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DRAGONBORNSOME DRAGONBORN FIND TIAMAT’S ALLURE too powerfulto resist. Abandoning their honorable natures,they embrace the greed and jealousy common to allof Tiamat’s servants. They are a force of destructionand wickedness, bent on perfecting their already formidableabilities at the expense of their souls.Dragonborn who serve Tiamat decorate theirarmor and hides with her symbol, demonstratingtheir devotion, or wear cloaks of coins taken as plunderor from their service to tyrants.These dragonborn supplement those presented inthe Monster Manual.Dragonborn SellswordLevel 2 SkirmisherMedium natural humanoid XP 125Initiative +6 Senses Perception +2HP 38; Bloodied 19; see also dragonborn fury and tacticalwithdrawalAC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 14Resist 5 lightningSpeed 6m Battleaxe (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon+7 vs. AC (+8 while bloodied); 1d10 + 4 damage; see alsoskirmish.M Overwhelming Strike (standard; encounter) ✦ WeaponRequires battleaxe; +7 vs. AC (+8 while bloodied); 1d10 +4 damage, and the target grants combat advantage to thedragonborn sellsword until the end of the sellsword’s next turn;see also skirmish.C Dragon Breath (minor; encounter) ✦ LightningClose blast 3; +5 vs. Reflex (+6 while bloodied); 1d6 + 2lightning damage.Dragonborn Fury (only while bloodied)A dragonborn gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.Skirmish +1d6If, on its turn, the dragonborn sellsword ends its move at least 4squares away from its starting point, it deals 1d6 extra damagewith its melee attacks until the start of its next turn.Tactical Withdrawal (immediate reaction, when first bloodied;encounter)The dragonborn sellsword shifts 3 squares.Alignment Evil Languages Common, DraconicSkills History +2, Intimidate +3Str 18 (+5) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 13 (+2)Con 14 (+3) Int 8 (+0) Cha 10 (+1)Equipment leather armor, battleaxeDragonborn Sellsword LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Nature check.DC 20: Tiamat’s dragonborn find work as simplemercenaries, disguising their true loyalty. Wheninstalled, they sow division in the ranks, turning theirfellows toward the worship of their dark god.Dragonborn Sellsword TacticsA dragonborn sellsword spews its dragon breath asclose to the start of battle as possible, when it cancatch several enemies in the blast. It then movesabout the battlefield, using skirmish to whittle downfoes with cunning strikes of its axe.Dragonborn Exemplar of Tiamat Level 7 Elite SoldierMedium natural humanoid XP 600Initiative +8 Senses Perception +9Dread (Fear) aura 1; any enemy within the aura takes a –2 penaltyto attack rolls.HP 166; Bloodied 83; see also dragonborn furyAC 25; Fortitude 21, Reflex 18, Will 21Resist 5 poisonSaving Throws +2Speed 5Action Points 1m Greatsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon+14 vs. AC (+15 while bloodied); 1d10 + 6 damage, and thetarget is marked until the end of the exemplar’s next turn.M Battle Surge (standard; at-will) ✦ WeaponRequires greatsword; +14 vs. AC (+15 while bloodied); 1d10 + 6damage, and the exemplar makes a secondary attack against adifferent target. Secondary Attack: The exemplar makes a basicattack. It shifts 1 square before or after making this attack.M Vile Strike (standard; encounter) ✦ WeaponRequires greatsword; +14 vs. AC (+15 while bloodied); 2d10 + 6damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).C Dragon Breath (minor; encounter) ✦ PoisonClose blast 3; +12 vs. Reflex (+13 while bloodied); 2d6 + 6poison damage.Dragonborn Fury (only while bloodied)A dragonborn gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.Alignment Evil Languages Common, DraconicSkills History +5, Intimidate +14Str 16 (+10) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 17 (+10)Con 23 (+13) Int 18 (+11) Cha 14 (+19)Equipment scale armor, greatswordExemplar of Tiamat LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Nature check.DC 25: An exemplar of Tiamat begins as a cultistbut attains the god’s favor by committing murder fivetimes. These five acts must incorporate acid, cold,fire, lightning, and poison (one effect per murder),even if only symbolically.Exemplar of Tiamat TacticsExemplars of Tiamat are filled with religious furor.They fling themselves at enemies, confident in theblessings of their god. Battle surge lets them attack onthe move, punctuating their strikes with a well-placeduse of dragon breath. An exemplar reserves vile strikefor a finishing blow.214CHAPTER 4 | New Monsters

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