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<strong>CON</strong>CHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l enow in its 8th yearApril 5, 2013 - April 11, 2013 • Vol. 8 No 15

April 5CHRISTOPHER ELWELLLet me help you with the latest inFurniture, Design & Accessoriesfor your Keys home —I’ve been doing it since 1991!Call me for your new look !FURNITURE DESIGN WINDOW TREATMENTSKITCHENSFLOORINGChristopher@KeysFurniture.com305-481-1790 Mark Hyatt WelcomesRaquel and Lourdes ToBenihanaPhoto by Tom OosterhoudtA Visit From OurDutch Cousin Hugo!From left, Lourdes Torbisco, Tom Oosterhoudt,Leonie Sinke, Hugo Sinke, and Raquel Crummitt.

First State Bank Cleans UpLower KeysFirst State Bank of the FloridaKeys continued its annual “GoGreen” community cleanups withan event at the Bank’s Summerlandoffice.First State Bank employees joinedother Lower Keys locals to keepthe community green by pickingup trash and recyclables. The Bankholds Keyswide clean ups throughoutthe year to keep the Keys cleanand encourage eco-friendly initiatives.To inquire about upcoming cleanups contact Annie Briening at 305-293-7114 or celebrate theIsland’s Cuban heritageand raise funds for ARTS atSigsbee Charter School!Thursday, April 4th 6-8 pmKey West Golf Club, 6450 College Road, Key WestFirst State Bank Old Town Assistant Branch Manager Vanessa Hedrick, Internet Banking RepresentativeDeanna Mira, and Summerland Assistant Branch Manager Susan Meneses.TIME STANDS STILL -- Meet The CastPhoto by Roberta DePieroTIME STANDS STILL at RedBarn Theatre has been hailed for itsexcellent script, fine acting and skilleddirection. It is written by PulitzerPrize winning author, Donald Margulieswho also authored Brooklyn Boys,Dinner With Friends, Sight Unseen,Collected Stories, The Loman FamilyPicnic, The Model Apartment, What’sWrong With This Picture?, Found APeanut, Shipwrecked! and An Entertainment.George diBraud plays the part ofSarah, a photojournalist woundedin a bomb blast. She has been withRed Barn since the early days in TheVagina Monologues, Shel Silverstein’sThe Bathroom Plays, How ILearned to Drive (also directed by JoyHawkins) and many more.Dave Bootle is stunning as thejournalist counterpart/lover of Sarah.A natural, by all accounts, Canadianborn Bootle took on his first acting/singing/dancing role as the lead in themusical “Rock Around the Clock” in1983. He is a popular solo performerat LaTeDa and has entertained inclubs and bars around the world,including 20 years on the island ofBermuda. tAmber McDonald grew up in RedBarn theatre, daughter of two of itsfounders,. She earned a BFA in actingat Boston University, and also studiedat the London Academy of Musicand Dramatic Arts. Her credits inNew York and LA include Smallville,recurring roles on As the World Turnsand One Life To Live, Hide and Seek(starring Robert DeNiro), and manymore.Doug Shook studied acting atVirginia Commonwealth Univeristyand the Jean Shelton School inBerkeley, California. He has been inthe Red Barn spotlight in Frozen, TheDrawer Boy, Opus, November, andBecky’s New Car (for which The KeyWest Citizen called him “immenselyversatile”). He is the Executive Chefat Louie’s Backyard.Director Joy Hawkins, is ArtisticDirector of Red Barn Theatre and hasdirected for the Barn since day one,thirty-three years ago. She has alsodirected productions at TennesseeWilliams Theatre and in theatres inevery quadrant of the nation.Time Stands Still runs Tuesdaysthrough Saturdays to April 13 at 8PM. Tickets are available at, by phone at 296-9911 and from the Box Office, 319Duval Street, rear. Save with seasonsubscription tickets for multipleshows! Talk to the box office aboutgroup prices for your family, businessteam or Sunday School class, and thevery special “Dinner and a Show”with the Pier House HarbourViewCafé.Island Fare, Sangria, Beer, and WineLive Cuban-Style Steel Drum MusicFabulous items for auction!Resort Stays, Watersport PackagesArt from Local Artists & SCS StudentsCertificates for Key West’s Best inPampering, Dining & ServicesDoor prizes! Raffles!Don’t miss this awesome evening!Tickets $25, including food, drink and door prizes.Call 240-405-5521 to purchase.Adults Only, please.conch color the florida keys 3 photographic chronicle

<strong>CON</strong>CHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l e(305) 294-7566 office (305) 292-9955 faXpUBlisher/editorTom oosTerhoudT ooster@conchcolor.comPHOTOGRAPHERKrisTen Livengood kristen.livengood@gmail.comediTORIALad salesKaren Lee hirsT (305) 304-7609, senior sales personsTeven Kramer (305) 393-5707, ad salesraqueL CrummiTT (305) 414-8949, ad salesJanet Wood (305) 395-0241 –, ad sales Upper keysandy & Jodi Kirby (305) 509-0009 – , delivery & salesGreGory a. Smith (305) 396-7805 – ad salesLarry neeSe (305) 434-6728 –, ad salescreative designdina CoyLe, dina deSiGnS, int’L (305) 741-7272 dinacoyle@me.comWeB master: david a.Cox (774) 772-8434 imonamac@me.com314 simonton street key West fl 33040pUBlished Weekly and distriBUted every friday from key West to key largo.copyright 2010. all rights reserved.DEADLINE 5 p.m. Friday for advertising and community newsThe Positive VoiceTHE FLORIDA KEYS NEED A POSITIVE VOICE to counteract negativity promoted by other localpapers. Conch Color greatly appreciates positive comments about the community you live in. Ifyou love your community and have something positive to say about it, email are so many great Samaritans in the Keys and wonderful things happen every day. It’s time togive a voice to those who have great comments to say about the Keys.That Sequester Thing…..I think most American’sget it. To insure a continuousprosperous economy, its literallygoing to take the best of bothsides of the political aisle toreach a happy medium. Thatis that yes, we need to cut backon some spending, while at thesame time infusing the economywith enough funding to keep thecountry wheeling and dealing in asuccessful business climate.The European Parliamentdemonstrated that austerity isdoomed to failure as they failed torevive their weakest economies likeSpain, Italy, Ireland and Greeceby subjecting them to draconiancutbacks that basically just tankswhat was left of economies. Andthis appears to be the directionthat the right wing tea party crowdwants to take us. This crowdwants to cut all entitlements whichwould be a huge mistake. Andsince when did making the poor,get poorer, become a Christianideology?There are plenty of ways, totrim the national budget withoutkilling Medicare or Obamacarefor that matter. We are now outof both Iraq and Afghanistan, andwe spent two trillion dollars onthose wars. We have killed mostof Al Qaida’s leaders and primeoperatives. Isn’t it also time to endthe war on terror, if for nothingelse to bolster our economy.In the last ten years inresponse to 9/11, Americanintelligence agencies have built33 buildings, which togetherare the size of three Pentagons.Homeland Security now employsover 250,000 personnel. And thetruth is that terrorism has beenon the decline since 2007. Noone wants to say it, but we havepretty much won that war. Do weneed to stay vigilant? Of coursewe do, but we can also reduce thecost of such vigilance from that ofrunning a constant war.Watching how Americahas overspent on its war on terrorplus Iraq and Afghanistan, I alwayswondered was Bin Ladin shrewdenough to surmise that Americawould become so paranoid after9/11 that it could spend itself intooblivion in order to protect itself.There’ a good argument to bemade there.The bottom line is thatthere are a lot of cuts that canbe made without making socialprograms take a huge hit. Ifour top minds could somehowlearn to look for better answers,I think we can easily get there. Irecently watched an interview ofMukesh Ambani, who with a networth of 22 billion dollars is therichest man in India. He statedunequivocally that the future ofthe world’s economy may dependon America’s amazing ability tokeep its economy in the plus,as evidenced by today’s stockmarket. He seemed to have allthe confidence in the world inAmerican finances.All the top economistsseem to be banking on America,and are more worried about Chinaand Russia maintaining stableeconomies.Key West is having onehelluva season as we enter the year2013. Let’s hope it stays that way.TOM OOSTERHOUDTeditor&publisherconch color the florida keys 4 photographic chronicle

