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exists on the islands, but only in disgusting and despicableforms.Most islands are 7 squares thick at the center.Each is an expanse of fleshy material, and the groundhas the consistency of flesh. In fact, if it is burned,pus-filled blisters form; if the ground is cut, it bleedsand scabs over in time. The islands do not respondphysically to violence or pain, and the appearance offluids suggests an innate defense system to protecttheir integrity.The islands float 50 to 70 feet above the Blood Sea.They are naturally buoyant and can bear any weightwithout losing altitude. The only way to bring downan island is to kill it by dealing extensive damage towhatever lies beneath the skin.A few islands sport bizarre organs that resemblered eyes. When a creature comes within 5 squaresof an eye, it flutters open and watches the intruder.Blood wells up from a dozen tear ducts, spills down,and gathers in puddles. The pupil follows the movementsof any creature that comes close, but the eyeshuts as soon as all creatures move more than 5squares away from it. An eye has AC 3 and 30 hitpoints. If reduced to 0 hit points, it spews a torrent ofblood that makes the ground slippery in a radius of5 squares. Such spaces are both difficult terrain andchallenging terrain (Acrobatics DC 15).Beneath the islands churns the Blood Sea. Thefluid is actually blood and counts as rough water forthe purpose of making Athletics checks to swim ortread water.Approaching the LairWhen the PCs approach the area, read:Drifting beneath a pestilential firmament are six fleshyclouds, islands in the sky. They quiver as they move, trailingcurtains of filth as they travel across the diseased heavens.Area 1: The Weeping WoundFloating 60 feet above the Blood Sea, this islandjockeys with the Island of Pustules (area 2) for thelead position, but it frequently loses ground because ithemorrhages blood from a dreadful wound. Flaps ofskin hang like a skirt beneath the central mound.When the PCs land on this island, read:A profound stink rises from this island of flesh, emanatingfrom a ring of putrid skin that sloughs chunks of decayedmeat. Pouring from a grievous wound is a river of bloodthat spills off the edges, raining down on the crimson seabelow.Area 2: Island of PustulesThis island is “healthy” except for the tumescent pustulesthat dot its surface. It floats 70 feet above the sea.When the PCs land on this island, read:The ground here is firm and leathery, almost as if callused.Rubbery mounds scattered across the ground are filled withgreen fluid.The pustules are harmless until they are touched.Tumescent PustuleLevel 15 BlasterHazard XP 1,200A shuddering pustule bursts in an explosion of acidic slime.Hazard: When creatures touch these pustules, they explode in aburst of acid.PerceptionNo check is necessary to notice the pustules.Additional Skill: Nature✦ DC 25: The character recognizes the danger of the pustulesbefore they erupt.TriggerA pustule explodes when touched.AttackOpportunity Action Close burst 4Target: Each creature in burstAttack: +17 vs. ReflexHit: 4d8 + 7 acid damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 aciddamage and is weakened (save ends both).Miss: Half damage.Countermeasures✦ A character in the burst can minimize the damage of a pustulewith a DC 23 Nature check made as an immediate interruptbefore the pustule’s attack. On a success, the character gainsa +2 bonus to Reflex on the attack, and takes no damage if theattack misses.Area 3: Rotten IslandAnother damaged island, this one began its slowdecline after being struck by a falling object—Rroglatha, a former marilith servant of Graz’zt whodispleased her master and was thrown down to theSea of Blood. Instead of hitting the sea, Rroglathastruck this island and punched through the flesh tobecome embedded inside. The demon was killed onimpact, and her trapped carcass still festers, infectingthe island and causing it to rot from the inside out.When the PCs land on this island, read:The stench of decay here is overwhelming and seems strongestfrom a jagged hole that bores into the island. Vile puswells up from the hole, green from infection. On the oppositeside of the island, more fluid spills off the edge to fall ona lower plateau, where it gathers in a stinking pool.The Rotten Island holds a few places of interest.Infected Wound: The infected wound marksthe place where the demon fell. The area around thewound is slick with corruption, and the hole descends10 feet to a puddle of the noxious stuff. Charactersexposed to the fluid are automatically slowed andweakened (save ends both).ABYSSAL LAIRCHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs151

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