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The GatekeepersEncounter Level 5 (1,000 XP)Setup2 arbalesters (A)2 iron defenders (D)2 stone harriers (H)Khekolak discovered the lingering secrets of CastleKorvald, including the hidden command words forthe fortress’s animated guardians.If the PCs approach the castle by means of thebridge, they inevitably pass between towers 2 and 3,only to find their way blocked by the rusty portcullis.Provide the read-aloud text, then place two arbalestersas shown on the map. Four other creaturesare in area 2, but it is highly unlikely that the PCsdetect them until they attack, as detailed in the roomdescription. If the PCs do not notice the arbalestersbefore they attack (see Perception Check, below), theyare surprised.After the players roll initiative, they likely focustheir attention on the arbalesters behind the portcullis.Only then do the iron defenders and stoneharriers appear from behind.Perception CheckDC 16: Several creatures move about in the shadowsbehind the portcullis. Clearly, the chamber beyond is notuninhabited.When one or more PCs approach the portcullis,read:From the shadows beyond the iron bars, a pair of peculiardevices clatters into view. Wooden tripods with metal-shodfeed skitter forward like insects. Atop each device, an enormouscrossbow swivels about until the rusty quarrels aimsquarely at you.When the other homunculi enter combat, read:As bolts whistle through the air, launched from beyond theportcullis, a quartet of dark figures drops from the shadowyheights of the tower behind you. Two appear to be horriblehunting hounds of wrought iron, and the others are spikebedeckedhumanoids of stone, roughly the size of halflings.With a stiff, halting gait, like marionettes in the hands of apoor puppeteer, they advance on you.2 Arbalesters (A) Level 4 ArtilleryMedium natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 175 eachInitiative +6 Senses Perception +8; darkvisionHP 43; Bloodied 21AC 17; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 15Immune disease, poisonSpeed 6m Slam (standard; at-will)+11 vs. AC; 1d4 + 2 damage.r Bolt (standard; at-will)Ranged 20/40; +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.R Double Shot (standard; recharge ⚃⚄⚅); see also guard area)The arbalester makes a bolt attack against two different targetswithin 5 squares of each other.Guard AreaAt the start of the arbalester’s turn, if an enemy is in its guardedarea, the arbalester recharges its double shot power. Thehomunculus has been commanded to guard the area (4 squareson a side) directly in front of the portcullis.Alignment Unaligned Languages —Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)Con 13 (+3) Int 5 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)2 Iron Defenders (D) Level 3 SoldierMedium natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 150 eachInitiative +5 Senses Perception +6; darkvisionHP 47; Bloodied 23AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 13Immune disease, poisonSpeed 6m Bite (standard; at-will)+8 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage.M Guard Creature (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemyattacks the stone harrier it is commanded to defend; at-will)The iron defender makes a bite attack against the enemy. Eachiron defender is commanded to defend one of the stone harriers.Pursue and AttackWhen the iron defender makes an opportunity attack, it shifts 1square before or after the attack.Alignment Unaligned Languages —Str 16 (+4) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)Con 15 (+3) Int 5 (–2) Cha 8 (+0)2 Stone Harriers (H) Level 4 ControllerSmall natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 175 eachInitiative +4 Senses Perception +7; darkvisionHP 46; Bloodied 23AC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 14Immune disease, poisonSpeed 6, burrow 4m Stab (standard; at-will)+8 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends);see also guard object.A Harrying Stone (standard; at-will)Area burst 1 within 5 squares; affects only creatures in contactwith the ground; +7 vs. Reflex; the target is immobilized (saveends).Guard ObjectThe stone harrier deals 1d6 extra damage against targetsadjacent to or carrying its guarded object. These stone harriersare commanded to guard the portcullis (technically, one specificbar of the portcullis, due to weight restrictions).Alignment Unaligned Languages —Str 16 (+5) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 11 (+2)Con 16 (+5) Int 5 (–1) Cha 8 (+1)98CHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs

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