HELPLINE Will Benefit atFriday Happy HourHELPLINE, Inc. will benefit duringhappy hour this Friday, April 5th from5 to 8 PM at the Bottlecap GrooveLounge. HELPLINE, Inc. is MonroeCounty’s only 24-hour confidentialtelephone crisis and informationhotline, providing crisis intervention,education, information, referraland telephone reassurance services.HELPLINE was founded in 1982 as anon-profit agency by the Zonta Clubof Key West, a service organizationof executive women, who saw a needfor a crisis hotline in the community.HELPLINE’s mission is to help residentsand visitors work through crisissituations, and provide informationreferrals on most services offered inMonroe County. HELPLINE’s servicesare free and confidential and areprovided 24-hours, 7-days, 365-days ayear. Phones are answered by dedicatedvolunteers who undergo intensiveclassroom education and on the jobtraining. The BottleCap is located at1128 Simonton Street in Key West.LOVE LOSS AND WHAT I WORE-- Only Two More ShowsPhoto by Roberta DePieroThe last two shows of Love, Loss andWhat I Wore by Nora and Delia Ephronare Sunday and Monday, April 7 and 8.Only two nights left to see this popular“garment monologues” show.Matters of the heart and matters ofthe closet combine in this comic andpoignant collection of stories that TheatreMania called “insightful, entertainingtouching and often hilarious.”Carole MacCartee directs fiveactresses as they seamlessly swingthrough anecdotes from their liveslinked with surprising conversationalease to the clothes attached to theevents. Their troubling, enraging andnostalgic episodes wreak havoc on theaudience, evoking first guffaws, thenteary pauses and back to the ineffablewit of the two Ephrons’ collaborativewriting.The cast includes: Chris Stone, RebeccaGleason, Melody Moore, StephanieSander, and Stephanie Yosen.Tickets are available at,by phone at 296-9911and from the Box Office, 319 DuvalStreet, rear. Save with season subscriptiontickets for multiple shows! Talk tothe box office about group prices andthe very special “Dinner and a Show”with the Pier House HarbourViewCafé.Martin Busam WelcomesThe Blonde Mafia to MartinsPhoto by Fritz BusamFrom left, Tom Oosterhoudt, Martin Busam, Raquel Crummitt, Jenna Stauffer, Dr. Liz Morin,and Jen George-Nichol.LOCALSPECIALS<strong>CON</strong>CHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l econch color the florida keys 5 photographic chronicleAll You Can EatPrimeRibBuffet$23.95Ask for your 15% Locals Discount with proper I.D.Served with Baked Potato, Fresh Seasonal Vegetables,Salad, Dinner Rolls and Assorted Home-Style Desserts.Palm Haven Restaurantat DoubleTree Grand Key ResortFridays 6-9 pmVisit usonline

nyDAVID DRESIE INTERIORS, INC.OFFICE: (305) 294-5733 CELL (305) 304-1315Office Surgery for Carpal tunnel,Trigger finger, Dupuytren’sOrthopedic Surgery1111 12th St.#212, Key West “ WE WANT YOUR CRACKSA Concrete Restoration Company,specializing in concrete repair and painting. “April 5First State Bank Announces Officer PromotionsFirst State Bank ofthe Florida Keys promotedMike Gonzalezto Vice President/Information TechnologyManager andJen Fish to AssistantVice President/LoanClosing DepartmentManager.Gonzalez joinedFirst State Bank ofthe Florida Keys in 2009 as Assistant VicePresident/Information Technology Managerbringing 16 years of banking related IT experience.He holds an AS Degree in InformationSystems Management from ProspectHall College in Hollywood, FL, a NetworkSystems Administration Certificate fromSheridan Vocational Center in Hollywood,FL, and an MCSE from The University ofMiami.“Mike’s long-term vision and his focus onways to operate more efficiently and effectivelyhave led to the successful completionof numerous initiatives within our Bank,”Typhoon Judy“Typhoon Judy” sweeps into the WaterfrontPlayhouse this week for seven performancesonly. This play with music stars theincomparable Christopher Peterson, theworld-renowned female impersonator. HisJudy Garland will knock your socks off! TheEdmonton Sun raved, “Peterson has a lovelyvoice and, at times, looks so much like herthat he takes your breath away.”Mr. Peterson also wrote the play, alongwith Darrin Hagen, who also acts as directorof the piece. The two also collaborated on“BitchSlap!” which played two sold-out runsat the Waterfront a few years ago. Mr. Hagenis an award-winning Canadian playwright,composer and actor, as well as the artisticdirector of the company Guys In Disguise.Charles Lindberg will play the role of thePianist, who accompanies Judy on her musicaljourney in the play. Mr. Lindberg is wellknownto Key West audiences as a brilliantpianist who has played for the Waterfrontopening concerts and recently appeared in“Oil City Symphony” at the Red Barn.“Typhoon Judy” takes place as TyphoonViola swirls around Hong Kong and JudyGarland lies comatose in a hospital, thevictim of a storm of her own making. Asshe drifts towards the light, “Typhoon Judy”enters a desolate rehearsal hall with a lonepiano player and begins to tell tales of herlife with comedy, anecdotes and of course,song. The play is inspired by true events, andstars world-renowned female impersonatorChristopher Peterson. This is the concertJudy never got to perform; the performancethat brought her back to life. “Peterson deliversthe songs amazingly, in unexpected biographicalcontext with a powerhouse voiceand an uncanny ear for Garland’s juxtapositionof lustrous phrases and husky edges,”the Edmonton Journal.Michael Boyer will create the setting inwhich the illusory concert will take place.said Elizabeth Miranda, EVP/Chief Risk Officer.“Congratulations to Mike, we are confidenthe will continue to help enhance theperformance of our organization.”Fish joined the Bank in 2001 and has heldvarious positions from Loan AdministrativeAssistant, to Loan Systems Analyst/Closing Coordinatorand Supervisor, to her current titleof to Assistant Vice President/Loan ClosingDepartment Manager. She holds a Bachelor ofArts Degree in Communications from Randolph-MaconWoman’s College and has morethan 20 years of banking experience.“For more than a decade, Jen has beenthe backbone ofour Loan ClosingDepartment,”said Gary Carney,EVP/Chief CreditOfficer. “We arehappy to recognizeher hard work anddedication with thispromotion.”Mr. Peterson has designed the costumes, aswell as acting as musical director. The lightingdesign will be by David Bird. In additionto directing the play, Mr. Hagin will create thesound design. Musical arrangements have beendone by Jim Rice with Bobby Nesbitt helpingwith music development. J. B. McLendon willact as stage manager.The production is sponsored by ChristopherElwell and Christopher Designs, part ofRoyal Furniture. Season sponsors are DigitalIsland Media, Royal Furniture and WoduMedia.For tickets, go to forour online ticketing service or call the box officeat 305-294-5015.conch color the florida keys 6 photographic chronicle

