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112The water is enchanted with potent magic that affectsthe minds of intelligent creatures. Animals are unaffected.Any creature with an Intelligence of 5 orhigher that touches or drinks the water is subjectto the lake’s effects. The river does not share thisenchantment and functions as normal water.Lake of DreamsLevel 10 ObstacleHazard XP 500The lake is beautiful and serene, but it is utterly still no matterwhat touches its surface.Hazard: When a living creature interacts with the water, the lakeplaces it into a deep and disturbed sleep.PerceptionNo check is required to see the lake.TriggerWhenever a living creature with an Intelligence of 5 or highertouches or drinks water from the Lake of Dreams, the watermakes an opportunity attack. The water attacks each round aslong as the contact persists until it hits its target.Attack ✦ Psychic, SleepOpportunity Action MeleeAttack: +15 vs. WillHit: The target heals 10 damage, and the target falls unconscious(save ends).Aftereffect: The target is weakened and slowed (save ends both).Area 3: Enchanted Trees(Level 8)Each tree marked “3” on the map bears a powerful,short-range teleportation portal connectingit to another tree noted with the same letter. (Forexample, tree 3A at the top of the map is connected totree 3A at the bottom of the map.) Any creature thattouches an enchanted tree instantly teleports intoa space adjacent to its connected tree. Touching thesecond tree returns the character to a space adjacentto the original tree.Tactical Encounter: “Sylvan Allies,” page 114.Area 4: The HoleA wide pit yawns at the top of the hill. The hole is theprimary entrance into the dragon’s lair.When the PCs approach the hole, read:A 40-foot-diameter hole reveals the interior of the hill. Itswalls are muddy and earthen, hairy with strange roots andtwitching with beetles and worms. About 80 feet down liesthe pit’s bottom, a morass of mud and brackish water.Climbing down the pit’s walls requires a DC 15Athletics check. If the PCs try to descend quietly,they must make a Stealth check against DC 22(Razcoreth’s passive Perception score), modifiedby distance. If they fail, they trigger the tacticalencounter.Tactical Encounter: “Dragon’s Den,” page 116.CHAPTER 3 | Dragon LairsThe pit’s bottom is extremely muddy and foulsmelling. Characters sink about a foot into the muck.Each square at the bottom costs 3 squares of movementto enter.Area 5: Hidden PassageA concealed passage in the side of the hill leads intothe dragon’s lair. Finding the entrance requires a DC25 Perception check.If the PCs find the hidden passage, read:A narrow passage worms through the moist earth. Puddlesof water spot the floor, and white roots hang down fromabove like hairs.Area 6: Stagnant WaterRainwater that falls into the hole collects in a largepond here. The water is dark and noxious, incapableof sustaining life. The pond’s bottom is a quagmireas well; it costs 3 squares of movement to enter anyspace containing stagnant water. Any PC who drinksthe water takes 10 poison damage.Characters who try to move quietly must makea Stealth check against DC 22 (Razcoreth’s passivePerception score), modified by distance. If they fail,they trigger the tactical encounter.Tactical Encounter: “Dragon’s Den,” page 116.Treasure: Hidden beneath the soupy mess isan old sea chest filled with 558 gp and 1,158 sp. Inaddition, the water hides four leather bags containinga total of 12,011 cp, a copper bust of an attractivefemale eladrin (250 gp), an amethyst (100 gp), and abrilliant emerald (1,000 gp). Finding the chest, bags,bust, and gems each requires a DC 15 Perceptioncheck.Area 7: Razcoreth’s Den(Level 10)Razcoreth lurks in the largest chamber beneath thehill. He excavated the tunnels, and the walls still bearthe claw marks of his digging.When the PCs enter the den, read:The wide cavern expands into a massive area of excavatedearth. A central column of dirt and stone supports theearthen ceiling overhead. Strange purple roots emergefrom the column, twitching as if alive. The floor and wallsare packed mud and earth, with puddles of water scatteredthroughout.Unless the PCs attracted the dragon’s attention earlier,they encounter him here.Tactical Encounter: “Dragon’s Den,” page 116.JASON A. ENGLE

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