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Gray Dragon WyrmlingLIKE THEIR ELDERS, gray dragon wyrmlings enjoyhunting from the heights. Their smaller size sometimescauses other creatures to misidentify themas hawks or other birds of prey until it is too late toescape.A gray wyrmling’s mouth doesn’t have as manyfangs as an older gray’s, but it still packs in too manyteeth for comfort. Its tail ends in the stubs of whatwill eventually grow into twin blades of bone. Itscolor shades from off-white along its belly to grayalong its sides and back.Gray Dragon Wyrmling Level 3 Elite SoldierMedium natural magical beast (dragon) XP 300Initiative +3 Senses Perception +8; darkvisionHP 90; Bloodied 45; see also breath weaponAC 21; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 16Resist 5 acidSaving Throws +2Speed 8, fly 6 (overland flight)Action Points 1m Claw (standard; at-will)+10 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target is immobilized andtakes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both).M Double Attack (standard; at-will)The gray dragon makes two claw attacks.C Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied;encounter) ✦ AcidClose blast 4; +8 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 + 1 acid damage, and thetarget is pushed 2 squares. The target also takes ongoing 5 aciddamage (save ends).Alignment Evil Languages DraconicSkills Intimidate +6Str 16 (+4) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 14 (+3)Con 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 11 (+1)Gray Dragon Wyrmling LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Nature check.DC 15: Gray <strong>dragons</strong> lay their eggs in outpostlairs left over from earlier hunting trips. When a grayleaves its outpost, it takes any treasure that it gatheredfor its hoard but might leave behind an egg or two.DC 20: Gray wyrmlings can’t petrify their foes asolder grays can. Also unlike older grays, they prefer towork with siblings and other creatures.Gray Dragon Wyrmling TacticsA gray wyrmling enjoys the hunt as much as an adult,but it might choose merely to follow and observe acreature or group it judges too strong for it. It takesthe opportunity to attack when a distraction occurs(such as its quarry being attacked by another beast ofthe badlands).An attacking wyrmling dives with surprise if possible.It unleashes its breath weapon first and followsup with a mix of physical attacks, using its breathweapon again when it recharges. After battle is joined,a gray wyrmling stays in the fight to the bitter endeven if it is losing—it exults too much in the contest torealize when the odds have turned against it.Encounter GroupsGray wyrmlings sometimes hunt in pairs. A singlewyrmling might follow a likely prospect for miles ifit knows the victim is heading into an ambush, flyingoverhead like a buzzard and waiting for its chance tosnag a meal.Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,100)✦ 1 gray dragon wyrmling (level 3 elite soldier)✦ 1 kruthik hive lord (level 6 elite controller, MM 170)✦ 1 kruthik adult (level 4 brute, MM 170)✦ 5 kruthik hatchlings (level 2 minion, MM 170)182CHAPTER 4 | New MonstersEMILY FIEGENSCHUH

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