DISCOVER A WORLD OF TASTEIN YOUR OWN BACKYARD.Experience SHOR - the island’s most exciting restaurant,located at Hyatt Key West Resort and Spa. We combinethe freshest ingredients with a million dollar view tocreate the perfect backdrop for your meal. For specialoccasions and entertaining, our patio seating providesa spectacular vantage point with the perfect sunsetview. Receive validated self parking based on availabilitywith reservations, call 305 809 4000 or At Hyatt You Are MoreThan Welcome.Locals and military personnel enjoy a20% discount on F&B outlets excludinghappy hour, special events and holidays.305 809 4000KEYWEST.HYATT.COMHappy BirthdayMiguel Menendez!Photo by Raquel CrummittLET US FINANCE YOUR DREAMHOME IN THE FLORIDA KEYS!Call Dan or Pat today for a great mortgage rate,quick & easy!Proudly serving Key West & Lower Keys!Conventional, Jumbo, FHA, VA Financing Available.Pat LabradaMORTGAGE LOANORIGINATOR, NMLS# 713435c 305.304.7000p 305.676.3017Dan Blagriff❛❛MORTGAGE LOANORIGINATOR, NMLS# 675375c 305.304.6085p 305.676.3146MY100BANK.COMA Home BancShares Companyconch color the florida keys 7 photographic chronicle

I use ONLY name brand FDA approved injectable products.Always have, always will. 305-509-2550 Walfrido to Show Dynamic NewVistas at Wyland Galleries April 5-7Romantic realist Walfrido willunveil his colorful new visions ofsunsets over the ocean, seaside cavesand more Friday through Sunday,April 5-7, at Wyland Galleries of KeyWest’s 102 Duval St. location.He will be on hand daily and byappointment, meeting gallery visitorsand discussing his inspirations andartistry. He will also paint new imagesas art lovers watch.During the Key West show, Walfridoplans to showcase his “Four Seasons”series on canvas. If collectorsdesire a personal touch, he will customizeany “Four Seasons” paintingwith elements meaningful to them.He will also unveil his first serieson metal, titled “Memories of Home.”Meet Walfrido, and view his intriguingnew creations, April 5-7 atWyland’s 102 Duval St. gallery.For more information, call the galleryat (305) 294-5240 or visit“Diamond Head Sunrise” is one of Walfrido’slatest paintings. He will unveil this and otherrecent canvases April 5-7 at Wyland’s 102Duval St. gallery.A recording legend is backat Schooner Wharf Bar!PAUL COTTON BANDFeaturing Paul Cotton from POCOFriday, April 5th, 7:00 p.m. –Midnight & Saturday, April 6th, 7:00p.m. – MidnightPaul Cotton and his band areback this weekend for very special“don’t miss” performances.Country rock band Poco’s mainsongwriter, lead vocalist and leadguitarist, Cotton’s 45-year careerhas yielded countless albums andacclaim, and his staying power isendless. Born in the deep South andraised on the south side of Chicago,the soulful influences of his rootscan still be heard in his songs.With local musicians MartyStonely, Russ Skabudda, Joel Nelson,and Greg Shandley, this bandperforms favorites like Poco’s “Heartof the Night” and “Crazy Love”, plusoriginals, Trop Rock, and New Orleans-influencedtunes with a southerntinge.Don’t miss this rare opportunity tohear a Rock legend!For more information, please call(305) 292-3302. Join us on Facebookor visit Hugo Returns to Keysfor Yet Another Bike Raceconch color the florida keys 8 photographic chronicleHugo, seen here with bicycling pal Betsy Langan, was back in the Keys not able to resistanother bicycle race.

Cottage Key WestSidewalk SaleCottage Key West had an amazing turnout over their two-day sidewalk salethis past weekend, making room inside the store and outside in the garden fornew and exciting pieces of housewares and green-thumbed gifts for the KeyWest sole. Discover the local’s secret at 526 Southard Street in Old Town.SMALL INCISION - BIG RESULTSKey West OrthopedicsBoard Certified Orthopedic SurgeonsDr. Robert Catana, D.O. Dr. David C. Perry, M.D.Advanced Sports Medicine& Joint ReplacementLatest Techniques in Arthroscopic &Reconstructive Surgery. On Site MRI & Physical Therapy305-295-97973428 N. Roosevelt Boulevardwww.KeyWestOrthopedics.comTHE BESTSUNDAY PLACE SETTINGTreat yourself to our indulgent SundayBrunch at Bistro 245. A distinctivearray of your favorite cuisine with anunforgettable waterfront view.10:00 am — 2:00 pm$38 adults $ 17 children under 12245 front streetconch color the florida keys 9 photographic chronicle

