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LEVEL 23 (MONETARY TREASURE 260,000 GP)Parcels 2, 6, and 10✦ Spread out on the floor are 9,900 gp.✦ A pile of 491 pp lies beneath an adamantine crowninfused with cold elemental fire (50,000 gp).✦ A blue pouch holds 8 ad and eight rubies (5,000 gp each).✦ Behind a velvet curtain woven from strands ofshimmering waves of elemental water (15,000 gp) liesa level 26 magic item and a hollow silver statuette ofa chimera (5,000 gp) filled with residuum (1,000 gp). Adeed to a longship at dock in a nearby city (10,000 gp)lies tucked under the statuette.LEVEL 24 (MONETARY TREASURE 310,000 GP)Parcels 1, 2, 6, and 10✦ An extremely realistic statue of an angel carved fromtranslucent bone glows from the cold elementallightning that fills its interior (15,000 gp). It hangsfrom a makeshift stand as a faint lamp for four hickorybookcases filled with books, covering a variety of topicsincluding arcane theory, history, and geography (15,000gp total). The books are woefully out of date.✦ A wooden chest wrapped in bronze holds 12 ad, 632 pp,6,800 gp, and ten rubies (5,000 gp each).✦ A wooden crate filled with wood shavings contains eightcomplete sets of cutlery all carved from transparentcrystal (15,000 gp).✦ A long-dead eladrin wearing a suit of mail armorconstructed entirely from platinum (25,000 gp) carries alevel 27 magic item and a level 28 magic item.LEVEL 25 (MONETARY TREASURE 400,000 GP)Parcels 4, 6, and 10✦ Entrapped in a shimmering cylinder of force is a ratherangry-looking human with golden hair and sparkling skin.This prisoner is a divine emissary who has been trappedin the world for nearly a century. If the PCs free him, herewards them with 45,000 gp and a level 26 magic item,and then departs immediately to report to his god.✦ A pile of 920 pp and 8,000 gp sits on the floor.✦ A small gray bag holds 8 ad, a coral ring fitted with eightsmall black diamonds (50,000 gp), and fifteen bluediamonds (5,000 gp each).✦ A darkly stained rug woven from vrock feathers is rolledup and leaning in a corner (50,000 gp).LEVEL 26 (MONETARY TREASURE 685,000 GP)Parcels 2, 6, and 10✦ A huge section of painted wall, torn from a temple,depicts a climactic battle between Bahamut and Tiamat(50,000 gp).✦ A pile of 12,500 gp holds a black lacquered scroll tubecontaining a ritual scroll of Forbiddance (25,000 gp).✦ A crystal box (1,000 gp) holds 19 ad and ten diamonds(5,000 gp each).✦ A beautiful platinum bowl decorated with flecks of astraldiamond (50,000 gp) holds ten rubies (5,000 gp each)and 500 pp.✦ A bronzewood chest contains 565 pp, a brilliant necklaceof adamantine thread from which hang cold dewdropsof elemental fire (50,000 gp), a glittering hair combfashioned from solidified elemental air (50,000 gp), and abrooch fashioned from ivory inlaid with cold elemental fireand scrimshawed with scenes of the City of Brass (50,000gp). On top of the contents is a level 29 magic item.LEVEL 27 (MONETARY TREASURE 970,000 GP)Parcels 2, 4, 6, and 10✦ An adamantine phylactery (50,000 gp) containing greasyashes is engraved with skulls and bones. It sits atop a pileof 10,000 gp and five jacinths (5,000 gp each).✦ Another pile of coins holds 10,000 gp, five star sapphires(5,000 gp each), and a celestial gold amulet set withastral diamonds (50,000 gp).✦ A small chest holds 1,000 pp, five diamonds (5,000 gpeach), and a ring made of solid elemental water withflecks of elemental fire suspended inside (50,000 gp).✦ A crown carved in the form of antlers, made from thewood of one of the first trees in the Feywild (50,000 gp),lies next to a folded-up piece of parchment that is thedeed to a castle (70,000 gp). On the floor next to it is alevel 28 magic item.✦ A jade chest (1,000 gp) holds 41 ad, 740 pp, four rubies(5,000 gp each), and a level 30 magic item.LEVEL 28 (MONETARY TREASURE 1,250,000 GP)Parcels 3, 4, 6, and 10✦ A pillar of cold bound elemental lightning (50,000 gp)sheds light as an everburning torch.✦ A loose pile of 25,000 gp covers the floor.✦ Another smaller pile of 3,000 gp and 2,770 pp alsoincludes a red gold pendant imbued with elementalfire and inscribed with the true name of an efreet lord(50,000 gp).✦ A simple glass vase holds 37 ad. Scattered around thevase are twenty diamonds (5,000 gp each). A level 29magic item sits nearby.✦ An enormous deep blue diamond (50,000 gp) sits on apillow made from pale white human skin that smells ofjasmine.✦ A black leather pouch holds ten diamonds (5,000 gp).The pouch’s cords are tied around a level 30 magic item.✦ A gown of astral silk embroidered with celestial goldthread and sparkling with flecks of pale blue astraldiamonds (50,000 gp) lies beneath a wooden scroll casecontaining a ritual scroll of Voice of Fate (225,000 gp).LEVEL 29 (MONETARY TREASURE 1,550,000 GP)Parcels 1, 2, 6, and 10✦ A life-size marble statue of Kord (50,000 gp) stands in abattle stance. His clothing, armor, and sword are all pureplatinum.✦ Heaped into a pile and separated into numerous smallsacks are 33 ad, 1,250 pp, and 20,000 gp.✦ A steel bowl holds a sea of 200 emeralds (1,000 gp each).✦ A golden throne large enough to seat a giant andwrought to look like it was fashioned from skulls sitsamid the piles. Moonstones stare out from the socketsof each skull (50,000 gp). In the chair’s seat is a level 30magic item.✦ A great map drawn on eladrin skin in inks made ofpowdered gems and illustrated with gold leaf (50,000gp) depicts a detailed rendering of the Nine Hells. Ithangs on one of the walls in the lair.✦ Scattered throughout the lair are three enormousdiamonds (50,000 gp each) and a perfectly matched setof three enormous rubies (50,000 gp each).✦ A heap of dead adventurers rots in a corner. Thoughnearly all their possessions are ruined, a few items ofimportance remain intact, including a ritual scroll of TruePortal (425,000 gp) and a level 30 magic item.DRAGON HOARDSCHAPTER 2 | DM’s Guide to Dragons75

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