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monster measured more than four hundred feetfrom snout to tail, with her wingspan reachingalmost five hundred feet. Her deep red scales wereeach as large as a shield and as hard as steel. Herrule was finally ended by the hero Mina who slewthe mighty dragon overlord. Malystyx appears inthe novel Age of Mortals.D&D (Greyhawk)DragonsThe oldest D&D campaign setting boasts manyfamous <strong>dragons</strong>.AulicusIn forgotten barrows in a lonely swamp lurks avampiric lizardfolk whose grasp on power is aidedand abetted by the black dragon Aulicus. This blackdragon appears in the adventure I2: Tomb of the LizardKing.Brazzemal the BrightBrazzemal has unusually light scales for a red dragon,and a particularly bright flaming breath. The dragonis given to long periods of sleepy torpor. But thesehabits do not make it too vulnerable, thanks to thelocation of its lair in a deep cavern under the volcanicground in the Hellfurnaces. Above his chamber, firegiants lair. This red dragon appears in the adventureG3: Hall of the Fire Giant King.CalcryxCalcryx was the white dragon wyrmling mascot of akobold tribe that lived in the ruins of a fallen fortressknown as the Sunless Citadel. The white dragon wasstolen by enemy goblins, and its fate afterward wasnever fully established. Calcryx appears in the adventureSunless Citadel.FarcluunNear the Tower of the crazed mage Zagig is the cavernouslair of the ancient red dragon Farcluun, whoknew full well of Zagig’s unstable state, and took whatadvantage it could. Farcluun appears in WGR1: GreyhawkRuins.NightscaleThis young black dragon lairs beneath the fallendwarfhold of Khundrukar in a sunken cavern calledthe Black Lake. The dwarves are long gone, but variousgoblin and orc bands now inhabit the tunnels,but view visit Nightscale, because the black dragon isalways hungry. Nightscale appears in the adventureForge of Fury.Forgotten RealmsDragonsThe <strong>dragons</strong> of Faerûn are legion. All the <strong>dragons</strong>described below appeared in DRAGON ® Magazine’sWyrms of the North feature.Daurgothoth,“The Creeping Doom”This male black dragon has embraced undeath, andhunts the world as a dracolich. This great dragon lairsnot too far from Waterdeep, and through bribes andthreat of death, “employs” several agents to purchaseor steal interesting items in the City of Splendors tocontinue building his hoard.Hoondarrh,“The Red Rage of Mintarn”This male ancient red dragon keeps several lairs. Hismain one on the isle of Skadaurak is a vast complexof subterranean rooms with easy access for a flyingdragon. The dragon has a deal with the folk of Mintarn;in return for a yearly tribute, Hoondarrh won’t laywaste to Mintarn, and sometimes he even protects it.Mornauguth,“The Moor Dragon”This female adult green dragon lairs in the MistyForest in an area of steep-sided, breakneck woodedravines. Rumor has it that Mornauguth is a humantransformed, trapped in green dragon shape by acurse. Formerly a priestess of Shar, her reckless ambitionscaught up with her.Olothontor,“The Minstrel Wyrm”This elder blue dragon lairs not far from Waterdeep.Olothontor loves music above all else. He is rumoredto grant extravagant gifts to minstrels whose songsplease him. Intruders who stumble into his lair andthen play or sing won’t be attacked, so long as theyfurnish good music and plenty of it.Voaraghamanthar,“The Black Death”This elder black dragon has learned something ofsorcery. It lairs in the Mere of Dead Men, a salt waterswamp. Rumored to have the ability to be in twoplaces at one time, in truth Voaraghamanthar and itsclutch sibling, Waervaerendor, fool the incredulousby posing as each other as need demands. No onesuspects the flitting black ghost of claws and jawsthat strikes out of nowhere, that lives in black swampwaters that hide the bodies of victims soon to bedined upon, is really a team of two.FAMOUS DRAGONSCHAPTER 2 | DM’s Guide to Dragons89

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