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72there’s no guarantee that the market has a demandfor these items, meaning the price the PCs get for theitems could be as little as half of what they’re worth.On the other hand, if the PCs manage to find a placethat has high demand for such goods, the adventurersmight receive more than the normal price.Metal Bars: Metal bars, also called trade bars,retain their value and function much like currency inthat respect. Some merchants use trade bars for largetransactions. Most trade bars bear a stamp of ownership,signifying where the bar was made and theidentity of its original owner.Example: $Derek’s hoard contains 3,150 gp worthof trade goods. He likes the idea of tossing in a fewcrates and barrels and casks of cheap material,because the containers can act as terrain features.He decides that a barrel is large enough to occupy 1square and provide cover, and a square containing acrate or a cask is difficult terrain.When he designs the lair in which the dragon’shoard is contained, he puts these terrain features inparticular squares: 5 crates of cheese (total value 200gp), 6 barrels of flour (total value 120 gp), and 15casks of fine ale (total value 30 gp). Waiting to be discoveredamong the clutter of the hoard are a 1-galloncontainer of exotic dye (800 gp) and half a bolt ofcloth of gold (2,000 gp).Derek’s finished 18th-level dragon hoard lookslike this:✦ +5 vicious longsword✦ 110 pp, 10,447 gp, 11,030 sp✦ Two purple star sapphires, six fire opals, onecloudy lilac diamond, and three violet garnets✦ A 7,500 gp circlet of elaborately twisted platinumwire, a 2,500 gp gold necklace inlaid withfire opal veneer that frames a large central blackopal, a 2,500 gp gold harp formed in the shape ofCHAPTER 2 | DM’s Guide to Dragonsa swan, and a 2,500 gp platinum ewer engravedwith dancing <strong>dragons</strong>✦ Four ritual scrolls in sturdy, wax-topped, lacqueredbone scroll cases: Consult Mystic Sages (1,000gp), Raise Dead (680 gp), Remove Affliction (680gp), and Disenchant Magic Item (360 gp) and foursmall gold cubical boxes (worth 5 gp each) eachholding residuum worth 100 gp✦ The mayor’s son, who brings a 3,150 gp reward forhis safe return✦ Trade goods with a total value of 3,150 gp, includinghalf a bolt of cloth of gold, 1 gallon of exoticdye, 5 crates of cheese, 6 barrels of flour, and 15casks of fine ale.Sample HoardsSometimes you don’t have the time to build a hoard ofyour own. This section includes thirty sample dragontreasure hoards, one for each character level. Treatthe hoards as starting points and customize them asyou see fit. Tailor them to your party’s composition,needs, or desires.Each hoard includes three or four parcels worthof treasure: one or two magic items parcels andthe value of two parcels of monetary treasure (parcels6 and 10 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, pages126—129). The parcels used are listed for each hoard.LEVEL 1 (MONETARY TREASURE 220 GP)Parcels 4, 6, and 10✦ A small chest holds 90 gp, 90 sp, and 100 cp.✦ Sitting on top of a crate of cheese (40 gp) is one level 2magic item. Propped next to the crate is a bolt of cotton(80 gp).LEVEL 2 (MONETARY TREASURE 320 GP)Parcels 4, 6, and 10✦ An everburning torch (50 gp) shines brightly on a loosepile of 2,000 cp.✦ An old damaged wardrobe holds a suit of fine clothing(30 gp). In the bottom, there’s a felt pouch containing100 gp and an orb (15 gp).✦ Stacked neatly are 12 silver bars (5 gp each). On top ofthe short stack sits a stained silver bag that holds 50 sp.✦ A level 3 magic item and a jar filled with 8 ounces ofsweet-smelling perfume (40 gp) lie on the floor.LEVEL 3 (MONETARY TREASURE 415 GP)Parcels 4, 6, and 10✦ A small wooden chest holds 100 gp and 350 sp.✦ Scattered on the floor are 2,300 cp and a level 4 magicitem.✦ A crate holds rare spices (200 gp).✦ 20 lead bars (5 cp each) sit in the back of a broken cartthat also holds two barrels filled with 120 crossbow bolts(6 gp total) and two crossbows (50 gp).VINCENT DUTRAIT

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