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BIBLIOGRAPHY 441Petroff, E. A., ed. (1986). Medieval Women’s Visionary Literature. Oxford.Petti Balbi, G. (1995). “Il presente e il senso della storia in Caffaro e nei suoi continuatori”.Pp. 31–52 in Il senso della storia nella cultura medievale italiana (1100–1350):quattordicesimo convegno di studi; Pistoia, 14–17 maggio 1993. Pistoia.Peuckert, W.-E. (1948/1966). Die große Wende. Hamburg. [Repr. Darmstadt, 1966.]Phelps, J. M. (1972). ‘A Study of Renewal Ideas in the Writings of the Early Franciscans:1210–1256’. Ph.D. diss. University of California.Philippart, G. (1977). Les légendiers latins et autres manuscrits hagiographiques. Typologiedes sources du Moyen Age occidental 24–25. Turnhout.——, et al. (1994–96). Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la literature hagiographiquelatine et vernaculaire en Occident des origines à 1550. 2 vols. Turnhout.Picard, E. (1991). Germanisches Sakralkönigtum? Quellenkritische Studien zur Germania desTacitus und zur altnordischen Überlieferung. Heidelberg.Picard, J.-M. (1982). ‘The Purpose of Adomnán’s “Vita Columbae”’. Peritia 1 (1982):160–77.——. (1984). ‘Bede, Adomnán, and the Writing of History’. Peritia 3 (1984): 50–70.——. (1985). ‘Structural patterns in early Hiberno-Latin hagiography’. Peritia 4(1985): 67–82.Pizarro, J. M. (1989). A Rhetoric of the Scene. Dramatic Narrative in the Early Middle Ages.Toronto.——. (1995). Writing Ravenna: a Narrative Performance in the Ninth Century. Ann Arbor, Mich.Plezia, M. (1947). Kronika Galla na tle historiografii XII wieku. Polska Akad. Umiejétnóci.Rozprawy wydzia∑u historyczno-filozoficznego II, 46. Kraków.Pohl, W. (1994). “Tradition, Ethnogenese und literarische Gestaltung: eine Zwischenbilanz”.Pp. 9–26 in Ethnogenese und Überlieferung. Angewandte Methoden der Frühmittelalterforschung,ed. K. Brunner and B. Merta. Vienna.——. (1998). “Introduction: Strategies of Distinction”. Pp. 3–15 in Strategies of Distinction:The Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300–800, ed. W. Pohl and H. Reimitz.Leiden.——. (1998b). “Telling the Difference: Signs of Ethnic Identity”. Pp. 17–69 inStrategies of Distinction: The Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300–800, ed. W. Pohland H. Reimitz. Leiden.Poirion, D. ‘Romans en vers et romans en prose.’ GRMLA vol. IV, 1. 76.——. (1992). ‘Chanson de geste.’ Dictionnaire des Lettres Françaises. 1964. ed. G.Hasenohr and M. Zink, coll. “Pochothèque”, Paris.Pommerol, M.-H. (1992). “Bernard Gui”. Pp. 152–54 in Dictionnaire des lettres françaises.Le Moyen Age, ed. R. Bossuat, et al. New ed. Paris.Poole, R. L. (1926). Chronicles and Annals: a brief outline of their origin and growth. Oxford.Porta, G. (1995). “La costruzione della storia in Giovanni Villanni”. Pp. 125–38 inIl senso della storia nella cultura medievale italiana (1100–1350): quattordicesimo convegnodi studi; Pistoia, 14–17 maggio 1993. Pistoia.Potthast, A. (1896). Bibliotheca historica Medii Aevi. 2 vols. Berlin. [Repr. Graz, 1957.]——. (1962–98). Repertorium fontium historiae Medii Aevi. Vols. 1–8.2. Rome.Poupardin, R. (1900). Généalogies angevines du X ie siècle. Rome.Powierski, J. (1997). “Czas napisania kroniki przez Mistrza Wincentego”. Pp. 147–208in Krzy/xówcy, kronikarze, dyplomaci, ed. B. ∑iwió“kí . Gdaó“kie studia z dziejów®edniowiecza 4. Gda~“k and Koszalin.Pratesi, R. (1960). “Amici Giovanni (Bernardino da Fossa, Bernardino Aquilano”.Pp. 778–80 in Dizionario biografico degli Italiani 2. Rome.Prerovsky, U. (1974). Il Liber Pontificalis nella recensione di Pietro Guglielmo e del cardinaloPandolfo. 3 vols. Rome.Proksch, C. (1994). Klosterreform und Geschichtsschreibung im Spätmittelalter. Cologne.Queller, D. E., and T. F. Madden (1997). The Fourth Crusade. The Conquest of Constantinople.2nd edn, Philadelphia.