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Uses of DragonComponentsThe most common use of dragon components is toenhance rituals. Assuming the dragon component inquestion has a tie to the ritual’s target, its use requiresno special preparation of the organs and no advanceplanning. The ritual performer holds out (or touches,in the case of larger components such as bones andthe heart) the part or parts while completing theritual.Depending on the type of component (blood,bones, brain, eye, or heart) and the age of the dragonfrom which it is harvested (wyrmling, young, adult orolder), a component can grant its user a benefit whenperforming a ritual. The younger the dragon, thelower the level of the ritual that the component canaffect, as borne out in the following sections.A component is drained of all its power in a singleritual performance, crumbling to ash or shrivelingto gray, leathery flesh. Using a dragon component asan enhancement to a ritual is a one-time proposition.Also, any single dragon can provide only one “dose”of a certain kind of component—separate amounts ofthe same dragon’s blood, for example, can’t be used toenhance two or more ritual performances.Also, a ritual performer cannot stack separate“doses” of a specific dragon component in a singleritual. For instance, although a dragon’s eye grantsa +5 bonus to Arcana checks when performing anexploration ritual, using two eyes doesn’t increase thebonus to +10.BloodDragon’s blood is infused with energy. It seethes withpower, and even after a dragon is slain it continues tohiss and bubble.Use in Rituals: If you use a vial of a dragon’s bloodas part of a ritual, you gain a +5 bonus to any skillchecks related to that ritual. The blood of a wyrmlingcan provide this benefit for any ritual of level 5 orlower; the blood of a young dragon aids any ritual oflevel 15 or lower; and the blood of an adult or olderdragon can enhance any ritual of level 25 or lower.BonesA dragon’s bones are the center of its toughness andsupernatural health. If a dragon injures or curses acreature, a bone from the dragon can be used as acomponent in any ritual performed on that creaturethat deals with health, healing, disease, or otherwiseremoving afflictions.Use in Rituals: You can use an appropriate dragon’sbone to augment any restoration ritual of level 10or lower that you attempt on a creature harmed by thatdragon. When using a bone in this manner, you canreroll the ritual’s Heal check, but you must accept theresult of the second roll. You must decide to use thedragon component before making your skill check.BrainThe brain of a dragon can be useful in expandingyour own ritual-enhanced knowledge if the dragonin question is caught up in the question you desire ananswer for. Thus, you could use a dragon’s brain as acomponent for the Speak with Dead ritual to talk tothe dragon’s spirit, or any with any ritual that seeksto gather knowledge relating to an issue the dragonknew of or participated in.Use in Rituals: You can use an appropriatedragon’s brain as part of any divination ritual thattouches on an event or situation that the dragon waspart of or had special knowledge about. When you doso, you gain a +5 bonus to any skill checks related toDRAGON COMPONENTSDEVON CADDY-LEECHAPTER 2 | DM’s Guide to Dragons87

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