entertainmentBOTTLECAP LOUNGETUESDAYFRIDAY SATURDAY - MICHAEL McCLOUDNoon—5:00 p.m.COOL DUO SAM RAMOS& CARL PEACHEY 7:00-MidnightMICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDSNoon—5:00 p.m.PAUL COTTON BAND7:00—MidnightSAT. 6MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDSNoon—5:00 p.m.MIKE QUICK BANDSUN. 7MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDSNoon—5:00 p.m.MARTY STONELY SURPRISE6:30—11:00 p.m.MON. 8RAVEN COOPER 7:00—11:00 p.m.TUES. 9THE REAL MALLOYS7:00—11:00 p.mWEDS. 10MICHAEL McCLOUDNoon - 5:00 p.m.RAVEN COOPER 7:00 - 11:00 p.m.AQUAWednesdays:Every Night:Aquanettes perform ‘Reality is aDrag’, 9pmFriday and SaturdayAquanettes, 9 & 11pmAdmission (PG-13)Fri - Mon: (4:00), 8:35Tue: (4:00), 9:00Wed & Thu: (4:00), 8:35Stoker (R)Fri - Thu: (1:30), 3:50, 6:10, 8:25The Playroom (NR)Fri - Sun: (4:10), 8:20Mon: (4:10), 9:00, Tue: (4:10 PM)Wed & Thu: (4:10), 8:20Side Effects (R)Fri - Thu: (2:15), 4:20, 6:35, 8:45Quartet (PG-13)Fri & Sat: (1:45), 6:25, Sun: (1:45 PM)Mon: (1:45), 6:25, Tue: (1:45 PM)Wed & Thu: (1:45), 6:25Barbara (PG-13)Fri - Sun: (2:00), 6:15Mon & Tue: (2:00 PM)Wed & Thu: (2:00), 6:15Ballet in Cinema: The Royal Ballet’s“La Fille Mal Gardee” (NR) Tickets$20.50, Tue: 7:00 PMSwept Away (1974)Evil Dead (2013)R, 1 hr 31 min1:30p 4:30p 7:50p 10:15pJurassic Park 3DPG-13, 2 hr 6 min1:00p 7:00p 10:00pThe Host (2013)PG-13, 2 hr 5 min1:15p 4:15p 7:10p 10:00pTyler Perry’s TemptationPG-13, 1 hr 51 min1:35p 4:40p 7:30p 10:10pG.I. Joe: RetaliationPG-13, 1 hr 39 min4:45p 9:55pG.I. Joe: Retaliation 3DPG-13, 1 hr 39 min1:45p7:20pThe Croods 3DPG, 1 hr 31 min5:00p 10:05pThe CroodsPG, 1 hr 31 min2:00p 7:40pJurassic ParkPG-13, 2 hr 6 min4:00pApril 5Regal CinemaKey West 63338 N. Roosevelt BlvdAccommodations for the disabledVisit for details.Thursday, April 4Key West Garden Club HorticultureLecture Series - Constance Miller, 1:30PM. West Martello Tower, 1100 AtlanticBlvd. Topic:Local Native Plants as Herbal Pharmacy.Bobby Nesbitt on the Piano, 4:30 PMSalute, 1000 Atlantic Blvd. 292-1117.FKCC Art Faculty Closing Reception,5:30 PM. FKCC Library Gallery, 5901College Rd. 809-3194. library@fkcc.eduFirst time faculty show featuring honoraryFKCC faculty members.Historic Seaport District Art Walk, 6 PMChristine, 295-9595. art@830.comArt exhibitions & receptions at galleries& shops along Fleming, Caroline &Greene Streets. Local artists display work& local merchants stay open late. Exhibitopenings: Tony Gregory, Paintings& Photography & Marcus Lundell,Paintings on glass, Art @830 Gallery,830 Caroline St; Amanda JohnsonPainting-in-Residence, Two MonkeysFine Art, 518 Fleming St; Susan Johnson“Romancing the Remains”, FlemingStreet Gallery, 830 Fleming St.An Island Affair, 6 PM. Key West GolfClub, 6450 College Rd. 240-405-5521 forinfo. Celebrating KW’s Cuban heritage.Auction items & local artists. BenefittingSigsbee Charter School cultural arts’program.Blissful Art Mini Workshops - MarleneKoenig, 6 PM. Art Space Key West,1102 Truman Ave. Marlene, Casual & fun threehour classes where you will take a projectfrom start to completion.Paradise Quilters Meeting, 6:30 PMDallas McDonald Senior Center, 380 KeyDeer Blvd, Big Pine Key. Joan,“North Shore” Evening, 7 PM. TheTropic Cinema, 418 Eaton St. event is to celebratethe newly opened Fury Surf Shackat 800 Duval St. and Letty Nowak’s currentcollection “Faces of Surfing.” A raffleto benefit Mote Laboratory. Film “NorthShore” starts at 8 PM.Thursday-Saturday, April 4-6Watercolor Painting with AlvaroCastagnet, 9 AM. The Studios of KeyWest, 600 White St. 296-0458. begins with philosophical introduction& then initiates a simple “onego” demonstration.The Sound of Music, 8 PM. MarathonCommunity Theater, 5101 OverseasHwy. 743-0994. marathontheater.orgThursday-Saturday, April 4-6, Tues. &Wed., April 9 & 10. Time Stands Still,8 PM. Red Barn Theatre, 319 Duval St.296-9911., April 4-7.In the Cabaret & Jazz in the Gardens,conch color the florida keys 10 photographic chronicle5:30 PM. The Gardens Hotel, 526 AngelaSt. 294-2661. FeaturingJohn Benson, Michael Robinson, JimmyOlson on the Piano. Sundays, Jazz withDeb & Pat with Marty Stonely.Friday, April 5Welcome to the Island Open House, 5PM. Joy Gallery, 330 Simonton St. in house artistsat work.The Connections Project - A Mosaic ofthe Keys” Reception, 6 PM.The GatoBuilding, 1100 Simonton St. “The ConnectionsProject – A Mosaic of the Keys” willdebut in Old Town after traveling downthe highway and wowing young and oldaudiences throughout the Florida Keys.Upper Duval Street Stroll, 6 PMArt exhibitions & receptions at galleries& shops along Upper Duval & Whitehead& from Truman to United. Exhibit openings:“From A Woman’s Hand”, SoDuGallery, 1102B Duval St; William Welch,Lois Songer & Lois Giffen, FrangipaniGallery, 1102A Duval St; Art Studio OpenHouse, Meet Me at Kate’s Art Studio,Carriage House, 1309 Whitehead St;Island Arts Co-op, Siduri’s Place, Cork &Stogie & Grand Vin wine bars.South Florida Symphony Orchestra -Master Concerts III: From DarknessComes the Light, 8 PM. TennesseeWilliams Theatre, 5901 College Rd. 295-7676. Zuill Bailey, CelloProgram Schubert: Rosamunde Overture,Elgar: Concerto for Cello & Orchestra;Brahms: Symphony No. 2Typhoon Judy, Premiere Night, 8PM Tuesdays-Saturdays. WaterfrontPlayhouse, 310 Wall St. 294-5015. waterfrontplayhouse.orgSaturday, April 6Friends of the Library Book Sale, 9:30AM. Key West Library, Palm Garden, 700Fleming St. 292-3595. keyslibraries.orgParadise Quilters Workshop, 10 AMDallas McDonald Senior Center, 380 KeyDeer Blvd, Big Pine Key. Joan,“The ‘Other’ American Songbook”, 8 PMTSKW, 600 White St. 296-0458. Performing artists Valerie Carr withMike Emerson.Sunday, April 7Community Day Free for Locals Key WestArt & Historical Society, 281 Front St.295-6616. kwahs.orgFree admission for locals at all 3 sites onthe same day: Custom House Museum,KW Lighthouse & Keeper’s QuartersMuseum, Fort East Martello.Libby York & Bobby Nesbitt, 12 PMCafe Sole, 1029 Southard St. 294-0230.libbyyork.comKeys Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal, 2 PMDallas McDonald Senior Center, 380 KeyDeer Blvd, Big Pine Key. 304-7544.Key West Poetry Guild Meeting, 7 PMBlue Heaven Restaurant, 729 Thomas St.– upstairs. J.M. Varela, 293-0902. Open toall interested in poetry.

