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observer of the world. When <strong>dragons</strong> die, their soulsmight well pass under his scrutiny. He does not dispensepunishment or seek to right perceived wrongs.He merely shuttles souls toward their fates.FalazureDeity: VecnaKnown as the Night Dragon, Falazure is known forhis vampirelike breath of life-draining miasma. Heappears as a gaunt black dragon sometimes so emaciatedhe seems more akin to a dracolich.As a devotee of Vecna, Falazure teaches that a multitudeof secrets can extend a dragon’s long life evenlonger. Many of those secrets involve necromancyand vampiric regeneration, but not all of them do.Falazure also knows other hidden dragon secrets,so <strong>dragons</strong> pray to him to learn whatever he willdivulge.CHROMATIC DRAGONS IN DETAILThe following material expands upon informationalready given about the varieties of <strong>chromatic</strong> <strong>dragons</strong>.The favored treasure indicated for each variety isjust that: favored, not exclusive. Similarly, the maximumlife spans are approximations. These numbersmerely describe the greatest ages that sages haveconfirmed. Individual <strong>dragons</strong>, particularly those ofgreat power and strong will, might live substantiallylonger than the given maximums.Values in the size tables are typical; an individualdragon can vary from these figures by as much as25 percent—or, for particularly exceptional <strong>dragons</strong>,even more. This deviation occurs frequently amongGargantuan <strong>dragons</strong>, since the size of a truly ancientwyrm theoretically has no limit.Black DragonsAlso called skull <strong>dragons</strong> (due to the general shapeof their heads) and swamp <strong>dragons</strong>, black <strong>dragons</strong>are perhaps the most malicious <strong>chromatic</strong>s. Redsmight have greater tempers, greens more ambitionto deceive and control, but few other <strong>dragons</strong> sharethe cruelty of black <strong>dragons</strong>. Black <strong>dragons</strong> hunt notmerely to survive or to protect their territory, butalso for the sheer joy of causing pain. They care notwhether their victims are helpless or hazardous,weak or powerful. Violence brings satisfaction.LESSER-KNOWN CHROMATICSSome <strong>chromatic</strong> <strong>dragons</strong> are better known than others.Among the lesser-known <strong>chromatic</strong>s are varieties thatmight have no connection, past or present, with Tiamat.These include browns, grays, and purples. They haveappeared in previous grimoires and bestiaries as one-offs,without affiliation to any known dragon group. Previouslydescribed respectively as sand, fang, and deep <strong>dragons</strong>,these brown, gray, and purple <strong>dragons</strong> are not so muchnew <strong>chromatic</strong>s as newly acknowledged members ofthe <strong>chromatic</strong> dragon family. As such, they are featuredhere along with the better-known <strong>chromatic</strong> dragonvarieties.Black <strong>dragons</strong> are also among the most cowardlyof <strong>chromatic</strong> <strong>dragons</strong>. Though quick to engage incombat, they also quickly retreat if opponents provemore dangerous than expected. Given black <strong>dragons</strong>’propensity for laying ambushes and strikingfrom hiding, however, would-be victims might find itimpossible to distinguish a fleeing black dragon fromone regrouping to attack from another angle.When possible, black <strong>dragons</strong> prefer to feed onsentient beings, considering fey creatures particulardelicacies. The bulk of their diet consists of swampcreatures such as snakes, alligators, small mammals,and birds. Like alligators, black <strong>dragons</strong> might lettheir prey rot in the mud at the bottoms of swampsbecause they prefer the texture and flavor of putrefiedflesh.Black <strong>dragons</strong> fight on land only when circumstancesforce them to do so. They prefer to fight eitherin the water or on the wing.Lairs and TerrainBlack <strong>dragons</strong> favor swamps and bogs: anywherewith deep, murky water, thick trees, and fetid vegetation.The water gives them an advantage in combat,because the scents of growth and rot common toswamps help to cover the acidic tang of the <strong>dragons</strong>’presence. Only a deep swamp in which a dragon cansubmerge serves the dragon’s purposes, so shallowmarshes rarely harbor black dragon lairs.When a black dragon cannot find a deep swamp, itsettles for any area where freshwater and earth cometogether in great quantities. Jungles and rain forestsmight host black <strong>dragons</strong>, as might lakes in all but thecoldest climes. Purported lake monsters might in factbe black <strong>dragons</strong> that have gone unrecognized outsidetheir usual swamps.Black <strong>dragons</strong> loathe salt water. Although saltwater does not harm them, it irritates their flesh likea bad rash. Thus, although black <strong>dragons</strong> might diveinto salt water to escape foes, they never make theirhomes in salt marshes.For their lairs, black <strong>dragons</strong> favor systems ofcaves or hollows with multiple chambers, some30CHAPTER 1 | Dragon Lore

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