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Encounter GroupsBone mongrel dracoliches are encountered withother undead. Stoneborn dracoliches linger alonein desolate locations, but sometimes they gatherlesser creatures to serve their ancient agendas. Anicewrought dracolich is rarely found among othercreatures, except when tribes of the ice offer it tribute.However, icewrought dracoliches have a strangeaffinity for white wyrmlings. The coming of a dreambreathdracolich is foretold in a dream. Dreambreathdracoliches ally with aberrant creatures or withbeings that have similar powers over sleep.DRACONIC WRAITHTOMAS GIORELLODreambreath Dracolich LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Religion check.DC 30: A formless psychic realm exists that iscalled various things in different places but is mostoften known as Dream. Here dreams cavort, heedlessof the waking world—but not always. Most fade intoobscurity, but their echoes resonate forever throughoutDream, giving rise to countless variations. Theremnants of particularly vile dreams sometimes latchonto the dying wish of a dragon (possibly enabledthrough a ritual). From this union a dreambreathdraco lich is born.DC 35: A dreambreath dracolich can walk throughthe dreamscapes of living creatures, emerging to tormentand kill. Those who move past such shallowentertainment seek to find the heart of Dream, wherethey believe the secrets of creation might yet lie.Dreambreath Dracolich TacticsA dreambreath dracolich surprises victims, approachingwith nightmare walk and then covering them withits sleep-inducing breath weapon. It then enters melee,spending an action point to use nightmare presence andthen nightmare roar to drive away foes that have notsuccumbed to its initial attack. It then plays a game ofcat and mouse, seeking to pounce on sleeping enemieswhile keeping active foes away.If hard pressed, the dreambreath dracolich usesnightmare walk to slip away, rejoining the fight after itsfoes drop their guard. It hoards its final action pointfor a tactical retreat.Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,525)✦ 1 bone mongrel dracolich (level 8 elite brute)✦ 1 corruption corpse (level 4 artillery, MM 274)✦ 1 deathlock wight (level 4 controller, MM 262)✦ 1 specter (level 4 lurker, MM 244)✦ 2 skeletons (level 3 soldier, MM 234)Level 13 Encounter (XP 3,950)✦ 1 stoneborn dracolich (level 11 solo soldier)✦ 1 eladrin twilight incanter (level 8 controller,MM 102)✦ 2 eladrin fey knights (level 7 soldier, MM 102)Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,800)✦ 1 icewrought dracolich (level 16 solo controller)✦ 4 white dragon wyrmlings (level 1 elite brute,page 187)Level 19 Encounter (XP 13,000)✦ 1 dreambreath dracolich (level 19 solo controller)✦ 1 night hag (level 14 lurker, MM 151)DRACONIC WRAITHA draconic wraith is the vilest portion of a dragon’ssoul, which sometimes lingers beyond death. A communityor an adventuring party might celebrate thedeath of an evil dragon—only to learn that the terrorhas not yet ended.Draconic Wraith LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Religion check.DC 25: A draconic wraith is the same sort ofbeing as a humanoid wraith: a spirit infused with theessence of the Shadowfell.DC 35: Draconic wraiths are either born fromthe Shadowfell or created by other draconic wraiths.Rarely does a humanoid wraith kill a dragon, anda wyrm so slain normally cannot rise as a wraith.Humanoids slain by draconic wraiths can, however,rise as wraiths themselves. Powerful rituals do existCHAPTER 4 | New Monsters203

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