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Sons of WinterDescending from those ancient cultists whom Rimefought at the wintry citadel, the sons of winter are amad lot of deviants and freaks tainted by old magic.RIMEDC 35: Many years have passed since the deathof the ancient knight, yet Rime remains bound to hiscorpse by the accursed mithral fused to her body. Themagic that brings the dragon back to the knight haswaned enough that when winter falls, Rime has thestrength to fly away, hunt, and be free. Each spring,though, the magic draws her back. Rime laments herfate but, so far, has been powerless to escape it.TacticsWhen Rime emerges from her icy lair, she takesto the skies in search of prey—hapless peasants,mammoths, or adventurers. Wherever she goes,winter follows, moisture in the air crystallizing intoice and snow. Upon spotting a suitable meal, shedescends until it is in range of her breath weapon, thenunleashes a torrent of liquid ice. She then drops to theground and uses her bite and claws to rip the prey topieces.When her enemies begin to recover, she whipsup a blizzard, blanketing the area in thick snow andencasing her victims in ice. She directs her attacks atrestrained targets before turning to any opponentsstill on their feet. Rime spends an action point for anadditional use of Rime’s fury, but she keeps her otheraction point in reserve in case she starts to lose. If theunthinkable happens and she becomes bloodied, sherecharges her breath weapon, breathes again, and thenspends an action point to use frightful presence.Son of WinterLevel 25 MinionMedium natural humanoid, human XP 1,750Initiative +21 Senses Perception +14Utter Cold (Cold) aura 1; any enemy within the aura gainsvulnerability 5 cold.HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 36Speed 6m Ice Blade (standard; at-will) ✦ Cold, Weapon+30 vs. AC; 6 cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized instead ofslowed (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw: The target isrestrained instead of immobilized and takes ongoing 10 colddamage (save ends both).C Hoarfrost Eruption (when reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Cold,ZoneThe son of winter explodes in a burst of utter cold. Closeburst 3; +28 vs. Fortitude; 6 cold damage, and the target isimmobilized (save ends). In addition, the burst creates a zone ofdifficult terrain that lasts until the end of the encounter.Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, DraconicStr 26 (+20) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 14 (+14)Con 28 (+21) Int 8 (+11) Cha 22 (+18)Equipment hide armor, ice bladesSons of Winter TacticsThe sons of winter rush to engage their enemies,sinking their ice blades in deep to neutralize theiropponents, while they erupt in brutal explosions ofice and cold when they fall victim to their enemies’attacks.Encounter GroupsRime is encountered outside her lair only in thewinter months. For the rest of the year, she dwells inthe ruined fortress, by the long-rotted remains of theknight who bound her. Descendants of the demonworshipersshe and her knight once pursued havesurvived here as well. An uneasy truce holds over theplace: The cultists depend on the dragon to protecttheir home-in-exile and keep away those who wouldkill them for their unspeakable practices. (You canuse the templates in Chapter 10 of the Dungeon Master’sGuide to create these cultists.)Level 27 Encounter (XP 55,500)✦ Rime (level 26 solo brute)✦ 6 sons of winter (level 25 minion)MIGUEL COIMBRALevel 27 Encounter (XP 52,300)✦ Rime (level 26 solo brute)✦ 1 tiefling priest of Orcus (level 16 elite defender)✦ 3 tiefling underpriests (level 10 defender)✦ 15 human cultists (level 5 skirmisher)CHAPTER 4 | New Monsters243

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