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Hellish HalberdLevel 25 Elite ObstacleTrap XP 14,000The great dragon-headed humanoid statue clutches a halberd. Itseems capable of clearing a wide swath with a single swing.Trap: When the PCs pass the statue, it swings its halberd, thencontinues to attack each round and when someone tries to passby the statue.Perception✦ DC 31: The character notices that portions of the statue arehinged for movement.✦ DC 35: The character spots the hidden control panel in thestatue’s abdomen.TriggerWhen the PCs have moved 1 square lower than the statue onthe stairs, it attacks as an immediate reaction. It then entersthe initiative order directly after the creature that triggered it,attacking each round. In addition, it can make one extra attackeach round as an immediate reaction, triggered when someoneattempts to move past the trigger square heading upward.AttackImmediate Reaction or Standard Action Melee reach 6Target: One creatureAttack: Reach 2; +31 vs. ACHit: 5d10 + 9 damage, and the target slides 4 (always down thestairs).Miss: Half damage, and no slide.Countermeasures✦ A creature adjacent to the statue can attempt to disable thetrap (Thievery DC 30).✦ The statue can be destroyed (AC/Reflex 10, Fortitude 37, hitpoints 200).Claws of SandLevel 25 LurkerTrap XP 7,000Great claws of burning sand rise up from the floor to grasp atthose around them.Trap: When the PCs venture too close, claws of sand reach out toattack them.Perception✦ DC 28: The character notices something odd about the patternsof sand on the floor.Initiative +6TriggerWhen a character comes within 8 squares of the focus pointmarked “C” on the shrine, the trap rolls initiative.AttackStandard Action Ranged 10Target: One creature in rangeAttack: +28 vs. ReflexHit: 6d8 + 9 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 damage andis immobilized (save ends both).Miss: Half damage, no ongoing damage, and the target is slowed(not immobilized) until the end of the trap’s next turn.Countermeasures✦ A creature adjacent to the shrine can attempt to disable thetrap (Thievery DC 30).✦ A character can attack the focus point on the shrine (AC/Reflex4, Fortitude 10, hit points 135). Destroying the focus pointdeactivates the trap.Jaws of DeathLevel 25 Elite LurkerTrap XP 14,000Wispy, wraithlike serpents with draconic heads lash out, bitingbodies and souls.Trap: The jaws of death’s activation is contingent on the activationof other traps in the room. When one of those traps is triggered,so is this one.Perception✦ DC 28: The character notices runes carved into the skulls thatmake up the shrine.Initiative +6TriggerWhen any other trap in the room is triggered, this trap rollsinitiative.AttackStandard Action Ranged sightTarget: Two creatures in rangeAttack: +29 vs. FortitudeHit: 4d12 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target slides 6 squares.Miss: Half damage, and the target slides 2 squares.Countermeasures✦ A character can attack the skulls in the shrine (AC/Reflex 4,Fortitude 10, hit points 165). Destroying the skulls deactivatesthe trap.✦ Any radiant damage dealt to the skulls delays the trap for 1round (in addition to dealing damage).TacticsThe traps activate and attack as described. The jawsof death use their slide ability to yank PCs off stairs orstatues, to send them tumbling down the steps, or tomove a target into range of other traps.Features of the AreaIllumination: None.Door: This heavy stone door slams and locksbehind the PCs when they enter this area. It requiresa DC 32 Strength check to batter open or a DC 37Thievery check to unlock. This is the only way out ofthis chamber.Pillars: Each 40-foot-tall pillar fills a square andprovides cover. Climbing a pillar requires a DC 33Athletics check. The pillars marked “b” are brokenoff at a height of roughly 20 feet.Rubble: These squares are difficult terrain.Shrine: A character can step up onto the shrine atthe cost of 1 extra square of movement.Steep Stairs: The stairs are difficult terrain. Acharacter subjected to a push, pull, or slide effect thatmoves him down the stairs must make a DC 33 Acrobaticscheck or tumble an additional 5 squares (or tothe base), taking 1d6 damage and falling prone.Statues: Climbing a statue or clinging to one afterleaping from the steps requires a DC 29 Athleticscheck. The statue marked “a” is broken off about 5feet higher than the neighboring stairs.THE TOMB OF URUM-SHARCHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs147

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