DO YOU KNOW A BUYER FOR THESE PROPERTIES?CALL ROBERTA ANDREWS MIRA, P.A. 305-797-5263FOR COMPLETE DETAILSOpen House Sunday- March 10- 1:00-3:003307 Donald Avenue $365,000Bank Approval RequiredStorage, Storage and more Storage is what you find in this 3bedroom/2bath home with front and back porches, upgradedkitchen, tile floors, indoor laundry room, built out closets, fencedbackyard, central air and open floor plan. Turn key condition. Amust see!36 Floral Avenue-Key Haven $715,000Bank Approval RequiredElevated home is only one asset, another is the open water/sunsetview from your screened in front porch and a dock for your boat.Fenced back yard with outdoor Jacuzzi and plenty of off-streetparking. Appraisal on file. Easy to Show.Open House Sunday-March 10- 10:00- Noon2409 Fogarty Avenue $575,000Bank Approval RequiredThis home features a totally fenced yard with heated swimmingpool and chiller, large covered outdoor space for entertainment,hugh storage/work shop. Upstairs you will appreciate the attentionto details, with upgraded kitchen, granite counters, stainless steelappliances, open living room, indoor laundry room and spaciousbathrooms. Not a drive-by.REALTY EXECUTIVES FLORIDA KEYS ROBERTAKW@AOL.COM RoxanneFleszarFINANCIAL RESOURCESMANAGEMENT CORPORATIONWealth Managementfor Smart Women,Their Families& Their BusinessesIndependent, fee-based adviceDecades of experienceROXANNE E. FLESZAR, CFP ® , ChFC ® Griffin withMaestra AlfonsoTwo KeyWestsymphonypatronsjumped onthe challengewithgifts of$10,000 and$5,000. Theorganizationonlyhave $5,000left to raiseto meetthe SpringFever goal,

Tom & Kitty Clements Annual Easter Hat PartyPhotos by Tom OosterhoudtJean Olson won the top prize this year, presented by co-host Kitty Clements.Tom Vetter was the funniest with his sequestered hatTwo Publix stores, too funny! Marny and Roger Heinen.The Moodys hats were all about saving“Auggy” the epileptic hawk at the Wild BidSanctuary. Kathleen wore it well.Tom Oosterhoudt was honored with anappreciation award for his many years ofcovering the Easter Hat Party.Evelyn Maldonado and Neal Ruchman wereover the top this year.Jeff OverbyAubry Otton , Jean Olson, and Jimmy Olson.Kitty Clements welcomed the blonde mafia to the Easter Hat party, from left, Raquel Crummitt,Jen George-Nichol, Kitty, Monnie King, and Jenna Stauffer.

Randy Roberts and co-host Kitty Clements.Dennis Beaver and Bert Whit reminded us of the ongoingboulevard construction.Joe Pizzo targeted the “drones”.Larry Plummer did a take off on the outer mole project.Clare Angerman spoofed Kay Behmke’s unfortunate collision with arooster on her bicycle.Clare’s sign says it all!Bonnie Piceu used real cash to to satirize the sequestercuts and austerity measures.conch color the florida keys 13 photographic chronicle

April 5Pope Francis got a little ribbing from John Buzogany and Karl Hower.Lots of fruit in that garden.Dianne Sutton poked fun at the Supreme Court.Perry Arnold paid to play as well.Kenny Weschler is such a show off!Sam Trophia and George Fernandez had their baskets full!Dan Metzler also had some seriousfinancial jabs.Tom Clements welcomed the blonde mafia, including Jenna Stauffer, JenGeorge-Nichol, and Raquel Crummitt.conch color the florida keys 14 photographic chronicle

Sheldon Davidson paid tribute to years ofBond, James Bond.Robert Begin, Pauline Sherman, and Bobby Schrom extolled the virtues of greengrass, yet another way to go green.Allan Weimer is one funny bunny.The blonde mafia hit the Eatsre Hat Party! From left, Raquel Crummitt, co-hostKitte Clement, Jen George-Nichol, co-host Tom Clements, and Jenna Stauffer.Kemp Taylor and Sphie McGee, all Americana - heehee!Contsance Miller featuring her “Palm Sundae”.Conch Color loved this one, too funny!Ann Smith, recorded for the ages.Susan Server with her royal tribute.conch color the florida keys 15 photographic chronicle

April 5The one and only original Oosterbunny and his cotton-tailed niece,Raquel Crummitt.Liz Plowman and her peeps.Beth Pizzo was one shady lady bunny.Save Auggy! Dick and Kathlkeen Moody. Dick cherishesthe local wild life.Phil and Terri Wilson were peepin along.Ruth Reiter with her beached ducks. Sherry Read went for the natural fauna and flora. Allan and Robin were all ears this year.conch color the florida keys 16 photographic chronicle

Please feel free to contact us formore information at:305 296-8297conch color the florida keys 17 photographic chronicle

April 5Easter Services at the Basilica of St. Mary’s Star of the SeaIncludes Maundy Thursday Foot Washing of Men and WomenSymbolizing the Church’s Compassion for the PoorPhotos by Trish SatkofskyOn Thursday March 28th 2013, the Bassillica of St. Mary’s star of the Sea Church celebrated Holy Thursday the Mass of the Last Supper,during this celebration Pastor Rev. John Baker with the assistance of Rev. Deacon Peter Batty washed and kissed the feet of 12 parishioners,symbolic of the Apostles at the Last Supper.Left:In Roman Catholic Church , the ritual washing of feetis now associated with the Mass of theLord’s Supper, which celebrates in aspecial way the Last Suppe of Jesus,before which he washed the feet of histwelve apostles .Right:Evidence for the practice on this daygoes back at least to the latter half ofthe twelfth century, when “the popewashed the feet of twelve sub-deaconsafter his Mass and of thirteen poormen after his dinner.” There is somecontroversy, or at least variation inpractice, as to whether this ritual shouldproperly include laypeople, and, if so,whether women should be excluded. Ina notable break from tradition in this regard,Pope Francis washed thefeet of two women at his celebration ofmass on Maundy ThursdayLeft:The processionof theBlessedSacramentbeing adoredin front of theStatue of St.Joseph.Right:The basilicawas packedfor its EasterServices lastweek.Left:The KeyWestKnight ofColumbus.Right:EasterMass at theBasilica ofSt. Mary’s.conch color the florida keys 18 photographic chroicle

This Is No April Fools Joke!Early Seating 5pm - 6:30pmEvery Entrée $19.95For the Month of AprilEarly Bird Dinner Specials5pm - 6:30pm Every day$19.95Every Entrée On Our Menu.Cannot be combined with other discounts oroffers and must be seated by 6:30pm.Daily Happy Hour: 5pm - 7pmLive Entertainment: 5pm - 9pmTRAFFIC, WHAT TRAFFIC?LEAVE THE DRIVING TO USFREE SHUTTLEService leaves 500 Duval St. at20 minutes after every hour toTavern N Town. Returning freeshuttle leaves Tavern N Town at thetop of every hour till closing time. Elizabeth J. SmithServing the Truman AnnexcommunitySpecializinging in roomrefreshing for Inn’s and B& BPaint consultations tocomplete design renovationprojects.Shop for:Home accesorieslightingrugscustom furniturelocal art & jeweleryconch color the florida keys 19 photographic chroicle

April 5The 2013 Easter Egg Hunt at the Botanical GardensPhotos by Kristen Livengoodconch color the florida keys 20 photographic chronicle

conch color the florida keys 21 photographic chronicle

April 5The Hyatt Key West Celebrates Its 25th AnniversaryPhotos by Kristen LivengoodFront Office Team – Sara Pilat (Front Office Manager), Atif Awan (Director of Rooms), KeeganOlsen, and Mallory Jones.Bebe Clark (Executive Assistant to Joel Bunde) and Joel Bunde (General Manager).Jackie Heridon, Blake Dyrhaug, Michael Jamieson, and Pavel Riska.DJ extraordinaire Jim Cooper keep the anniversary jumping.The staff of Hyatt Key West celebrating the 25th anniversary of beautiful resort.Guests relaxing poolside.

