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Sylvan AlliesEncounter Level 8 (1,950 XP)Setup1 dryad (D)1 eladrin twilight incanter (I)2 eladrin fey knights (E)4 hamadryads (H)Encounter Level 13 (4,450 XP), add:Razcoreth (see page 116)Since this encounter can occur anywhere on theoverall map, the tactical map provided representsonly one possible location. If you use the tactical map,place miniatures for the creatures that the PCs cansee.If the encounter occurs elsewhere in the forest,adjust the tactical map accordingly. Place the dryadnear a gargantuan tree, and place the four hamadryadsnear her and each other. Place the eladrintwilight incanter close to an enchanted massive treeif possible, and place the two eladrin fey knightswithin 4 squares of her.The players can place their miniatures in the setuparea as marked on the tactical map or in a similarlocation on your adjusted map.When the PCs see the dryad and any hamadryads,read:A female composed of wood and bark separates herselffrom a tree as similar creatures emerge from the forest allaround her. She glares at you and whispers a dire curse inElven.When the PCs see the eladrin, read:Emerging from the forest are a pair of eladrin warriorsand an eladrin witch. The warriors wear chain armorconstructed to look like interlocking leaves and wield longswordsof green steel. The witch wears a long robe of wovenroots and leaves and wields a rune-inscribed spear. Shescreeches at you and commands her warriors to engage.Perception CheckDC 16: The PCs notice a hamadryad if she’s hidden.DC 17: The PCs notice the twilight incanter if she’shidden.DC 19: The PCs notice a fey knight if he’s hidden.DC 22: The PCs notice the dryad if she’s hidden.Dryad (D)Level 9 SkirmisherMedium fey humanoid (plant) XP 400Initiative +9 Senses Perception +12HP 92; Bloodied 46AC 23; Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 21Speed 8 (forest walk)m Claws (standard; at-will)+14 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage, or 1d8 + 9 damage if the target isthe only enemy adjacent to the dryad.Deceptive Veil (minor; at-will) ✦ IllusionThe dryad can disguise itself to appear as any Mediumhumanoid, usually a beautiful elf or eladrin. A successful Insightcheck (opposed by the dryad’s Bluff check) pierces the disguise.Treestride (move; at-will) ✦ TeleportationThe dryad can teleport 8 squares if it begins and ends adjacentto a tree, a treant, or a plant of Large size or bigger.Alignment Unaligned Languages ElvenSkills Bluff +10, Insight +12, Stealth +12Str 19 (+8) Dex 17 (+7) Wis 17 (+7)Con 12 (+5) Int 10 (+4) Cha 13 (+5)4 Hamadryads (H) Level 11 MinionMedium fey humanoid (plant)XP 150 eachInitiative +8 Senses Perception +13Grasping Roots aura 1; enemies treat the area within the aura asdifficult terrain.HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.AC 25; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 23Speed 8 (forest walk)m Claws (standard; at-will)+16 vs. AC; 6 damage.Alignment Unaligned Languages ElvenStr 21 (+10) Dex 17 (+8) Wis 17 (+8)Con 12 (+6) Int 10 (+5) Cha 13 (+6)114CHAPTER 3 | Dragon LairsJASON A. ENGLE

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