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Ancient Purple Dragon Level 28 Solo ControllerGargantuan natural magical beast (dragon) XP 65,000Initiative +22 Senses Perception +21; darkvisionHP 1,275; Bloodied 637; see also bloodied breathAC 46; Fortitude 43, Reflex 44, Will 46Resist 30 psychicSaving Throws +5Speed 11, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 18; phasingAction Points 2m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ PsychicReach 4; +33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target takesongoing 15 psychic damage (save ends).m Claw (standard; at-will)Reach 4; +33 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage.M Double Attack (standard; at-will)The dragon makes two claw attacks.M Phasing Strike (immediate reaction, when an enemy ends itsturn within 4 squares of the dragon; at-will) ✦ PsychicThe dragon attacks the triggering enemy; reach 4; +32 vs.Will; 3d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target is pushed 5squares. The target gains the phasing quality during this forcedmovement.R Nightmare Gaze (minor; at-will) ✦ Charm, Gaze, PsychicRanged 10; targets a stunned or dazed creature; +32 vs. Will;the target is dominated (save ends). A creature dominated bythis effect must attack an ally on its turn or take 20 psychicdamage at the end of its turn (even if it saves against this effect).R Nightmare Prison (standard; recharge ⚅) ✦ Fear, PsychicRanged 10; targets a stunned or dazed creature; +32 vs. Will;the target disappears into a nightmare prison created by thedragon’s mind. The target is dazed until the end of the turn onwhich it leaves the prison. At the end of each turn within theprison, the target takes 20 psychic damage.Each round, as a standard action, the target can attempt toescape by attacking the prison’s mysterious denizens; treat asa single target with 110 hit points, all the dragon’s defensesand resistances, and immunity to all conditions. When it eitherescapes or is destroyed, the target returns to the same squareit left, or the nearest unoccupied square. Killing the dragonautomatically expels the prisoner.C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅) ✦ PsychicClose blast 10; +32 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 10 necrotic damage,and the target takes ongoing 15 psychic damage and is dazed(save ends both). Each time the target fails the saving throwagainst this effect, the purple dragon can slide it 5 squares. Miss:Half damage, and the target is not dazed and does not takeongoing damage.C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ PsychicThe dragon’s breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses itimmediately.C Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) ✦ FearClose burst 10; targets enemies; +32 vs. Will; the target isstunned until the end of the dragon’s next turn. Aftereffect: Thetarget takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).Harmed by SunlightAn ancient purple dragon that begins its turn in direct sunlightcan take only a single standard action on its turn. If it ends theturn in direct sunlight, it also takes 318 damage.Alignment Evil Languages Common, DraconicSkills Bluff +29, Diplomacy +29, Intimidate +29, Dungeoneering+26, Insight +26Str 23 (+20) Dex 26 (+22) Wis 25 (+21)Con 23 (+20) Int 25 (+21) Cha 31 (+24)sunless seas or in air-filled but dark coastal caverns.Purple <strong>dragons</strong> prefer a diet of seafood: clams, fish,crabs, kuo-toas, and even aboleths.DC 30: An ancient racial myth lies at the heart ofpurple <strong>dragons</strong>’ exploratory zeal. This legend speaksof a mystical realm called Azarakka that was hiddendeep beneath the world before Io was slain by theKing of Terror. Within this fabled cavern, so thelegend goes, is a font of primeval knowledge set downby Io, knowledge so potent that a dragon that readsfrom it might gain power enough to capture a divinespark and so ascend to godhood.Purple Dragon TacticsWhen a purple dragon identifies intruders nearby, itapproaches stealthily to learn what they might be upto. It might decide to let the intruders go on their way,but if it is hungry, feeling territorial, or wants somefun, it attacks. It begins with frightful presence; if it didnot gain surprise, it spends an action point to unleashits breath weapon against the stunned foes. On its nextturn it uses its gaze attack to dominate any creaturethat remains stunned, sending it to attack its allies.A purple dragon delights in controlling other creatures.It keeps to the periphery of a cavern during afight, especially near a bolt-hole in case things turnbad. It moves enemies overcome by its breath weaponinto disadvantageous positions while giving itselfroom to maneuver. Each round the dragon attemptsto dominate and suborn more enemies, seeding chaosand fear among its foes.Older purple <strong>dragons</strong> use their array of mentalpowers and physical manipulation to control thebattlefield. They take advantage of their knowledgeof nearby hollows and tunnels by using phasing striketo trap or separate foes who move too close, slappingthem right through a wall or a floor. An ancientpurple targets the most dangerous combatant withnightmare prison to remove that enemy from combatwhile it deals with the others.Encounter GroupsA purple dragon sometimes allies with a group ofdrow to accomplish a short-term goal. When a deepdragon needs to excavate a subterranean complex orruin, it might call in laborers, sometimes supervisedby drow. However, it can’t resist its urge to take controlof any such group, and sooner or later the drowchafe under the oppression.Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,700)✦ 1 adult purple dragon (level 13 solo controller)✦ 6 cyclops guards (level 14 minion, MM 46)✦ 2 drow warriors (level 11 lurker, MM 94)178CHAPTER 4 | New Monsters

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