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246Aspect of TiamatTiamat is able to form aspects of herself from her ownunhatched eggs and a bounty of souls captured in hermaggot pit. Tiamat doesn’t like to sacrifice her eggs,which are few and precious; thus, such manifestationsof the god are rare.DESTROYING TIAMATOnly by meeting specific conditions can the charactershope to kill Tiamat. The following are sample quests.Appeal to Avarice: An ancient treasure was lost in theAstral Sea while being transported in a githyanki ship. Ifthe PCs can locate this cache of immaculate gems andrare metals, they can use Tiamat’s greed to draw her outof her domain. They must trick her into entering a domainunder the control of Bahamut, where she can be slain, orat least her discorporated essence can be trapped.Draconic Weapons: The PCs must kill five ancient<strong>dragons</strong>, each of a different <strong>chromatic</strong> variety, then craftmagic items from their bones or scales. Only if they arewearing or using these items can they destroy Tiamat. Atleast one of the ancient <strong>dragons</strong> killed for this purposemust be a past or present consort of Tiamat.Gather Tiamat’s Eggs: One hoary old tome printed onbasalt pages and bound in purple dragon scales describesa ritual called Fashioning Tiamat’s True Death. This ritual’sintricate recipe includes procuring at least one of Tiamat’seggs, in which a newly forged weapon must be quenched.Multiple weapons require multiple eggs. If the weapon isused against Tiamat and draws blood at least once, thegod’s essence is destroyed, not discorporated.CHAPTER 4 | New MonstersAspect of TiamatLevel 17 Solo BruteHuge immortal magical beast (dragon) XP 8,000Initiative +11 Senses Perception +16; darkvisionHP 1,030; Bloodied 506; see also bloodied breathAC 33; Fortitude 36, Reflex 31, Will 31Resist 15 acid, 15 cold, 15 fire, 15 lightning, 15 poisonSaving Throws +5; whenever an attack applies a effect to anaspect of Tiamat that a save can end, it immediately makes asaving throw. The aspect of Tiamat makes saving throws at theend of each of its turns as normal.Speed 10, fly 10 (hover), teleport 3Action Points 2m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, PoisonReach 3; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 acid, cold, fire, lightning, andpoison damage.M Tail Sting (standard; encounter) ✦ CharmReach 4; +22 vs. AC; 2d12 + 8 damage, and the aspect ofTiamat makes a secondary attack against the same target.Secondary Attack: +20 vs. Will; the target is dominated (saveends).M Tiamat’s Fury (standard; at-will) ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning,PoisonThe aspect of Tiamat makes fi ve bite attacks. It cannot attack asingle target more than twice per round.C Chromatic Breath (standard; recharge ⚅) ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire,Lightning, PoisonClose blast 5; +20 vs. Reflex; 4d20 + 12 acid, cold, fire,lightning, and poison damage, and the target is slowed andweakened (save ends both).C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ Acid,Cold, Fire, Lightning, PoisonThe aspect of Tiamat’s <strong>chromatic</strong> breath recharges, and thedragon uses it immediately.C Frightful Majesty (minor; encounter) ✦ FearClose burst 10; targets enemies; +20 vs. Will; the target isstunned until the end of Tiamat’s next turn. Aftereffect: Thetarget takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).VINCENT DUTRAIT

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