RTI - SBS STC Ferozepur

RTI - SBS STC Ferozepur

RTI - SBS STC Ferozepur


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___ _,_,_vsiITEM N 0.8.14_21._Promotion policy for the post of Senior Technician toLaboratory Supdt.There are 11 posts of Senior Technician sanctioned in thiscollege. Most ofthe Senior Technicians of this college arevvorlcing in the laboratories from' more than 13 years.Previously, they had no promotion policy from SeniorTechnician to higher post. They had represented for 100%internal promotion from Senior Technician (pay scale 5800~9200) to Lab. Supdt.~ in the pay scale of {Rs. 7880-13500(UR)}as this policies exist in PEC, Chandigarh, PunjabUniversity, Chandigarh and G.N.D.U., Amritsar placed atAnnexure-XIII, on page No. 109-1 14.The issue was put up in 12‘h meeting of finance committeevide Agenda Item No. 12.10. In the said meeting of FinanceCommittee, it was decided that Senior Technician bepromoted to Lab. Supdt. in the ratio 3:1 from directrecruitment to promotion. Further it was decided in themeeting that appropriate decision for giving 100%promotion of Senior Technician to the post of Lab. Supdt.only be taken at the BOG level placed at Annexure-XIII, onpage No.115-116.College Bye-law 4.3(a) provides for filling up of nonteachingposts vvith basic pay of Rs: 7880 (UR) and abovethrough direct recruitment and promotion ' e ratio 3:1placed at Annexure-XIII, A' on pageL iii /Yi/’No.1t SWio1'gr;~f1~»'\ ~__,

_22-Technicians have represented that their post should not betreated as a non-teaching post, because their nature of dutyis associated with teachers in labs and they assist students inpractical classes, maintain and upkeep the lab equipments.Like Teachers, they are vocational staff and their post existsonly in colleges and Universities. The non-teaching postshave a time bound promotion channel from Peon to Clerk toJunior Assistant to Sr. Assistant to Supdt. to AR to DyRegistrar placed at Annexure-XIII, on page No.1 18.Where as Senior Technicians ha.ve only a one timepromotion from Senior Technician to Lab Supdt. Theyrequested that rule 4.3(a) of promotion ratio of 3:1 of nonteachingpost {Rs 7880 (UR) onward} should be waived offin their case and requested for 100% intemal promotionfrom Senior Technician to Lab. Supdt.{Rs. 7880-13500(UR)} who have completed 8 years of regular service asSenior Technician in this college.Submitted for approval please.W >:~’i "ww,,_.. 5 1,_,>,_ \\\\ L,L T~',.i4r»l; ...,.`rI~&

~t»_ _ __ .~, _. -gléieu_ 24'-tg, ,`"_,_“>__"‘f-~~~"~'",_ gio*~.,`," `""'Qi. \,.u___i:r=~.i,l|{.S*,,,_' -; Mi\),C,c7 .__"'PUNJAB UNlVERSlTY((`lelANDlGARl"l)NOTIFICATION‘TN»_“` IT--‘* 'XLT ;__--A PPEN DIX TO ITIQIM NO. 5The senate as also the21_3.l992(Paragraphsyndicate-6B )NO. 1056i -050 /ADATED 8~5~ l 992at its meeting held on 29-03-1992ofthe respectively had approved (paragraph-ll committee of the and( Constituted followingl0-12-92:-by the Board of recorninentlationsFinance dated 53.1992) held on marchbe revised as perGroup IVGroup IllGrotto ll & IDirect appointment75% by promotion_ 25% lOO%Directby PromotionIt was fiutlier resolved that the vice-chancellor be authorized to take decision to earinarltcertain posts from be filled the by direct reconstituted Group appointment l and Group ll keeping _which in view in his opinion the specific nature of duties _ shouldof theseposts in various departmentsThe qualification of the university for andsuch poststreat thesemay posts be prescribed in a separately.category above_This may be brought to the notice of the concemed staffiThat tl1e pay -scale and qualificationsappendix, with effect of`Laboratory from /Technicall.3. l 992 staf`f`__lt was further_resolved tl tat in ' future_ these post to be filled as under:-Sd/-( M. G_ Shairna)Finance and DevelopmentofficerDA/ as above .‘fyxfé `~\'\%Issued to :-l. All the Heads of` teaching2. andLibrarians non- Teaching_P.U._ LibrDeaprtmentsary_Chandigarh` / Ludhiana°'sv; :avl'>¢»17iéf§I~~""' “\\_Z

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Q--»-}|5”/-___M Nl). 11.5jp; __,V335 §3AfQ€IC l’A'3" CRl'1`IQR]A FUR 'flilfiRE‘\"}i§iE\i¥a=E1'T"Ui»;i“\f.‘i§Hi; i5QT§`l()i`JI£ / :`lifl,.»§:§£Q,"}`l(_‘)i"“l$>i EA' iF§'§`»§?’¥*`‘-,H gm ei;1§f,f__= ;>v,_.~1£f;x;»i~ gfiay-f;;f.‘.';fimay ui LL;.i1_, 1; U-3 ;i"'\:,i li# iiii‘