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 441Petroff, E. A., ed. (1986). Medieval Women’s Visionary Literature. Oxford.Petti Balbi, G. (1995). “Il presente e il senso della storia in Caffaro e nei suoi continuatori”.Pp. 31–52 in Il senso della storia nella cultura medievale italiana (1100–1350):quattordicesimo convegno di studi; Pistoia, 14–17 maggio 1993. Pistoia.Peuckert, W.-E. (1948/1966). Die große Wende. Hamburg. [Repr. Darmstadt, 1966.]Phelps, J. M. (1972). ‘A Study of Renewal Ideas in the Writings of the Early Franciscans:1210–1256’. Ph.D. diss. University of California.Philippart, G. (1977). Les légendiers latins et autres manuscrits hagiographiques. Typologiedes sources du Moyen Age occidental 24–25. Turnhout.——, et al. (1994–96). Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la literature hagiographiquelatine et vernaculaire en Occident des origines à 1550. 2 vols. Turnhout.Picard, E. (1991). Germanisches Sakralkönigtum? Quellenkritische Studien zur Germania desTacitus und zur altnordischen Überlieferung. Heidelberg.Picard, J.-M. (1982). ‘The Purpose of Adomnán’s “Vita Columbae”’. Peritia 1 (1982):160–77.——. (1984). ‘Bede, Adomnán, and the Writing of History’. Peritia 3 (1984): 50–70.——. (1985). ‘Structural patterns in early Hiberno-Latin hagiography’. Peritia 4(1985): 67–82.Pizarro, J. M. (1989). A Rhetoric of the Scene. Dramatic Narrative in the Early Middle Ages.Toronto.——. (1995). Writing Ravenna: a Narrative Performance in the Ninth Century. Ann Arbor, Mich.Plezia, M. (1947). Kronika Galla na tle historiografii XII wieku. Polska Akad. Umiejétnóci.Rozprawy wydzia∑u historyczno-filozoficznego II, 46. Kraków.Pohl, W. (1994). “Tradition, Ethnogenese und literarische Gestaltung: eine Zwischenbilanz”.Pp. 9–26 in Ethnogenese und Überlieferung. Angewandte Methoden der Frühmittelalterforschung,ed. K. Brunner and B. Merta. Vienna.——. (1998). “Introduction: Strategies of Distinction”. Pp. 3–15 in Strategies of Distinction:The Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300–800, ed. W. Pohl and H. Reimitz.Leiden.——. (1998b). “Telling the Difference: Signs of Ethnic Identity”. Pp. 17–69 inStrategies of Distinction: The Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300–800, ed. W. Pohland H. Reimitz. Leiden.Poirion, D. ‘Romans en vers et romans en prose.’ GRMLA vol. IV, 1. 76.——. (1992). ‘Chanson de geste.’ Dictionnaire des Lettres Françaises. 1964. ed. G.Hasenohr and M. Zink, coll. “Pochothèque”, Paris.Pommerol, M.-H. (1992). “Bernard Gui”. Pp. 152–54 in Dictionnaire des lettres françaises.Le Moyen Age, ed. R. Bossuat, et al. New ed. Paris.Poole, R. L. (1926). Chronicles and Annals: a brief outline of their origin and growth. Oxford.Porta, G. (1995). “La costruzione della storia in Giovanni Villanni”. Pp. 125–38 inIl senso della storia nella cultura medievale italiana (1100–1350): quattordicesimo convegnodi studi; Pistoia, 14–17 maggio 1993. Pistoia.Potthast, A. (1896). Bibliotheca historica Medii Aevi. 2 vols. Berlin. [Repr. Graz, 1957.]——. (1962–98). Repertorium fontium historiae Medii Aevi. Vols. 1–8.2. Rome.Poupardin, R. (1900). Généalogies angevines du X ie siècle. Rome.Powierski, J. (1997). “Czas napisania kroniki przez Mistrza Wincentego”. Pp. 147–208in Krzy/xówcy, kronikarze, dyplomaci, ed. B. ∑iwió“kí . Gdaó“kie studia z dziejów®edniowiecza 4. Gda~“k and Koszalin.Pratesi, R. (1960). “Amici Giovanni (Bernardino da Fossa, Bernardino Aquilano”.Pp. 778–80 in Dizionario biografico degli Italiani 2. Rome.Prerovsky, U. (1974). Il Liber Pontificalis nella recensione di Pietro Guglielmo e del cardinaloPandolfo. 3 vols. Rome.Proksch, C. (1994). Klosterreform und Geschichtsschreibung im Spätmittelalter. Cologne.Queller, D. E., and T. F. Madden (1997). The Fourth Crusade. The Conquest of Constantinople.2nd edn, Philadelphia.

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