Guests soaking up the Florida Keys sun.HouseKeeping Team – Israel Conserve, Richard Rosemond, Bertrand Juliquin, Monise C.M., DeannaMalkela, Michelle Brutus, Ronda Kee, Anthony Flores, Randy Georges, Wisner Sibrun, Annie Weaver,and Cineus Jean.Catering Managers – Michael Bellotti and Jillian Pahren.HouseKeeping Team – Cassandra Greene, Deanna Makela, Anthony Flores (Executive Housekeeper),and Atif Awan (Director of Rooms).Accounting Team – Pon Oupasene, Angel Cobery, Mabel Balmaceda, and Bismarck Balmaceda.Bebe Clark (Executive Assistant to Joel Bunde) and Joel Bunde (General Manager).

Love is always in the air for guests at the Hyatt Key West.Brandon Scott Roberts (Assistant Front Office Manager) and Odie.Bebe Clark was hired in December 1988 and her first day of work was January 18, 1988.“It was an outstanding moment, knowing that I had been selected to be part of the Hyattorganization and to help create a new Hyatt in Key West. Key West has been always beenmy home; my children and grandchildren were born, raised and live here as well as manyextended relatives and a large group of friends. Every one of our 12 general managers havebrought new and fresh ideas to our resort becoming part of the fabric of our island. We havebeen very fortunate to have had “the best of the best” as general managers, who even after25 years, keep in touch with us. The one thing all 12 general managers share is PRIDE! Theyare and have always been proud of our associates and their role in creating this outstandingresort.”Hyatt Key West Team Celebrating 25 Years.conch color the florida keys 24 photographic chronicleOceanside sunning, it doesn’t get any better than this.

give thegift of relaxationA GIFTFOR YOUTHE SPAAT SUNSET KEYget the free<strong>mobile</strong> app athttp://gettag.mobiCALL FORAPPOINTMENTS,GIFT CARDS & show our appreciation,locals will receive50% OFFANY Fury trip exceptparasailing & jet ski toursMust book directly with Fury by calling305-294-8899 (Not valid with any other offer.Must show local ID.) Expires: 12-31-12.conch color the florida keys 25 photographic chronicle

The 4th Annual Mote Marine LaboratoryFlorida Keys Ocean Festival & Waterfront Craft ShowAt the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center on the Truman WaterfrontPhotos by Kristen LivengoodLeft:Acclaimed marineartist Wyland madea special appearanceat the 2013Florida Keys OceanFestival.Right:Wyland painted forall the kids.Left:Wylanddrew quite acrowd.Right:Wyland andhis youngfans.Wyland gave the young artists a hand.The First State Banks Moolah was on hand, along with AJ Mira, the Fury’s Mary Hunter,and Eliza Warren.conch color the florida keys 26 photographic chronicleLooks like Moolah found Snooki!

A big fishing class.Rich Moretti was on hand with one of his recued sea turtles.A large lionfish on display.Howard Livingston helped entertain the crowd.Lots of kids learning to fish.The MARC House clients had a blast with Rosi Ware leading the way.Mayor Craig Cates and wife Cheryl, support the seaworthy cause.conch color the florida keys 27 photographic chronicle

April 5Left:Mike Buchman,Todd Hitchins, andRobert Kelley atNOAA’s button makingbooth.\Right:Trevor Orr, Nick Timpone,and Ray Lamycooked up hotdogsat the CentennialWeenie Wagon.JessicaBrown ofMosquitoControlshowsmosquitolarvae to astudent.Chris and Danielleof CharlieMacs.conch color the florida keys 28 photographic chronicle

Knit and Nest Key WestPhotos by Kristen LivengoodDr. Matt ReidACCEPTING NEW PATIENTSM-F 3:30 - 8:30 AND SAT/SUN 2 - 6(305)-295-2944Knit Key West shop owner Maxine Makover, knitter Charles Buckpitt and shop manager CurtisNoon just wrapped up their Knitted Art Show and Sale at Knit and Nest Key West, located at 218Whitehead Street, but that doesn’t mean you missed out. After going through rough patches intheir lives, each knitter found a common ground with yarn and a pair of knitting needles, bondingthem together, and helping them cope with obstacles thrown in each person’s direction.Spending 15 months in the hospital and not being able to concentrate on words in a book ormagazine, Maxine turned to knitting needles to help her cope with her husband’s cancer diagnoses.Charles Buckpitt stumbled on Maxine’s shop looking for color after a series of strokes, and he foundit not only in her but with his new hobby of knitting after Maxine taught him the calming repetitivemotions.They have group knitting classes throughout the rest of the season on Tuesdays and Thursdaysfrom 1-4 p.m. at Knit and Nest beside the Mel Fisher Museum, all are welcome from novice toexpert.conch color the florida keys 29 photographic chronicle

THE MIDTOWN MEN BLOW THE ROOF OFFTENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATER AGAINLeft:From left, J. Robert Spencer, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard, and Christian Hoff arethe Midtown Men, who seem to have no less than a cult following in Key WestAbove:Tom Oosterhoudt and TV co-host Jenna Stauffer let the boys know how muchthey loved the show. Photo by Carmen Rodriguez.Above:Carmen Rodriguez, another big fan, lauded the group after their show last week.Photo by Tom OosterhoudtAbove:Tom Oosterhoudt and TV co-host Jenna Stauffer let the boys know how much they loved the show.Photo by Carmen Rodriguez.The Midtown Men also got a standing ovation up in Ocean Reef. These guys have theKeys covered. Photo by the Midtown Men.The Key West crowd included Martha Robinson, Bert Whit, Dennis Beaver, Lynda Frechette, Bertand Clare Angerman. Photo by Midtown Men.conch color the florida keys 30 photographic chronicle

Top Stars LoveThe Midtown MenKatie Kouric made it no secret that she wanted the Midtown Men to sing happy birthdayto he on Good Morning America.THEPORTER-ALLENCOMPANYINSURANCESince 1891The Midtown Men with Judy Craig, the lead singer of the Chiffons.ELIZABETH M.FREEMANPresident513 SOUTHARD ST., KEYWEST, FL 33040PHONE305-294-2542FAX305-296-7985The Midtown Men with Shirley Reeves the lead singer of the Shirelles.

