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is finally slain or defeated. That XP amount isincluded in this encounter level.Area 1: Arteries of StoneThe PCs have entered the outer reaches of the Heartof Darkness.If the PCs succeed on a DC 27 Perception check,read:Barely visible on the dusty floor are occasional scuffs, bitsof broken rock, and crushed fungi. These passages apparentlyhave seen a fair amount of use.Area 2: Point of No ReturnFrom this point, any light carried by the PCs becomesvisible to the inhabitants of area 5, making it impossibleto catch Orukurtz by surprise.Area 3: The GauntletThis cavern looks as harmless as the previous passageways,but appearances can be deceiving.When the PCs enter, read:The passageway broadens into a lengthy cavern. Severalstone columns stand beside the walls, dripping withcondensation. Patches of sickly-looking mushrooms havesprouted in the damp earth, filling the air with a miasmaalmost like that of rotting meat.Optional: Running the GauntletLevel 17 Encounter (9,600 XP)✦ 1 purplespawn nightmare (level 17 lurker)✦ 2 roper lashers (level 16 elite controller; use statisticsfrom “The Beating Heart,” below)✦ Orukurtz, elder purple dragon, sporadically (level19 solo controller)Perception ChecksUse these checks only if you plan to make use of theoptional encounter.DC 32: The PCs spot the purplespawn nightmare.Read:Lurking almost invisibly in the shadows is a sinewy creatureof deep purple hue, crouching on all fours. Its skinflexes and flows like that of a snake, and its barbed tailtwitches as it realizes that you have spotted it.DC 36: The PCs spot the ropers. Read:The faintest hint of movement and the light reflecting off anarrowly slitted eye suggest that two of the rock formationsin this cavern might not be rocks at all, but living creatures.Orukurtz has set up a surprise for intruders whothink that they have found an easy way into his lair’swinding corridors. As in the tactical encounters,Orukurtz appears only after a few rounds of combatand continues to attack, depart, and return on a rollof 5–6 on a d6. Unlike in the tactical encounters, henever lands to engage in melee because the cavern is(for him) too tight for comfort. He attacks only fromthe air, and if the PCs demonstrate any capabilities(such as immobilizing spells) that might trap himhere despite his phasing ability, he departs and doesnot return to this encounter.Features of the AreaThe following features likely affect play only if yourun the optional encounter.Odorous Mushrooms: Any living creature thatbegins its turn in this square inhales the fumes ofmushrooms crushed beneath its feet. As a result, thecreature becomes distracted, granting combat advantageto all enemies, until the end of its next turn. Theinhabitants of the lair have developed a tolerance tothe fumes and are unaffected.Sloped Floor: A square of sloped floor is difficultterrain if it is entered by someone ascending theslope. A sloped square is normal terrain if it is enteredby someone descending the slope.Stone Columns: Each column occupies 1 square.Climbing a column requires a DC 27 Athletics check.Area 4: Central OverlookOther than their heights, all these ledges are similar.When the PCs step onto a ledge, read:You find yourself on a small stone ledge, staring out overa cavern of truly enormous proportions. Your light doesn’teven begin to illuminate the entire chamber.Feel free to add the description from area 5 if youthink that the PCs would be able to see it, but keep inmind that they cannot see any of the creatures fromthis vantage point.Optional: Flyby!Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,400)✦ Orukurtz, elder purple dragon, 1 or 2 rounds only(level 19 solo controller)If the PCs remain on one of these ledges for morethan a few moments, their light giving away theirposition, the dragon might make a single strike. Hedraws just near enough the party to use his breathweapon, then retreats in the following round. He doesnot reappear again in this location.HEART OF DARKNESSCHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs127

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