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several caves (areas 6 and 7) for intruders. If theynotice the PCs, they move to warn their leaders inarea 8. At night, light from cooking fires emanatingfrom the caves grants the PCs a +5 bonus to Perceptionchecks to notice the sentries.Perception CheckDC 15 +2 per square between the PCs and thesentries: The PC notices a kobold watching from oneof the caves.Area 1: The FallsThe icy water thunders down to collect in a frothingpool. The overflow forms a swift river that flows tothe west.When the PCs approach the pool, read:Area 2: Stepping StonesRainwater and snowmelt from the higher peaks seepthrough the rock and trickle through natural fissuresand cracks, joining with other streams until theybreak through the ceiling here. The waters follow thechannel until they fall to the canyon floor beyond.When the PCs come within 6 squares of thisarea, read:Two slimy stones jut out from the rushing waters, offeringsteps of a sort.Perception CheckDC 20: The characters notice tracks on the shores. ADC 15 Nature check reveals that kobolds made thetracks.CLIFFSIDE LAIRThe falls tumble down from a cave about 70 feet above thecanyon floor to collect in a frothing pool before draininginto the river that runs out of the area. Pale fish flit aboutthe pool, and crayfish crawl about its rocky bed. Fish bonesand scales litter the shore.Perception CheckDC 25: Although the shore is rocky, the PCs noticethe signs of tracks all around. A DC 15 Nature checkreveals that kobolds made the tracks.Reaching the cave mouth is difficult. Water makesthe rocks slippery, and a lack of handholds makes thegoing slow. Climbing to the cave requires a DC 30Athletics check.Even if the characters reach the top, they mustcontend with the rushing waters. Navigating thewater-filled squares requires a DC 20 Acrobaticscheck. Failing the check by 5 or more indicates thatthe PC falls and is swept over the edge to the pool 70feet below, taking 7d10 damage.When the PCs reach the top, read:Water rumbles from deeper inside the cave, following achannel cut into the rock. About 25 feet in from the edgeof the waterfall, a raised shore stands 10 feet above therushing water. Beyond, you see that dry ground flanks thewaters farther inside the cave.Climbing out of the water and up onto the shorerequires a DC 20 Athletics check.Characters can leap across the narrowest part of theriver by making an Athletics check to jump, or theycan cross the waters by moving over the steppingstones. To cross the stones, a character must make aDC 10 Acrobatics check. On a failed check, the characteris swept over the falls unless he or she makes asaving throw, in which case the character falls proneat the edge of the waterfall.Area 3: MiddenThe kobolds dump bones, offal, and other detritusin this large cavern. The smell is noticeable at theentrance to the area.When the PCs reach the end of the passage leadingto area 3, read:The passage ends at a wide cave, the floor giving way toa 40-foot-deep pit filled with rotting carcasses, old bones,mounds of glistening dung, and worse. Crimson moldcovers everything.Area 4: Old Kobold LairThis area once housed the bulk of the kobold tribe.When the PCs enter this area, read:Scattered throughout this large chamber are old sleepingpallets, the remains of cooking fires, and a jumble of brokencrockery and debris. The ceiling is black with soot, and theair is heavy with the stink of charcoal. Brown splotchesstain the walls, and the floor is littered with twenty bloatedcorpses, most half chewed by rats.Heal CheckDC 10: A successful Heal check indicates that thekobolds have been dead for about a week. Most weretorn apart by sharp claws or bitten in half. A few bearthe scars of extensive acid burns.CHAPTER 3 | Dragon Lairs103

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