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180Level 2 Encounter (XP 650)✦ 1 black dragon wyrmling (level 2 elite lurker)✦ 1 goblin hexer (level 3 controller, MM 137)✦ 2 needlefang drake swarms (level 2 soldier, MM 90)Level 6 Encounter (XP 1,375)✦ 1 young black dragon (level 4 solo lurker, MM 75)✦ 2 black dragon wyrmlings (level 2 elite lurker)Blue Dragon WyrmlingAS THEY GROW TOWARD ADULTHOOD, blue dragonwyrmlings stick to the safety of small caves in hillsides,cliff faces, or mountain walls; sometimes theyhunt from atop ancient stone ruins. They enjoy thesafety of high places, and they instinctively loveviolent weather just as older blue <strong>dragons</strong> do. Bluedragon wyrmlings that live in seaside cliffs areexposed to tempests, and some are killed in thewrack of especially powerful storms. Those that survivesuch punishment are considered true scions ofblue dragonkind.The wyrmling’s brow horn is a good size from themoment it hatches, but otherwise its face is clear ofgrowths. Its chin sports a cluster of elongated scalesthat resemble a beard, and its ears are large frills.Thick spikes form a sort of mane along its relativelyshort neck. Its scales are sky blue with a scattering ofdarker indigo patches.Blue Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Elite ArtilleryMedium natural magical beast (dragon) XP 350Initiative +4 Senses Perception +4; darkvisionHP 96; Bloodied 48; see also breath weaponAC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 16Resist 5 lightningSaving Throws +2Speed 7, fly 7 (hover), overland flight 10Action Points 1m Gore (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning+10 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 lightning damage.m Claw (standard; at-will)+10 vs. AC; 1d4 + 5 damage.M Draconic Fury (standard; at-will)The wyrmling makes a gore attack and two claw attacks.R Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied;encounter) ✦ LightningThe wyrmling targets up to three creatures; the first target mustbe within 10 squares of the wyrmling, the second target within5 squares of the first, and the third target within 5 squares ofthe second; +8 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 4 lightning damage. Miss: Halfdamage. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.A Lightning Burst (standard; at-will) ✦ LightningArea burst 2 within 20; +8 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 4 lightning damage.Miss: Half damage.Alignment Evil Languages DraconicSkills Athletics +12, Insight +9, Nature +9Str 20 (+7) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 14 (+4)Con 18 (+6) Int 12 (+3) Cha 13 (+3)CHAPTER 4 | New MonstersBlue Dragon Wyrmling LoreA character knows the following information with asuccessful Nature check.DC 15: A blue dragon prefers to lay its eggs in highcoastal caves that are difficult to reach from land aswell as hard to detect. Blue dragon wyrmlings begintheir lives eating fish and seabirds, along with theoccasional shipwrecked sailor.DC 20: Blue dragon wyrmlings can breathe lightningand produce electric blasts, but do not controlthunder as older blues do.Blue Dragon Wyrmling TacticsUnless forced into melee on the ground, a bluedragon wyrmling is content to remain airborne,especially if it feels danger is about. It begins combatby unleashing its breath weapon, then spends itsaction point to follow up with lightning burst. Whenit becomes bloodied, the wyrmling flees from thethreat and seeks easier prey elsewhere.Encounter GroupsBlue dragon wyrmlings flock together, but they canalso cultivate short-term relationships with othercreatures. Ettercaps that have lairs near coasts orother locations where blue <strong>dragons</strong> hatch sometimesplacate the wyrmlings by working with them, andsometimes victims of the wyrmlings’ hunger do notdepart immediately.Level 4 Encounter (XP 900)✦ 1 blue dragon wyrmling (level 4 elite artillery)✦ 2 ettercap fang guards (level 4 soldier, MM 107)✦ 1 ettercap webspinner (level 5 controller, MM 107)Level 6 Encounter (XP 1,300)✦ 2 blue dragon wyrmlings (level 4 elite artillery)✦ 3 wraiths (level 5 lurker, MM 266)EMILY FIEGENSCHUH

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