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2 Goristros (G) Level 19 Elite BruteHuge elemental humanoid (demon)XP 4,800 eachInitiative +10 Senses Perception +17; darkvisionHP 450; Bloodied 225; see also raging frenzyAC 31; Fortitude 34, Reflex 27, Will 29Resist 20 variable (2/encounter; MM 282)Saving Throws +2Speed 8Action Points 1m Slam (standard; at-will)Reach 3; +22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 8 damage.M Double Attack (standard; at-will)The goristro makes two slam attacks.M Goristro Stomp (immediate reaction, when a nonadjacentenemy moves adjacent to the goristro; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅)The goristro makes an attack against the enemy: +22 vs. AC;4d8 + 8 damage, and the target is knocked prone.M Goring Charge (standard; at-will)The goristro makes a charge attack: +23 vs. AC; 3d10 + 8damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.M Raging Frenzy (immediate reaction, when attacked by anadjacent enemy while bloodied; at-will)The goristro makes a frenzied gore attack against the enemy:+22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage.Alignment Chaotic evil Languages AbyssalStr 27 (+17) Dex 12 (+10) Wis 17 (+12)Con 25 (+16) Int 6 (+7) Cha 12 (+10)4 Gray Wing Vrocks (V) Level 17 SkirmisherLarge elemental humanoid (demon)XP 1,600 eachInitiative +15 Senses Perception +15; darkvisionHP 164; Bloodied 82; see also spores of madnessAC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 27Resist 10 variable (2/encounter; MM 282)Speed 6, fly 8; see also fl y b ya t t a c km Claw (standard; at-will)Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage.M Flyby Attack (standard; at-will)The vrock flies up to 8 squares and makes one claw attack atany point during that movement. The vrock doesn’t provokeopportunity attacks when moving away from the target of theattack.C Stunning Screech (standard; recharge ⚅)Close burst 3; deafened creatures are immune; +21 vs. Fortitude;the target is stunned until the end of the vrock’s next turn.C Spores of Madness (free, when first bloodied; encounter)✦ PoisonClose burst 2; demons are immune; +20 vs. Will; 1d10 + 5poison damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).Alignment Chaotic evil Languages AbyssalSkills Bluff +17, Insight +15Str 25 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 15 (+10)Con 20 (+13) Int 12 (+9) Cha 20 (+13)TacticsRound 1+: Although the balor can fly, it doesn’tdo so very well, so it fights from the ground. It usesfire and lightning to hit any enemies that it can reach,dragging its victims into the flames of its body.The goristros use goring charge against any PCs onthe ground, hoping to knock their foes off the islandand into the sea. If a goristro has no viable enemies, itspends its entire turn ripping new holes in the island.Each hole takes up 1 entire square and functions as aflesh mine (see Features of the Area).The vrocks are far more adept in the air andattempt to close with flying PCs. They attack usingstunning screech and then use flyby attack to slash atflying foes and drive them to the island.DevelopmentIf the PCs have not yet dealt with Anthraxin, thedeathmask dragon sees the battle as an opportunity totake out the demons and the adventurers at the sametime. She and her blood fiends leave their island andjoin the fight, arriving at the start of the third round.The blood fiends drop from the air and attack thegoristros with their claws, trying to stop the demons’efforts to destroy the island. They use terror gaze atanyone who interferes. The blood fiends are mostconcerned with destroying the demons and regardthe PCs as secondary targets only.Anthraxin keeps to the air, using wail of death tohaunt the PCs. She reserves her action points, breathweapon, and frightful presence for use in the event thatshe is attacked by three or more enemies at one time.The demons are not selective about their foes. Thegoristros gladly engage the blood fiends. The vrockssplit their attention between flying PCs and thedragon. The balor attends to PCs on the ground orattacks the blood fiends to preserve its miners.Features of the AreaIllumination: A dim red light suffuses the area.Flesh Mine: The goristros tear jagged holes in theisland, causing fountains of blood to spew into the air.Any square adjacent to a flesh mine is lightly obscured.Orifice: A moist opening leads into the darkrecesses of the island. It is too small to enter, but itleaks noxious gas. Creatures that start their turnsadjacent to the orifice become weakened until theend of their next turn.Soft Edges: The island’s edges are thin and incapableof supporting weight. Any creature that enters asquare containing an edge must succeed on a DC 10Acrobatics check or slip off the edge and fall into theBlood Sea 70 feet below, taking 7d10 falling damageon impact.Weeping Eye: This bizarre organ resembles a redeye. When a creature comes within 5 squares of theeye, it flutters open and watches the intruder. Bloodwells up from a dozen tear ducts, spills down, andgathers in puddles. The pupil follows the movementsof any creature that comes close, but the eye shutsas soon as all creatures move more than 5 squaresaway from it. The eye has AC 3 and 30 hit points. Ifreduced to 0 hit points, it spews a torrent of blood thatmakes the ground slippery in a radius of 5 squares.Such spaces are both difficult terrain and challengingterrain (Acrobatics DC 15).ABYSSAL LAIRCHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs157

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