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The WeaponEncounter Level 18 (10,200 XP)Setup1 azer beastmaster (B)2 firebred hell hounds (H)2 azer ragers (R)3 azer foot soldiers (A)Place the miniatures where indicated on the tacticalmap. The azer foot soldiers are at work assemblingthe device, so the PCs automatically gain surpriseagainst them. The rest of the azers are entitled toPerception checks to notice the PCs approaching theledge.If the characters reach the ledge by climbing downthe ladder, have the two PCs who descended firstplace their miniatures adjacent to the ladder. Placethe miniatures of the other PCs off the map (adjacentto the edge) in the order of their descent.When the first PC reaches the ledge, read:The ledge extends 70 feet into the side of the mountain andcontains a number of fiery dwarves laboring over a strangedevice. The item is a rough-shaped orb with four metal rodsextending out from red metal plating. The device hangsfrom chains set into the ceiling about 40 feet overhead.Three figures stand on scaffolding that surrounds thedevice, constructed between large stone pillars that supportthe ceiling.Against one wall, another fiery dwarf works at a forgenear a stack of materials. You spy sleeping pallets againstthe wall farthest from the edge.Just as you take in the scene, a mean-looking dwarfdrops the chains that hold two large flaming hounds at bay.Azer Beastmaster (B) Level 17 Soldier (Leader)Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XP 1,600Initiative +13 Senses Perception +12Warding Flame (Fire) Any enemy adjacent to two or more azers atthe start of its turn takes 5 fire damage.HP 167; Bloodied 83AC 32; Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 29Resist 30 fireSpeed 5m Battleaxe (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Weapon+22 vs. AC; 1d10 + 5 damage plus 1d8 fire damage, and thetarget is marked until the end of the azer beastmaster’s nextturn.On My Command (standard; encounter)Each allied elemental beast within 5 squares of the azerbeastmaster makes a basic attack as a free action, provided theelemental beast is flanking an enemy and can both see and hearthe azer beastmaster.Induce Hellburst (reaction; when the azer beastmaster isbloodied; encounter)All the allied firebred hellhounds within 5 squares of the azerbeastmaster use their fiery burst power, even if it is currentlyuncharged.Alignment Unaligned Languages GiantStr 21 (+13) Dex 17 (+11) Wis 18 (+12)Con 23 (+14) Int 11 (+8) Cha 16 (+11)Equipment chainmail, light shield, battleaxe2 Firebred Hell Hounds (H) Level 17 BruteMedium elemental beast (fire)XP 1,600 eachInitiative +10 Senses Perception +17Fire Shield (Fire) aura 1; any creature that enters or begins its turnin the aura takes 1d10 fire damage.HP 205; Bloodied 102AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 29Resist 40 fireSpeed 8m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire+20 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 plus 1d10 fire damage.C Fiery Breath (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅) ✦ FireClose blast 3; +18 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 7 fire damage.C Fiery Burst (standard; recharge ⚅) ✦ FireClose burst 3; +18 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 7 fire damage.Alignment Unaligned Languages —Str 22 (+14) Dex 14 (+10) Wis 19 (+12)Con 25 (+15) Int 2 (+4) Cha 12 (+9)138CHAPTER 3 | Dragon LairsJASON A. ENGLE

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