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R Compelling Gaze (immediate reaction, when en enemy attacksthe thief of life; recharges when first bloodied) ✦ CharmRanged 10; +18 vs. Will; the triggering enemy is dazed and ispulled 5 squares at the start of its turn (save ends both). Thisattack does not provoke opportunity attacks.C Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) ✦ HealingClose blast 5; +18 vs. Reflex (+20 against bloodied targets);2d8+6 damage, and the thief of life regains 30 hit points. Itregains only 30 hit points regardless of how many targets arehit. Miss: Half damage, and the thief of life does not regain hitpoints.C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦HealingThe thief of life’s breath weapon recharges, and the thief of lifeuses it immediately.Fly to Feast (move; at-will) ✦ TeleportationThe thief of life teleports 20 squares. It must end its moveadjacent to a bloodied enemy.Mist Form (standard; encounter) ✦ PolymorphThe thief of life becomes insubstantial but cannot make attacks.It can remain in mist form for up to 1 hour or end the effect as aminor action.Alignment Evil Languages Common, DraconicSkills Nature +16, Stealth +15Str 24 (+14) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 18 (+11)Con 20 (+12) Int 17 (+10) Cha 16 (+10)Thief of Life TacticsThe thief of life dominates the most dangerous-lookingenemy and then rips into several foes with its hungerfrenzy. It then uses its breath weapon to further harm thegroup, healing any damage it has taken. At that point,it teleports adjacent to the most injured enemy andsnatches it up to fly away and feast in private.BloodwindTHIS RAVENOUS VAMPIRIC DRAGON CAN RIDE its ownexsanguinating breath weapon to wreak havoc amongits victims. A bloodwind looks diseased: Its scalesstill boast the vivid hues of a living dragon, but themembranes of its wings and its gums are flaking andnecrotic, a maggoty gray.BloodwindLevel 23 Solo LurkerHuge natural magical beast (dragon, undead) XP 25,500Initiative +20 Senses Perception +22; darkvisionHP 800; Bloodied 400; see also bloodied breath and repelling gazeRegeneration 20 (regeneration does not function while thebloodwind is exposed to sunlight)AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 38, Will 38Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 necrotic; Vulnerable 15radiantSaving Throws +5Speed 10, fly 12Action Points 2m Bite (standard; at-will)Reach 3; +28 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 damage.m Claw (standard; at-will)Reach 3; +28 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage.M Hunger Frenzy (standard; at-will)The bloodwind makes a bite attack and two claw attacks. Theclaw attacks must target two different enemies.R Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) ✦ NecroticThe bloodwind targets up to three creatures; the first targetmust be within 10 squares of the bloodwind, the second targetwithin 10 squares of the first, and the third target within 10squares of the second; +26 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 7 necroticdamage, and the target is weakened (save ends). Miss: Halfdamage, and the target is not weakened. This attack does notprovoke opportunity attacks. See also breath leap.R Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦NecroticThe bloodwind’s breath weapon recharges, and the bloodwinduses it immediately.R Repelling Gaze (immediate reaction, when an enemy attacksthe bloodwind; recharges when first bloodied) ✦ CharmThe bloodwind fi xes the triggering enemy with its gaze; ranged10; +26 vs. Will; the target is dazed and is pushed 2 squaresat the start of its turn (save ends both). This attack does notprovoke opportunity attacks.Breath Leap (free, when the bloodwind uses its breath weapon;recharges when first bloodied) ✦ TeleportationThe bloodwind can teleport to any unoccupied space adjacentto one of the targets of its breath weapon, whether or not theattack hits.Combat AdvantageIf the bloodwind’s bite attack hits a target it has combatadvantage against, the target also takes ongoing 20 damage andis weakened (save ends both).Shadowy Discorporation (move; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅) ✦ Illusion,TeleportationThe bloodwind teleports 10 squares and becomes invisible untilthe end of its next turn.Scent of BloodThe bloodwind automatically gains combat advantage againstbloodied living creatures.Alignment Evil Languages Common, DraconicSkills Nature +22, Stealth +21Str 29 (+20) Dex 21 (+16) Wis 22 (+17)Con 24 (+18) Int 21 (+16) Cha 18 (+15)Bloodwind TacticsThe bloodwind begins combat by unleashing itsbreath weapon, then moves to the best tactical positionwith breath leap (preferably gaining combatadvantage). When it is attacked by a powerful enemy,it attempts to neutralize it with repelling gaze. Meanwhile,it lashes out with hunger frenzy against badlyinjured targets, using shadowy discorporation to maintaincombat advantage.Encounter GroupsVampiric <strong>dragons</strong>, like living ones, prefer to lairalone. They keep their servants close—but not tooclose. Still, wise vampires acknowledge their weaknessesand keep guards around them when theysleep.Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,500)✦ 1 thief of life (level 15 solo skirmisher)✦ 1 githyanki mindslicer (level 13 artillery, MM 128)✦ 1 wailing ghost (level 12 controller, MM 128)VAMPIRIC DRAGONCHAPTER 4 | New Monsters209

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