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128Area 5: The Central Chamber(Level 18, 17, or 22)The center of the dragon’s lair is truly an astoundingcavern.When the PCs enter the chamber, read:Many villages are smaller than this cavern. Even the tiniestsound seems to echo forever, and you cannot begin to see thefar side.When the PCs approach the center of the chamber,they trigger the tactical encounter.Tactical Encounter: “The Beating Heart,” page130.Development: If Orukurtz is slain, any survivingmonsters from area 6 congregate here (as well asthe purplespawn nightmare from area 3, if you havechosen to include the optional encounter there).Treasure: Orukurtz’s hoard is hidden in a concealedcompartment beneath the stalagmites directlynorthwest of the crevice (area 8). The PCs can locatethe compartment with a DC 32 Perception check andopen it with either a DC 32 Thievery check or a DC27 Strength check. The hoard includes 40,000 gp invarious coinage; a platinum crown with a mountedemerald worth 10,000 gp; a delicate chain of goldand mithral links worth 6,000 gp; a wooden chestcontaining two potions of vitality, a ring of wizardry, anda shield of deflection (paragon tier) that Orukurtz washoping to have modified someday so that a dragoncould carry and make use of it without penalty.Area 6: Side Chamber(Level 19, 17, or 22)This cavern is the quarters of Orukurtz’s servants.When the PCs enter the chamber, read:Though this chamber is not the largest you have seen, it isprodigious indeed—about a hundred feet long and over halfthat in width. Stalagmites and mushrooms litter the floor.If the PCs make a DC 26 Perception check, read:Beneath the scent of mold and fungi, the air smells faintlyof wet dog.The PCs trigger the tactical encounter if theyapproach the center of the cavern.Tactical Encounter: “Something on the Side,”page 132.Area 7: Yet Another OverlookThe ledge is identical to those in area 4, except that itoverhangs area 6 rather than area 5.CHAPTER 3 | Dragon LairsIf the PCs approach from area 10, the primalstorm that normally lurks here quickly flies into area6. Allow the PCs a DC 27 Perception check to spotsomething moving up ahead.Area 8: Falling Farther InThe edge of a crevice protrudes into Orukurtz’s lair.When the PCs approach the crevice, read:Ahead of you the ground gapes open, as though woundedin ancient days by the blade of an angry god. The shadowsmake it difficult to determine how far the crevice drops.If a PC falls or climbs down the crevice, read:The crevice descends about 40 feet to an uneven, rockyfloor. Other than bits of fungi clinging to the floors andwalls, there is little to see here. The crevice extends to thesoutheast, beyond the edges of the cavern above.Optional: Creepy CrawliesLevel 17 or 22 Encounter (XP 9,600 or 21,600)✦ 3 enormous carrion crawlers (level 17 elitecontroller)✦ Orukurtz, elder purple dragon (level 19 solocontroller)The crevice isn’t as empty as it first appears. Thescavengers in it have tangled with Orukurtz enoughto know that they should leave him and his minionsalone, but anyone else is fair game.If Orukurtz is still alive, he appears here only if thePCs have already defeated everything else in the lair.Features of the AreaThe following feature likely affects play only if yourun the optional encounter.Odorous Mushrooms: Any living creature thatbegins its turn in this square inhales the fumes ofmushrooms crushed beneath its feet. As a result, thecreature becomes distracted, granting combat advantageto all enemies, until the end of its next turn. Theinhabitants of the lair have developed a tolerance tothe fumes and are unaffected.Area 9: Darkened VeinsThese ledges emerge from the crevice walls but are otherwiselike those in area 4. The southern ledge leads toa passage that winds deeper into the Underdark.Area 10: Down the HoleThis hole drops 40 feet down into area 5. From thetop of the hole, the PCs can see anything that theycould see from one of the ledges in area 4 (assumingthey have an appropriate light source).JASON A. ENGLE

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