April 5Michael LongoriaThe Midtown LegendThephotogenicMichaelLongoria.CALL ME TO GET AGREAT MORTGAGE RATEQUICK AND EASY!Michael Longoria andhis idol, Frankie Valli,lead singer of the FourSeasons.❛❛❜❜❛❛❜❜MichaelLongoria withanother of hisidols, RonnieSpector.★ ★ ★ ★ MEMBERFDICKEY WEST • SUMMERLAND • BIG PINE • MARATHON • DUCK KEY • ISLAMORADA • KEY LARGOconch color the florida keys 32 photographic chronicle

STONEDTHEAT THE IBIS BAY RESORTOosterhoudt Flips Over Longoria!Photo by Jenna StaufferLeft:Tom Oosterhoudt re-connectedwith Michael Longoriaat his concert last week inKey West with the incredibleMidtown Men.Tom and Michael had metat the Midtown Men concertlast year and Tom could neverforget him as they connectedon Facebook.Right:Tom has invited Michael tocome down for a visit sometimewhen he’s not touring.Michael obviously stays verybusy on tour andmaking performances all overthe world, but Michael didtell Tom he would keep it inmind. We’ll see. Tom hasentertained a lot of famousBroadway stars and popstars over the years. Tomstays pretty busy too, so whoknows?The Ultimate Oceanic Artist Wyland!Photos by Tom Oosterhoudtconch color the florida keys 33 photographic chronicle

BellaCamille’sRESTAURANTApril 5Canon John H. Reece, Jr. Fifth BiennialScholarship Banquet KeynoteSpeakerAlvinHarrison is amulti-facetedindividualwho possessesa plethora ofskills includinghotel management,entrepreneurship,andmotivationalspeaking. Hebrings passionand competenceto any endeavor he undertakes.Commencing a career in the HotelIndustry in 1990, Alvin was the first AfricanAmerican Sales Manager Intern atthe Marriott Marquis Hotel, a flagshipproperty in Times Square, New YorkCity (NYC). His excellent work ethic,professionalism and knowledge of theHotel Industry led to several promotionswithin the Marriott System.Throughout his career, Alvin hasalways been an advocate for and amentor to young people. For manyyears, he was a volunteer with the BigBrothers/Big Sisters Organization anda speaker at various youth events. It,therefore, seemed natural that since2009, he has been a Public Speaker toyouth throughout the country. Alvinhas spoken to thousands of studentsaround the United States, encouragingcreative students to consider entrepreneurship.Many individuals, bothadults and youth, who have heard Alvinspeak for the first time, concur that hehas been blessed with the gifts of teachingand reaching others.Having been born in Key West, Florida,to June Bennett Harrison Joseph (anative of Key West) and the late AlvinHarrison, Sr., Alvin considers himselfa “Conch”. After his father’s untimelydeath while serving in the US Navy,Alvin spent his formative years in NewJersey. His mother and he subsequentlymoved to San Antonio, TX where heattended middle school and graduatedfrom John Marshall High School.Alvin completed his college studies atFairleigh Dickinson University with amajor in Hospitality Management anda Minor in Marketing.Canon John H. Reece, Jr. Fifth BiennialScholarship Banquet HonoreePastorBeverly-GreenMingo,the eldestof fourchildren,was bornin Key Westto the lateLouis Tynesand thelate RuthRahming.She wasmarriedto the lateHenry A. Green for 17 years duringwhich time they had a daughter, LeslieR. Greene (Collins), and twin sons,Erin (deceased) & Orin Greene. Sheis the proud grandmother of sevengrandchildren. In November 2003, shemarried her loving husband, CozelleMingo, a native of Key West, FLA powerful evangelist and communityadvocate, Pastor Beverly Green-Mingo is recognized for her commitmentto serving God and His people.Her pastoral responsibilities beganin 2009 when a panel of twenty-oneReverends, Pastors, and Elders, unanimouslycertified her to preach God’sword and appointed her the Pastor ofNewman United Methodist Church,Key West. Under her leadership, theChurch’s membership has increasedand the ministries and services to thecommunity have expanded.As the Pastor of Newman UnitedMethodist Church, Pastor Greene-Mingobrings a message of love, forgivenessand inclusiveness to her membersand to the needy and unreached. Shehas made a profound impact on manyyouth in Key West through the church’sYouth Ministry. In addition, shecontinues to enhance the lives of manyindividuals as the leader of the church’sPrison Ministry and as the President ofthe Newman United Methodist SupportGroup.In addition to her pastoral duties,she has worked at the Monroe CountySheriff’s Department for the past twelveyears. She is currently the Supervisorof Jail Records. Prior to that, PastorGreen-Mingo worked for the MonroeCounty School Board for fourteenyears.Pastor Green-Mingo is a 1973 graduateof Key West High School and shefurthered her education with collegecourses in supervision and management.Her ministerial studies includecompletion of a course of study forlocal pastors. She graduated from aministerial licensure course, and on July2, 2011, she was awarded her licenseto preach the Gospel of Jesus by theSuperintendent of the United MethodistConference.Although her life’s journey has notbeen easy, her unwavering faith inGod has provided her the courage tosurmount many daunting challenges.Through it all, Pastor Green-Mingostays ready and excited to boldly gowherever God’s Holy Spirit leads herto preach the “Good News” that Christlives and that He saves!conch color the florida keys 34 photographic chronicle

The Guru Corner:4 Tech Tips to Make Traveling Fun(or less painful)Some people love to travel whileothers dread the thoughts of crowdedplanes, screaming children, and TSA.Here are a few tips I’ve always used tomake traveling a little more enjoyable.One must-have gadget is a goodpair of noise canceling headphones.I own and swear by the Quiet Comfort3 headphones from Bose. At$350 they are not cheap, but if youwant a pair that you won’t have toreplace for ten years, these are them!Put these puppies on your ears andlisten to the world around you meltaway. As a less expensive alternativethe AKG K 490 NC headphones arenearly as good and can be rechargedvia USB.My second tip is to download agreat hypnosis session on your iPod.If you’ve ever had a hypnosis session,you know you come out feelingamazingly refreshed. I’m a big fanof a hypnotist by the name of DickSutphen who I first discovered almost10 years ago. Be sure to check him outon iTunes.My third tip is to get good seats forthe least amount of money possible.According to the besttime to book your trip is 21 days inadvance (34 for International flights).Flying on a Wednesday, Tuesday, orSaturday will save you a few additionalbucks.The easiest way to make a goodvacation turn sour is bad weather,resulting in calling the airline torebook. Download an amazing (andfree) app called Get Human. This appwill call the airline (or any company)on your behalf. When an agent picksup, the App calls your phone.David A. Cox is the CEO andFounder of The Mac Guru and PCClasses Online. He can be contactedvia his website at orat 305-809-6277.BusinessCents.If you own a business, it onlymakes sense to talk to theprofessionals at H&R Block. Small Business Corporations BookkeepingWe’ve got the experienceand the tools to answeryour questions, prepareyour taxes and provideaccounting services.H&R BLOCK305.294.3525925 Toppino Driveconch color the florida keys 35 photographic chroniclewww.SkinOfKeyWest.comDr. John W Norris III MD508 Southard St., Suite 103305-879-2465374605 Free Consultation

April 5A Great Caribbean Breakfast and Lunch Menu!Havana Key WestPhotos by Kristen LivengoodOmelettes the way you like them.Fresh brewed coffee with the aroma thatentices you.Havana Key West has a great central downtown location, close to thegalleries, and many of your favorite night spots. And its already knowas the “best hangover helper on Duval”.Hungry customers are welcome!Havana hasa virtualsmorgasbordof your favoritebreakfastspecialties.Chefs at Havanas, Mark Multy and Lefils BienAime show off the delicious breakfast.Havana was breakfasts for the working men too.Sit alone at the Havana counter, or bring a group.conch color the florida keys 36 photographic chronicle

DebbieSwift-BattyandDaughterAveryZane Osborne, Hair Today,Gone Tomorrow!Zane and Rachel ®EileenKawalerIs On TheBall!Christopherwith Jennaand JenPhoto by Tom OosterhoudtJenna Stauffer, Christopher Rounds,and Jen George-Nichol.conch color the florida keys 37 photographic chronicle

