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426 BIBLIOGRAPHY——. (1985b). ‘Update: The Manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s “HistoriaRegum Britanniae”: A Second Supplement.’ Arthurian Literature, ed. Richard Barber.Vol. V. Woodbridge.——. (1986). ‘The Historical Value of the “Historia Brittonum”.’ Arthurian Literature,ed. Richard Barber. Vol. VI. Woodbridge.Dunn-Lardeau, B., ed. (1986). Legenda aurea: sept siècles de diffusion. Actes du colloqueinternational sur la Legenda aurea: texte latin et branches vernaculaires à l’Université du Québecà Montréal. Montreal and Paris.Dupré, E. (1952). Roma dal comune di popolo alla signoria pontificia. Bologna.——. (1956). Aspetti della città medievale italiana. Bologna.——. (1958). La città medievale in Europa. Bologna.Dyer, N. J. (1990). “Alfonsine Historiography: The Literary Narrative”. Pp. 141–58,248–51 in <strong>Emperor</strong> of Culture. Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and His Thirteenth-CenturyRenaissance, ed. R. I. Burns. Philadelphia.Eckert, W. P. (1986). “Jakob von Soest. Prediger und Inquisitor”. Pp. 125–38 inVon Soest-aus Westfalen. Wege und Wirkung abgewanderter Westfalen im späten Mittelalterund in der frühen Neuzeit, ed. H.-D. Heimann. Paderborn.Edwards, A. S. G. (1978–81). ‘The Influence and Audience of the Polychronicon:Some Observations’. Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (Literaryand History Section), 17 (1978–1981): 113–19.Eggert, W. (1994). “‘Franken und Sachsen’ bei Notker, Widukind und anderen”.Pp. 514–530 in Historiographie im frühen Mittelalter, ed. Anton Scharer and GeorgScheibelreiter. Vienna.Eley, P. (1994). ‘How Long is a Trojan War? Aspects of Time in the “Roman deTroie” and its Sources.’ Shifts and Transpositions in Medieval Narrative. A Festschrift forDr Elspeth Kennedy, ed. Karen Pratt. Cambridge.Elm, K. (1972). ‘Franziskus und Dominikus. Wirkungen und Antriebskräfte zweierOrdensstifter’. Saeculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 23 (1972): 127–47.Emanuel, H. D. (1966). ‘Geoffrey of Monmouth’s “Historia Regum Britannie”: ASecond Variant Version.’ Medium Aevum 35 (1966), 103–10.Emms, R. (1995). “The Historical Traditions of St. Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury”.Pp. 159–68 in Canterbury and the Norman Conquest. Chuches, Saints and Scholars1066–1109, ed. R. Eales and R. Sharpe. London and Rio Grande.Engels, L. J. (1979). ‘Once more the Carmen de Hastingae Proelio’, Anglo-Norman Studies2 (1979), 3–14.Engels, O. (1989). “Der Reichsbischof in ottonischer und frühsalischer Zeit”. Pp.135–75 in Beiträge zur Geschichte und Struktur der mittelalterlichen Germania Sacra, ed.I. Crusius. Veröffentlichungen des Max Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 93. Göttingen.English Historical Documents (1969–81). English Historical Documents. Edited by D. C.Douglas, G. W. Greenaway, H. Rothwell, and A. R. Myers. Vols. 2–4. London.Ennen, E. (1972). Die europäische Stadt des Mittelalters. Göttingen.Erickson, C. (1972). ‘Bartholomew of Pisa, Francis exalted: De conformitate’. MediaevalStudies 34 (1972): 253–74.Erikson, A. (1965). ‘The Problem of Authorship in the Chronicle of Fredegar’. Eranos63 (1965): 47–76.Eysenhard, M. (1750). Hermanni Gygantis ordinis fratrum minorum Flores temporumseu Chronicon. Pp. 140–163 in Flores temporum-Fortsetzung, 1355–1513, ed.J. G. Meuschen. 2nd ed. Leiden.Fanning, S. (1991). ‘Bede, Imperium, and the Bretwaldas’. Speculum 66 (1991): 1–26.Faral, E. (1936). ‘Geoffroy de Villehardouin. La question de sa sincérité.’ Revue historique177 (1936), 530–82.Farmer, Dom H. (1962). ‘William of Malmesbury’s Life and Works.’ Journal ofEcclesiastical History 13 (1962), 39–54.Fasoli, G. (1970). ‘Rileggendo il ‘Liber Pontificalis’ di Agnello Ravennate’. Settimanedi studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medio evo 17 (1970): 457–95, 711–18.

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