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LOCAL AND INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY (300‒1000) 105The entries were written carefully, with a great concern for thechronology. In the eyes of the reader the church of Auxerre growslittle by little just as it did in the ninth century, illuminated by theprestige and the sanctity of its successive bishops, enriched with theirtalents that constitute its heritage, organized by the liturgical regulationsthat they set into place and used to decorate the monumentsthat they had built.At the end of the century, around 893, Bishop Foulques of Reims,in order to restore the schools of his city, makes an appeal to thescholar Remi of Auxerre and to the monk Hucbald of Saint-Amand,who had been a student of Heiric in the Auxerre school. The Auxerroisculture gives a new start to the school of Reims, whose beginninghad been launched by the great Hincmar (845–82). Furthermore,the canon Flodoard was educated in this school in the years around810. In the middle of the century, between 848 and 852, he wrotehis History of the church of Reims, 39 which is the most complete realizationof local and institutional history in the West. 40Previously, Hucbald had participated in the reform of the monasteryof Saint-Bertin at the time of Abbot Raoul. This monastery, in theprovince of Reims, received an oblate by name of Folcuin, who composedthe Gesta abbatum sancti Bertini Sithiensium in 961. 41 Four yearslater, in 965, the same Folcuin, having become abbot of the monasteryof Lobbes in the diocese of Cambrai, composed the Gesta abbatumfor this abbey. 42Among the monks of Lobbes, disciples of Folcuin, we find Heriger,who succeeded the former as abbot. It is Heriger who was commissionedto write the gesta episcoporum for the city of Liège by thebishop Notger of Liège (972–1008). His work was taken up againlater, at the time of Bishop Wazo (1042–48), by another monk ofLobbes, Anselm, who dedicated his work to Archbishop Anno ofCologne, of which Liège is a suffragan. 43The bishopric of Cambrai was in East Francia since the divisionof Verdun and thus in the empire restored by the Ottonians in 962.39Flodoard, Historia Remensis ecclesiae, ed. Strattmann.40Sot (1993).41Folcuin, Gesta abbatum sancti Bertini Sithiensium, ed. O. Holder-Egger, MGH SS13 (Hanover, 1881).42Folcuin, Gesta abbatum Lobiensium, ed. Pertz.43Gesta episcoporum Leodiensium, ed. R. Koepke, MGH SS 4 (Hanover, 1841).

106 MICHEL SOTBut it still belonged to the ecclesiastical province of Reims, andLobbes Abbey was in its jurisdiction. Bishop Gérard I had his Gestaepiscoporum written there around 1024–25. 44 This Gérard came fromthe region of Liège. He was the nephew of the archbishop Adalberoof Reims, and he was educated in the cathedral school of Reims,where he became canon. We remain, therefore, in the same culturaland political circle.Coming back to the Auxerre school, it maintained close relationswith the monastery of Fleury-sur-Loire. In the last quarter of thetenth century, we find in this monastery an abrupt flourishing of historiography45 under the impetus of Abbo (989–1004), who gave asummary of the Roman Liber pontificalis, and especially due to hisdisciple Aimoin, who wrote, after 1007, the Gesta of the abbots of Fleury.Aimoin’s work is not extant today, but we believe that it was inspired,at least in composition, by the Liber pontificalis summarized by Abboand the Gesta of the bishops of Auxerre.In Eleventh-Century SaxonyA third group of local histories in the form of gesta episcoporum appearedin Saxony, at the very end of the tenth century, which we can putin relation to the Ottonian restoration. The first known editions ofthe Gesta episcoporum of Halberstadt 46 and of Magdeburg 47 are fromthe period around 1020, but it has been established that some elementsexisted as early as the end of the tenth century. 48 Around1080 the texts of Hildesheim and Hamburg 49 appear. These Saxonbishoprics are of Carolingian imperial foundation, and their historyhighlights this imperial origin. The prologue of the Gesta of Magdeburgstates that the city owes its enormous prosperity to three emperors:Julius Caesar who founded it, Charlemagne who brought faith to it,and Otto the Great who established it as an archbishopric. The Gesta44Gesta pontificum cameracensium, ed. G. Bethmann, MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846);Van Mingroot (1975).45Bautier (1975).46Gesta episcoporum Halberstadtensium, ed. L. Wieland, MGH SS 23 (Hanover, 1874).47Gesta archiepiscoporum Magdeburgensium, ed. G. Schum, MGH SS 14 (Hanover,1883).48Jäschke (1970); Schlochtermeyer (1998).49Chronicon Hildesheimense, ed. G. H. Pertz, MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846); GestaHammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, ed. G. Waitz, MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846).

106 MICHEL SOTBut it still belonged to the ecclesiastical province of Reims, andLobbes Abbey was in its jurisdiction. Bishop Gérard I had his Gestaepiscoporum written there around 1024–25. 44 This Gérard came fromthe region of Liège. He was the nephew of the archbishop Adalberoof Reims, and he was educated in the cathedral school of Reims,where he became canon. We remain, therefore, in the same culturaland political circle.Coming back to the Auxerre school, it maintained close relationswith the monastery of Fleury-sur-Loire. In the last quarter of thetenth century, we find in this monastery an abrupt flourishing of historiography45 under the impetus of Abbo (989–1004), who gave asummary of the Roman Liber pontificalis, and especially due to hisdisciple Aimoin, who wrote, after 1007, the Gesta of the abbots of Fleury.Aimoin’s work is not extant today, but we believe that it was inspired,at least in composition, by the Liber pontificalis summarized by Abboand the Gesta of the bishops of Auxerre.In Eleventh-Century SaxonyA third group of local histories in the form of gesta episcoporum appearedin Saxony, at the very end of the tenth century, which we can putin relation to the Ottonian restoration. The first known editions ofthe Gesta episcoporum of Halberstadt 46 and of Magdeburg 47 are fromthe period around 1020, but it has been established that some elementsexisted as early as the end of the tenth century. 48 Around1080 the texts of Hildesheim and Hamburg 49 appear. These Saxonbishoprics are of Carolingian imperial foundation, and their historyhighlights this imperial origin. The prologue of the Gesta of Magdeburgstates that the city owes its enormous prosperity to three emperors:Julius Caesar who founded it, Charlemagne who brought faith to it,and Otto the Great who established it as an archbishopric. The Gesta44Gesta pontificum cameracensium, ed. G. Bethmann, MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846);Van Mingroot (1975).45Bautier (1975).46Gesta episcoporum Halberstadtensium, ed. L. Wieland, MGH SS 23 (Hanover, 1874).47Gesta archiepiscoporum Magdeburgensium, ed. G. Schum, MGH SS 14 (Hanover,1883).48Jäschke (1970); Schlochtermeyer (1998).49Chronicon Hildesheimense, ed. G. H. Pertz, MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846); GestaHammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, ed. G. Waitz, MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846).

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