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Demon MinersEncounter Level 25 (38,000 XP)Setup1 balor (B)2 goristros (G)4 gray wing vrocks (V)Encounter Level 24 (31,600 XP), subtract:4 gray wing vrocks (if already defeated)Encounter Level 30 (103,400 XP), add:Anthraxin the Devourer (see page 154)4 blood fiends (see page 154)The balor watches two goristro demons rip openthe island’s flesh to search for the fallen marilith.Meanwhile, four gray wing vrocks circle around theisland to protect the excavation. Place all the demonswhere indicated on the tactical map. (If the PCs havealready dealt with Anthraxin, they might have facedand defeated the vrocks, too. If so, do not place miniaturesfor those creatures.)The players should place their miniatures at theedge of the map if they are flying or on the island’sedge if they used other means to reach the demons.When the PCs approach the island, read:Two massive, bull-headed demons tear through the softflesh of the island with claws and teeth, sending sprays ofblood into the air. A towering, winged humanoid wreathedin flames watches them work. It grips a jagged, lightningshapedsword in one hand and cracks a whip at its servantswith the other.When the PCs face the vrocks, read:Oversized vulturelike creatures swoop through the air onlarge wings. Steel-gray feathers that end in blood-red tipscover their bodies except for their fleshy, wattled heads.Balor (B)Level 27 Elite BruteHuge elemental humanoid (demon) XP 22,000Initiative +17 Senses Perception +23; truesight 6Flaming Body (Fire) aura 2 (aura 3 while the balor is bloodied);enemies that start their turns in the aura takes 10 fire damage(20 fire damage while the balor is bloodied).HP 624; Bloodied 312; see also death burstAC 42; Fortitude 46, Reflex 39, Will 40Immune fear; Resist 40 fire, 20 variable (3/encounter; MM 282)Saving Throws +2Speed 8, fly 12 (clumsy)Action Points 1m Lightning Sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning, WeaponReach 3; +32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 lightning damage, or 3d10 + 30lightning damage on a critical hit.M Flame Whip (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, WeaponReach 5; +30 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 fire damage, and ongoing5 fire damage (save ends). Also, the target is pulled into anunoccupied space adjacent to the balor.M Fire and Lightning (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Lightning, WeaponThe balor makes a lightning sword attack and a flame whipattack.Demonic Accuracy (free, when the balor misses with an attack;encounter)The balor rerolls the attack and gains a +5 bonus to the roll.C Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ FireThe balor explodes in a burst of flame: close burst 10; +29 vs.Reflex; 7d10 fire damage. Miss: Half damage. The balor and itsweapons are completely destroyed.Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, CommonSkills Bluff +20, Insight +23, Intimidate +20Str 30 (+23) Dex 19 (+17) Wis 21 (+18)Con 32 (+24) Int 12 (+14) Cha 14 (+15)156CHAPTER 3 | Dragon LairsJASON A. ENGLE

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