Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>SOURce:CORRection Subsystem3.5.14.2 SOURce:CORRection SubsystemThe CORRection subsystem permits a correction of the output level. The correction is effected byadding user-defined table values to the output level as a function of the RF frequency. In the <strong>SMIQ</strong>, thissubsystem serves to select, transmit and switch on USER-CORRECTION tables (see Chapter 2,Section "User Correction (UCOR)" as well).Command Parameter Default Unit Remark[:SOURce]:CORRection[:STATe]ON | OFF:CSET:CATalog? name {,name}...Query only[:SELect]"Name of table":DATA:FREQuency300 kHz to RF max {,300 kHz to RF max }HzRF max depending on model:POWer-40 dBto 6dB {,-40 dBto 6dB}dB:DELete"Name of table"no query[:SOURce]:CORRection[:STATe] ON | OFFThe command switches the table selected using SOURce:CORRection:CSET on or off.Example: :SOUR:CORR:STAT ON *RST value is OFF[:SOURce]:CORRection:CSETThe commands to select and edit the UCOR tables are under this node.[:SOURce]:CORRection:CSET:CATalog?The command requests a list of UCOR tables. The individual lists are separated by means ofcommas. This command is a query and has no *RST value.Example: :SOUR:CORR:CAT? Answer: "UCOR1", "UCOR2", "UCOR3"[:SOURce]:CORRection:CSET[:SELect] "Name of table"The command selects a UCOR table. This command alone does not yet effect a correction. Firstthe table selected must be activated (cf. :SOURce:CORRection:STATe). If there is no table ofthis name, a new table is created. The name may contain up to 7 letters. This command triggersan event and hence has no *RST value.Example: :SOUR:CORR:CSET:SEL "UCOR1"[:SOURce]:CORRection:CSET:DATAThe commands to edit the UCOR tables are under this node.[:SOURce]:CORRection:CSET:DATA:FREQuency 300 kHz to RF max {,300 kHz to RF max }(RF max depending on model)The command transmits the frequency data for the table selected using:SOURce:CORRection:CSET. *RST does not influence data lists.Example: :SOUR:CORR:CSET:DATA:FREQ 100MHz,102MHz,103MHz,to1125.5555.03 3.51 E-9

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