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When performing the ritual, you can choose whetherthe portal is obvious or hidden. If obvious, anyone lookingthrough the enchanted doorway can see a hazy image ofthe destination, as defined in Linked Portal (Player’s Handbook,page 307).If you choose to hide it, however, casual examinationshows only a mirror image of the room in which thedoorway is set. The effect is that if the door is openedor the doorway is looked through, the area beyond thedoor looks like another room of the sort one is already in.Dragons and wizards use this technique to make travelthrough their lairs difficult for those who do not know toavoid the portals.A Perception check, with a DC equal to your Arcanacheck result when performing the ritual, is required todetect the deception. Success indicates that the observersees a hazy image of the destination instead, as describedin the Linked Portal ritual.If the real destination is an area of obvious danger—agaping chasm, a room on fire, a pit of spikes—then theportal cannot be hidden. You could, however, hide aportal that leads to a room full of secret traps, or one inwhich a monster is lurking just out of sight.Easy PassageThe corridor pulses and convulses like a living thing beforesettling down to normalcy once more.Level: 6Component Cost: 150 gpCategory: Exploration Market Price: 360 gpTime: 30 minutes Key Skill: Arcana or NatureDuration: 24 hours (special)You create a slight dimensional warp along the length ofa corridor, allowing it to hold larger creatures or objectsthan it otherwise could. A creature of a size that wouldnormally have to squeeze through the area can insteadmove and act freely. A creature one size category toolarge to enter the space at all can instead do so bysqueezing.Your Arcana or Nature check result determines themaximum dimensions of the area affected.Arcana or NatureCheck Result Area Affected9 or lower Up to 1 square wide and 2 squares long10–19 Up to 1 square wide and 4 squares long20–29 Up to 2 squares wide and 4 squares long30–39 Up to 2 squares wide and 8 squares long40 or higher Up to 3 squares wide and 12 squares longFor example, a Huge creature with a space of 3 (9squares) could freely move through an area 2 squareswide and could squeeze into an area 1 square wide. AGargantuan creature with a space of 4 (16 squares) couldfreely move through an area 3 squares wide, and couldsqueeze into an area 2 squares wide, but would still beunable to enter an area 1 square wide.The ritual’s effects last for 24 hours.Optional Focus: You can extend the duration of thisritual indefinitely keeping a focus in the vicinity. This ritualfocus is a small hand, sculpted of platinum, worth 100 gp.The Easy Passage lasts as long as the focus remains withinthe affected area. You can hide or protect the ritual’sfocus in any way you like, as long as it remains within thearea defined by your Arcana or Nature check result.False AuraThe object before you takes on a gentle, mystical glow. Theglow strengthens slowly and subtly, and then abruptlyfades away.Level: 16Component Cost: 1,800 gpCategory: Deception Market Price: 4,500 gpTime: 10 minutes Key Skill: ArcanaDuration: 24 hours (special)False Aura makes a nonmagical item seem to be a magicitem, making it appear magical to an Arcana check todetect magic. Your Arcana check result determines theDC for someone else’s Arcana check to detect magic tosee through your deception. If the detect magic checkfails, the inspecting character believes the item to bemagical. You choose the fake power source of the itemwhen performing the ritual. However, anyone attemptingto use the item immediately recognizes its magic as fake.The ritual’s effects last for 24 hours.Optional Focus: You can extend the duration of thisritual indefinitely by leaving the item near a small, jeweledeye of gold and ruby wrapped in a silken blindfold.The blindfolded eye is a focus worth 100 gp. As long asthe item remains within 20 squares of the focus, the FalseAura remains in effect. You can hide or protect the ritual’sfocus in any way you like, as long as it remains withinrange. A single focus can maintain up to five Aura Masks(page 83) or False Auras on five separate items, as long asthey are all close enough to the focus.Sentinel EyeYou conjure forth a phantasmal sentry—a slender pillar 6feet tall, topped with a strange, floating, unblinking eye.The eye watches over your camp, alerting you to the presenceof intruders and offering you the ability to spy onthem in turn.Level: 14Component Cost: 800 gpCategory: Warding Market Price: 4,200 gpTime: 30 minutes Key Skill: ArcanaDuration: 24 hours (special)This ritual creates watchful eyes that you place in anysquare within 10 squares of where you perform the ritual.DRACONIC RITUALSCHAPTER 2 | DM’s Guide to Dragons85

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