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Purple Dragon WyrmlingTacticsPurple wyrmlings like to stay hidden in small tunnelsand subterranean vents, not only to stay out ofthe sun’s deadly rays but also to remain unnoticedby more powerful creatures that call the Underdarkhome.When a purple wyrmling notices a disturbancenear its territory, it stealthily approaches but doesn’timmediately attack, instead assessing the threatcompared to the food potential. If it decides to fight,it attempts to gain surprise and uses that advantageto catch prey in its breath weapon. As soon as it canact again, it uses dominating gaze to control a creaturethat was dazed by its breath and direct it to attack anally. From then on, the wyrmling uses its claws andbite to take down the weakest targets, reserving itsaction point for escape.Encounter GroupsThe affinity between undead and purple <strong>dragons</strong> isdemonstrated by the company their wyrmlings keep.Sometimes a purple wyrmling makes a deal withother Underdark dwellers, in return for desirablefood such as subterranean fish.Level 4 Encounter (XP 900)✦ 2 purple dragon wyrmlings (level 4 elitecontroller)✦ 1 wraith (level 5 lurker, MM 266)Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,100)✦ 1 purple dragon wyrmling (level 4 elite controller)✦ 2 dwarf hammerers (level 5 soldier, MM 97)✦ 2 dwarf bolters (level 4 artillery, MM 97)Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,650)✦ 1 purple dragon wyrmling (level 4 elite controller)✦ 1 mummy guardian (level 8 brute, MM 192)✦ 2 rot scarab swarms (level 8 soldier, MM 30)✦ 5 vampire spawn fleshrippers (level 5 minion,MM 259)Red Dragon WyrmlingRED DRAGON WYRMLINGS ARE A SCOURGE whereverthey appear. Unlike other wyrmling varieties, theyare not concerned with caution or living long enoughto grow into larger, more dangerous versions. Redwyrmlings take on any creature that looks edible.A red wyrmling is nearly identical to a fully grownred dragon, except for its size. Its distinctive serratedhorns sweep back behind its head, though the smallerhorns are mere stubs. The dragon’s scales are brilliantscarlet, fading to pink on its belly.Red Dragon WyrmlingLevel 5 Elite SoldierMedium natural magical beast (dragon) XP 400Initiative +7 Senses Perception +9; darkvisionHP 134; Bloodied 67; see also breath weaponAC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 18, Will 17Resist 5 fireSaving Throws +2Speed 5, fly 7 (hover), overland flight 10Action Points 1m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire+13 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 fire damage.m Claw (standard; at-will)+13 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage.M Double Attack (standard; at-will)The wyrmling makes two claw attacks.M Tail Strike (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to aposition where it flanks the red dragon wyrmling; encounter)The wyrmling attacks the triggering enemy with its tail: +11 vs.Reflex; 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.C Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied;encounter) ✦ FireClose blast 5; +11 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 4 fire damage. Miss: Halfdamage.Alignment Evil Languages DraconicSkills Bluff +8, Insight +9, Intimidate +8Str 22 (+8) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 14 (+4)Con 19 (+6) Int 11 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)Red Dragon Wyrmling LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Nature check.DC 15: A red dragon lays its eggs deep undergroundnear a natural source of heat, such as theempty lava tubes of a simmering volcano, whichhelps them develop. After the wyrmlings hatch, thelittle beasts turn on each other, fighting until onlyone remains. If a clutch hasn’t done this within a fewmonths of hatching, the <strong>dragons</strong> usually get alonguntil they go their separate ways.DC 20: A red wyrmling has a breath weaponand can manage a single tail strike against a flankingenemy, but it lacks the more deadly qualities of amature red. Rarely does a red wyrmling flee a fight;sometimes, this ferocity is enough to swing the battleback to the dragon’s favor after its foes expect it togive up.CHROMATIC WYRMLINGSCHAPTER 4 | New Monsters185

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