The 2013 Women’sApril 5Hope ConcertPhotos by Sheel SheelmanLeft:The cast of Woman’s Hope 2013.Above:Deb and her crew.Above:Adrienne and her group.Left:Paul CottonLeft:Doug BlombergRight:Susan Butlerperforming theMikado.Left:Host KimGordon.Right:Kathleen Peace.conch color the florida keys 28 photographic chronicle

Melody at the piano.Valerie and the band.Louise Ferris.conch color the florida keys 39 photographic chronicle

April 5PETER ARNOW AND RANDY BECKER GET MARRIED IN NEW YORKRev. Darren Polito NY One Faith Seminary with Arnow and Becker.Pete Arnow weds Randy Becker.The witnesses join the wedding party.Serving Key Lime Wedding Cake at the Key West Booth from Cake Alchemy.Cheer New York Gay and Lesbian Cheering Squad withPeter Arnow and Randy Becker.John and Steve Key West Booth.` conch color the florida keys 40 photographic chronicle

<strong>CON</strong>CHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l eWANTEDProofer WantedFor Conch ColorTuesdaysCall Tom at (305)304-6596Locals CALL for 10% discount!conch color the florida keys 41 photographic chronicle

April 5Bruce Strong New GMat Antonia’sPhoto by Tom OosterhoudtBirthday at Benihana!With Sheldon, Susan, andLiz, and KidsPhoto by Raquel CrummittJen and Jenna welcomed Bruce Strong, the new GM at Antonias.Paul dePoo and William CooperLooking Super!Lourdes and Raquel WelcomeChicago Visitor to BenihanaPhoto by Tom Oosterhoudt

Spending a Night WithChristopher Peterson!ChristopherPeterson welcomedCheryl Cates,Joanne Cates, andCyndi Livingston tohis show upstairs atLaTeDa recently.Sheriff Rick Ramsay EnjoyingMarathonSeafoodFestivalTradeshow Giveaways Screen Printing on T-Shirts Custom designCustomized embroidery on polo shirts, hats and bagsClient gifts or personalized gift basketsImprinted chocolate and food/wine itemsTime Stands Still Continues!www.jsapromos.comconch color the florida keys 43 photographic chronicle

April 5Marathon Chamber After Hours at First State BankPhotos by Kristen LivengoodLeft:Tina Hager,Sandra Bradshaw,KristenLivengoodand JeanineChristiansen ofthe MarathonChamber ofCommerce.First State Bank Staff: Jeff Smith, SVP Senior Lender; Karen Sharp, CEO President;Michelle Iarroci, Teller; Barbie Morales, Lead Teller; Don Lanman, SVP and MarketingDirector; and Grethell Suarez, Assistant Branch Manager.Left:Mike Kiralyof CentennialBank and InezSerrano ofCarlton FieldsLaw Firm inMiami.Lois Giffen of Florida Keys Council of the Arts with visiting best friend.Lleft:Kurt Lewinof First StateBank, DerekMartin-Vegueof Keys Insurance,John J.Wolfe, PA., andBen Roche ofKeys Insurance.Left:Lisa andDavid Kaulof SALTServices andBen Danielsof ExitRealty.Elaine Zimmerman, Andrew Poortman, Ginger Henderson of American Caribbean RealEstate, Jonathan Poortman and Sam Williams of Coldwell Banker Schmitt Real Estate.conch color the florida keys 44 photographic chronicle

Yale Spring Breakers Volunteer forKey West, Florida (March, 2013) - Habitat for Humanity of Key West & theLower Florida Keys has hosted several student volunteer groups this pastweek, most recently Yale University. These students are participating inHabitat for Humanity’s national alternative break program, CollegiateChallenge. The repair projects are two homes in Key West (BahamaHabitat for HumanityVillage): Mr. and Mrs. Campbell on Olivia St and Mrs. Dobins on HutchinsonLane. David Miller, Habitat Site Supervisor is in blue shirt. Yale team:Karen Tian (Team Leader), James Broughton, Eric Chen, Danielle Currin,Wesley DeVoll, Jake Keaney, Yanbo Li, Abiail Reisner, Ahmed Sarhan, MargaretVan Cleve, Elise Wilcox.Left:Yale HabitatClub in KeyWest workon home forMr. and Mrs.Campbell.Right:Yale Habitatteam atCampbellhouse.Left:YaleHabitatteam atCampbellhousewithDavidMiller.Left:Yale Habitatteam atCampbellhouse.Right:Yale Habitatteamat Dobinshousewith DavidMiller.Left:Yale Habitatteam atCampbellhouse.Left:Yale Habitatteam at Campbellhouse.Right:Yale Habitatteam at Dobinshouse.conch color the florida keys 45 photographic chronicle

April 5Minerva’s Opening Night Party at the Plaza BallroomFor Ann O’Shea’s New Broadway Production of “Ann”About The Late Texas Governor Ann RichardsThe production team of Anne, Hal, and Brian.Harriet Leve and Ann O’Shea, with the irrepressible HollandTaylor who plays Ann Richards.Left:Mark Watson ,Kate Hathaway(Anne’s mom),and Allison.Right:Ricky Ritzelplayed at theparty!Left:The openingnight partywas help inthe ballroom atthe Plaza andco-sponsored byMinerva!Right:My friends LindaLavin and RonRaines alsocame!conch color the florida keys 46 photographic chronicle

Gloria Steinhem, Anne Hathaway and her mom Kate and Ann Richard’s daughter, Cecilewww.ZontaKeyWest.comCyndi Chatmanwashonored asour Zontianof the Monthat the MarchMeeting. Shehas beenbusy headingup ourLiteracy Committeefor thehigh schoolscholarships.L_R: CyndiChatman andLisa BenfieldThe opening night party was help in the ballroom at the Plazaand co-sponsored by Minerva!The Zonta club met to put together toiletry supplies for the several different organizationsaround town: Samuel’s House and the Woman’s Domestic Abuse Center. Front row L-R:Carolyn Daly, Lou Ferris, Jerilyn Barack, Cyndi Chatman.Back Row: Amber Shafer, Suzanne Cahil, Louanna Williams, Mindy McKenzie, ConnieLeopold, Mechele Burgohy, Marilyn Douthett. Not pictured Roberta DePie`ro.My friends Linda Lavin and Ron Raines also came!The Radio Zonta Day event is fastapproaching on Friday May 3, 2013at the BottleCap lounge. You canhear Blue Mother Tupelo straightfrom Nashville starting at 5:30 PMuntil 6 PM to help kick our reversechance drawing and live radio remoteon WEOW 92.7 with Bill Bravo.Get your radio ads and your chanceto win $4500 from your favoriteZontian . Radio Zonta Day raisesmoney for our High School Scholarshipprogram.conch color the florida keys 47 photographic chronicle

April 5STOPFREEGIFT! **in for aGet a Fresh Auto Loanaslowas2.75% APR* New Used RefinanceFast Local DecisionsApply Now!Go to KeysFCU.orgCall our 24/7 Loan Lineat 305-293-6000Visit one of our branchesin Key West at Key Plazaor Southard St. and inMarathon at MM53 GulfsideDownload ourMobile App*Annual percentage rate. Subject to credit approval. Restrictions may apply. **While supplies last.

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