chromatic dragons.pdf - Free

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Planar Dragons188Sometimes <strong>chromatic</strong> <strong>dragons</strong> live and breed inotherworldly environments. Those that remain inanother plane long enough are radically altered by itsnature or its denizens.Some planar <strong>dragons</strong> are solo threats, every bit asdangerous as their mortal counterparts, but othershave changed so drastically that they can fill otherencounter roles as well.ABYSSAL SAL DRAGONSThe Abyss devours. A hungry pit that consumes anddestroys all that venture into its depths, it is a placeof unrivaled devastation and appalling violence.Chromatic <strong>dragons</strong> that descend into the Abyss aretransformed into agents of ruin, either at the handsof the plane’s demonic overseers or by the nature ofthe realm. Abyssal <strong>dragons</strong> are little more than livingsiege engines, though a few become powerful enoughto become lords in their own right.Frostforged WyrmDEMONS SOMETIMES CAPTURE WHITE DRAGONS fromthe natural world to “improve” in the forges of theAbyss. The frostforged wyrm is the result: a torturedbeast, outfitted with heavy plates of cold-forged ironCHAPTER 4 | New Monstersfixed in place with cruel nails. No matter how hardthe dragon struggles to free itself, minuscule demonsscramble over its back to secure the armor plates.The dragon’s original nature is barely recognizableunder the mass of spiked metal. Plumes of mistrise from its head plate, and a rime of frost accumulatesaround it. Such tormented creatures rarely livelong—they are either killed by the demons or drivento death by their harsh masters, who see them only asexpendable tools designed to spread carnage.Frostforged Wyrm LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Arcana check.DC 20: Frostforged wyrms are not native to theAbyss but have been brought there by force. Subjectedto terrible torments and modifications, theyserve as weapons of destruction in the wars ragingthrough the layers of that darkened realm.Adult Frostforged WyrmLevel 11 BruteLarge elemental magical beast (dragon) XP 600Initiative +6 Senses Perception +9; darkvisionHP 143; Bloodied 72; see also pain frenzyAC 23; Fortitude 24, Reflex 21, Will 23Resist 15 cold; Vulnerable charm (a frostforged wyrm that is hitby a charm effect attacks the nearest demon on its next turn)Speed 7, fly 5m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ ColdReach 2; +14 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage plus 1d10 cold damage.C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅) ✦ ColdClose blast 5; +14 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 6 cold damage, and thetarget is slowed and takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save endsboth).C Pain Frenzy (immediate reaction, when first bloodied;encounter)Close burst 2; +14 vs. AC; 4d10 + 6 damage, and the target isknocked prone.Spikes of Pain (see text; encounter)An adjacent demon can spend a minor action to spur on afrostforged wyrm. The frostforged wyrm takes 1d10 damageand takes a standard action.Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal, DraconicStr 22 (+11) Dex 13 (+6) Wis 18 (+9)Con 23 (+11) Int 9 (+4) Cha 16 (+8)Frostforged Wyrm TacticsDriven to the brink of madness, this abyssal <strong>dragons</strong>hrieks in pain and hatred as it ravages its enemies. Itfights fiercely, unleashing its breath weapon first andfollowing through with melee attacks against anytarget it can reach. The frostforged wyrm is at its mostdangerous when bloodied, so its demonic tormentorscruelly drive the armor’s hooks into its flesh to spur iton, even if doing so ultimately kills the beast.MIGUEL COIMBRA

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