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160When the PCs look around area 3, read:Five sinuous stone dragon heads curve up from the secondlevel of a three-tiered circular platform in the center of thisround chamber. Dim spheres of light shine in each dragon’smouth, shifting between white, red, green, blue, and black.An alcove to the north houses a 10-foot-wide shaft thatleads up through the ceiling.Shaft: The shaft to the north rises 100 feet intothe fane’s inner sanctum (area 7). The stone walls arepolished smooth (Athletics DC 30 to climb).Dragon Altar: A DC 30 Religion check revealsthat the altar can be used by clerics to reinvigoratethemselves. On a DC 44 Religion check, a PC realizesthat only clerics who worship Tiamat will gaina benefit from standing in the center of the dragonheads. (The benefit to a disciple of Tiamat is therenewal of all daily powers and 1 extra action point,usable once per day.)Encounter: Five-Headed Trap, page 159.Any other creature that stands in the center of thecircular platform triggers another Five-Headed trapas described above. However, the trap attacks onlythose standing on a tier of the platform.Secret Door: A DC 25 Perception check reveals asecret door to the west.Area 4: Chambers of LossThe door to this chamber hangs on its hinges.When the PCs look into area 4, read:This once-opulent chamber has suffered from the depredationsof time and, perhaps, looters. Thick carpets on thefloor are rent and infested with sickly white lice. Tapestries,possibly once depicting Tiamat, hang in rags on the wall. Acollapsed four-poster bed sits in the southeast corner of thechamber, its mattress stained with black and yellow mold.The room contains one item that might be of interestto the PCs.Water Pipe: A bejeweled water pipe lies beneaththe bed. It is crafted to look like a five-headed dragon.Each head is a pipe stem, allowing up to five peopleto partake at the same time. A DC 30 Arcana checkreveals a tinge of old magic in the water pipe, renderingit unbreakable. Any other powers this objectmight have had have been eroded by time. However,the pipe is a rare relic of Tiamat, and to the propercollector of such trophies, it would be worth up to20,000 gp.Area 5: Summoning RoomLike the door to area 4, this door to this chamberhangs on its hinges.CHAPTER 3 | Dragon LairsWhen the PCs look into area 5, read:A complex circular diagram 10 feet in diameter is inscribedin the floor of this room. Signs and glyphs carved aroundthe periphery of the ring are inlaid with silvery metal.The ring acts as a permanent teleportation circle witha preset destination. Anyone looking through theportal sees a cloud-swept skyscape; the portal opensa few thousand feet above the Wyrmsmoke mountains,directly above the chamber where the PCs nowstand. If the characters don’t want to exit the templethrough the hole in the air above the pews in area 1,they can leave by means of the circle.Area 6: TreasuryThe door to this chamber is secret and requires a DC35 Perception check to notice.When the PCs look into area 6, read:The hallway opens to accommodate a broad set of shallowsteps leading up to a diamond-shaped chamber. Eachstair is cracked, cut, and partially dissolved, as if havingweathered years of violent elemental storms. The diamondshapedroom contains a litter of smashed, looted chests,each apparently constructed from the scales of <strong>chromatic</strong><strong>dragons</strong>.The temple’s treasury was looted long ago. However,if the PCs search through the detritus and make asuccessful DC 25 Perception check, they spot a crackin the floor in which something catches the light—alarge diamond (5,000 gp) that was overlooked by thethieves.Area 7: Inner Sanctum (Level 30)The PCs can reach this chamber by traveling up theshaft in area 3.When the PCs look into area 7, read:This roughly oval room is inscribed from top to bottom witha scalelike pattern that gives you the sense that the entirespace lies inside a giant egg. Five oval balconies encircle theperimeter of the room. Four of them contain magnificentstone sculptures of <strong>chromatic</strong> <strong>dragons</strong>. The southernmostcontains only rubble formed into a massive nest, whichholds eight boulder-sized eggs that gleam like jewels. Aflickering force of energy dances around the peripheryof the nest. In the center of the chamber is a raised daisaround which five stone dragon heads are poised. Eachdragon head’s mouth glows with crackling energy.Entering the chamber triggers the tactical encounter.Tactical Encounter: “Inner Sanctum,” page 164.JASON A. ENGLE

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