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Jaws of DeathLevel 25 Elite LurkerTrap XP 14,000Wispy, wraithlike serpents with draconic heads lash out, bitingbodies and souls.Trap: The jaws of death’s activation is contingent on the activationof the earthen wyvern trap. When that trap is triggered, so isthis one.Perception✦ DC 28: The character notices runes carved into the aide of theplatform where the trap is located.Initiative +6TriggerWhen the other trap in the room is triggered, this trap rollsinitiative.AttackStandard Action Ranged sightTarget: Two creatures in rangeAttack: +29 vs. FortitudeHit: 4d12 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target slides 6 squares.Miss: Half damage, and the target slides 2 squares.Countermeasures✦ A character can attack the runes inscribed into the platform(AC/Reflex 4, Fortitude 10, hit points 165). Destroying therunes deactivates the trap.✦ Any radiant damage dealt to the runes delays the trap for 1round (in addition to dealing damage).Dread Wraith (W)Level 25 LurkerLarge shadow humanoid (undead) XP 7,000Initiative +25 Senses Perception +18; darkvisionShroud of Night aura 5; bright light in the aura is reduced to dimlight, and dim light becomes darkness.HP 124; Bloodied 62; see also death strikeRegeneration 20 (if the dread wraith takes radiant damage,regeneration is negated until the end of the wraith’s next turn)AC 37; Fortitude 33, Reflex 37, Will 37Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 30 necrotic, insubstantial;Vulnerable 15 radiant (see also regeneration above)Speed fly 10 (hover); phasing ; see also shadow glidem Dread Blade (standard; at-will) ✦ NecroticReach 2; +28 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 9 necrotic damage, and thetarget is weakened (save ends).C Death Shriek (when reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ PsychicClose blast 3; targets enemies; +27 vs. Will; 4d6 + 9 psychicdamage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage,and the target is not dazed.Combat Advantage ✦ NecroticThe dread wraith deals 3d6 extra necrotic damage against anytarget it has combat advantage against.Shadow Glide (move; encounter)The dread wraith shifts 6 squares.Spawn WraithAny humanoid killed by a dread wraith rises as a free-willeddread wraith at the start of its creator’s next turn, appearing inthe space where it died (or in the nearest unoccupied space).Raising the slain creature (using the Raise Dead ritual) does notdestroy the spawned wraith.Alignment Chaotic evil Languages CommonSkills Stealth +26Str 18 (+16) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 12 (+13)Con 20 (+17) Int 14 (+14) Cha 28 (+21)TacticsRound 1: Urum-Shar uses her frightful presence. Ifshe stuns at least half the party, she spends an actionpoint to attack the remainder. If she does not stunhalf the group, she transforms into sand to attack thePCs.Round 2+: Urum-Shar uses her abilities as appropriatefor the circumstances, but she rarely remainsin one place for more than 1 round. If one or twoPCs are away from the others—perhaps forced tomove away by the jaws of death—she focuses on them.Urum-Shar fights to the death.Features of the AreaIllumination: None.Doors: These heavy stone doors require a DC 32Strength check to batter open, or a DC 37 Thieverycheck to unlock.Pit (area 8): The pit is not really a trap because itis blatantly obvious, though its inhabitant is not. Thepit is 40 feet deep. Climbing its walls requires a DC33 Athletics check.Platform: The platform that stands above the pitincludes the runes that are the focus for the jaws ofdeath trap.Rock Walls: The PCs can climb a rock ledge oroutcropping by making a DC 29 Athletics check.Smooth Walls: The south wall of the chamberand the sides of the semicircular platform aresmooth. Climbing them requires a DC 37 Athleticscheck.THE TOMB OF URUM-SHARJASON A. ENGLECHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs149

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