QE.l‘_L'-1-1-so L/léf/' .ff,.lt.£!li\ No. 'l,t_.t>Pay fixation of Training Bi Plar;orliolilt»*`Government model, then the COflCF3fi`lt?(l errl|iloy

iveHH1lf*,I,|.9LIN'l`!\"N"`RULES REGNRDING THE _APPO~:,COLLEGEOIHERTHAN TEACHERSOF EMPLOYEES OFClassification\Employees of the College other than teachers shall be gradedforaccording to the grading prescribed by the Punjab Govt.its employees.L; 2 ApoointmentsTie apnolntmente by promotion shall be madeas ner the procedure prescribed bythesenlfrlty-cum-meritPb Govt. for its employees.rultmentshall be made strictly on merit.Lv 5 Manner of epoolntmentTHEon the basis ofThe annolntment by direct rec~.I (a) The posts in the scale with initial "oay of Y\S.2200/»-Iabove shall be filled up by direct apoointment and promotionin the ratio of 531.Qby A11 other nosts win be filled -ap by direct appointmentl’'oromotlon on 50:50 basis.|andis Ls. Manner of appointment by direct appointment.*.QThe following -procedure snall be adopted for maklng a Poolntmentsby direct recruitmentr-with suchQThe Principal1may have the nost advertisedqualifications as have been orescribed and/ or invite suggestions asand recommendations3 from such persons/institutions/agencieshe deems proper.b) The applications1 and recommendations shall be screened by'a committee constituted for the nurnose by Thethe Princzioal.Urinclualshall constitute a Selection Committee in the following1ef1manner:For the most of Registrar1a) secretary,Technic 1 Education_Govt. of Puiljab.1 i(U) Asstt. Educati al Advisor(T)Govt., oflnd a, Ministry of HumanorResources D elopment1his nomlne .TPc Director,Technical Education*Govt. Punjab. or his nominee.(d) Two xoerts (External) fromap onriate fleld(to be nominatedChairmanMemberMemberMemberand~“(°r"if, FH1by the Chairman of T"the Committee)_

Q..-.____..__....1_&..-¢nhil--..».., .... -.a>~|:-a. -1 ~.--~»f ,it

I__, ~`W_f4/`f'~ ~~ 5'*»,_' _,.,»~SHAHEED BHAGAT SINGHgl 'gr 'l COLLEGE or ENGINEERING AND Tecnnotocsvan I/Moga Road, <strong>Ferozepur</strong> 152004ITEM NO.8.9|)t'clsiu||.Approval for grant of pay scale of Rs. 3330-G200(UR) to JuniorTechnician (Workshop).The item \\';|s €l|I|)l`(I\'k`(l und il mis decided llllll pu) Settle nl`ITEM N0.8.10Rs. 3330-(»2(I(I (UR) he gl\Cllwhich to the paythem seululintn the stunt' t»1`l{S, dateUE()-(»2I)lInn.luniur vi`CClll]lL`li.ll](lub) i.e_ l)l_l l.2lIt)3_Ratification of ACP granted Mr. Rajinder Singh, SkilledAssistant (Now Junior Technician W/5).(UR) wasgiven In|)t-eision.'lfhc item was ratilied.ITEM NO.8.11l)t't'lNlul|.ITEM NO.8.12Ratification of amendmentAppointmentofletterterms issuedand conditionsto Dr.H.B.Sharcla, of<strong>SBS</strong>CET, <strong>Ferozepur</strong>Ex-Principal'lhe item wus rnlilied.,l)celsiain.Snnetiun 0[|‘vIICl|ll_\'Zl||llIl(TIlll‘Il('l|lI|],1|)0SlSl`u|' starting tum'_courses n|\|n'u\'t'tl hy /\l( "l`lC / l"l`ll, .lnhlildllzlr'lhe item wus ll|)|II`lI\'L‘tl.ll was einpluneisetlcITEM NO.8.13llveiulon.ITEM NO.8.14Decision.ITEM NO.8.1She recruited nt the earliest that lkneulty In mziintulu shallthe quatlily ot`tez|ehing.Iieeruitmentul' li|eult_v|’nlylet'l|nie :intl Wing||nn~teueI|i||g posts lin'The item was :||»p|'n\-etl.It wasbe recruitedmnpluasisedattlmtthe faculty earliest shallteaching.to maintain the quality ofPromotion policy for the post of Senior Technician toLaboratory Supdt.ll \'\llS decided that l()l)% placementTeeliniciztns.he \\-'ho given to.have eulnpleled the Seniorsemoi teellniemn.eight )ezu'sagainst servicethe szfnelioned asin the pay scale postnI`Rs, ol Luh.788l)-l35()l)/- Supdt.(UR).Decision.\4

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