecting Collecting - Sveriges Museer

Connecting Collecting - Sveriges Museer


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LEADER&No 2, November 2007. Volume 31.Towards extendedcollaborationBy Christina Mattsson»Thirty years ago, the Swedishmuseums of cultural historycreated the cooperative organizationSamdok to steer attention away fromthe old peasant society towards the rapidlychanging industrial society. Withthe aid of Samdok, the museums woulddescribe the entire transition from selfsufficiencyto the information society,perhaps the most dramatic period inthe life of individuals in Sweden – thetime when people experienced morechanges in their living conditions thanany previous generation.Samdok has also argued over theyears for a more problem-orientedway of working, studying the presentday to arrive at descriptions of socialand cultural processes. It is a matter ofsuch central contemporary issues aswork and unemployment, career andexclusion, new technology and newknowledge requirements, racism andxenophobia, and so on. The aim is tofoster continuous research on everydaySwedish life.<strong>Collecting</strong> is possibly an even moreburning issue now than when Samdokwas started. The museums’ sphere ofoperation has grown, so that the scopetoday is enormous. Visitor statisticsand priority goals tend to become moreimportant than the actual collecting.Outreaching work takes over and thecollections risk being neglected. Yet thecollections are the very foundation ofthe museums’ work.The museums play an immenselyimportant role as a collective memory.2 • Samtid & museer no 2/07It is we museum employees who passjudgement on what is to be rememberedand what is to be forgotten, whatfuture generations should see. No otherinstitutions take the responsibility forpreserving material culture. The museums’collecting work is also significantfor today’s people, by observing andparticipating in contemporary processes.Museums in different parts of theworld have similar missions, and ourproblems are in general the same. Thisalso applies to the exploration of ourown times, the investigation of thingsthat we ourselves can see and experience.Documenting the present has itsspecial questions, and internationalcooperation is necessary, particularly intimes when resources are scarce.Samdok is a shared resource formuseums in Sweden, and the task ofthe Nordiska Museet as the country’sbiggest museum of cultural history isto give stability to the organization. Wenow hope that an international forumfor dialogue and collaboration on collectionmatters can be established. Theaim of this autumn’s conference is tocreate a platform for continued workalong these lines, preferably on thefoundation of the experience gained bySamdok, the network for contemporarystudies that has functioned for threedecades. pChristina Mattsson is director of the NordiskaMuseet and chair of the Samdok Councilchristina.mattsson@nordiskamuseet.seContentsTowards extended collaboration 2Christina MattssonA network for developing collectingand research 3Eva FägerborgReflecting collecting 4Eva SilvénUpdating Sweden – contemporaryperspectives on cultural encounters 6Leif MagnussonWhat’s it like at home? 8Mikael Eivergård and Johan KnutssonLeisure as a mirror of society 10Marie Nyberg and Christine FredriksenBetween preservation and change – thebuilt environment as a mirror of the times 12Barbro Mellander and Anna UlfstrandNature – an exploited heritage 14Ann-Katrin Wahss and Eva GradinPeople at work 16Charlotte Åkerman, Carin Andersson,and Ann Kristin CarlströmPublic institutions in change 18Eva Thunér-Ohlsson and Kristina StoltIn the midst of the world 20Anne Murray and Eva SilvénImages of contemporary Sweden 22ISSN 1402-3512Published by Samdok, an association of Swedish museumsof cultural history devoted to collecting, documenting, andstudying the present day.EDITED BY Eva FägerborgRESPONSIBLE EDITOR Christina MattssonCOPYRIGHT Text: Samdok/Nordiska Museet and the authors.Illustrations: The respective photographer/picture archive.Opinions are those of the authors. Unsigned contributionsare by the editor.COVER PICTURE Members of several Samdok pools at thefoot of ”Potato Hill” in Ammarnäs during the field seminar inAugust 2007. Photo Petter Engman, Västerbotten Museum.NEXT ISSUE will appear in May 2008DESIGN underhuset.comENGLISH TRANSLATION Alan CrozierPRINTED BY Ljungbergs, KlippanSAMDOKSEKRETARIATETNordiska museetBox 27820SE-115 93 StockholmTel +46 8 519 546 00Fax +46 8 5195 45 72samdok@nordiskamuseet.senordiskamuseet.se/samdok

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