Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>CALibration System3.5.7 CALibration SystemThe CALibration system contains the commands to calibrate the <strong>SMIQ</strong>. On triggering the calibration bymeans of :MEASure , response "0" displays a faultless calibration, response "1" means that an errorhas occurred during calibration. As to the meaning of the data in the case of query :DATA?, cf. Chapter2, Section "Calibration".Command Parameter DefaultUnitRemark:CALibration:ALL:FSIM[MEAsure]?:LATTenuation[:MEASure]?:LEVel:DATA?:STATe:LPReset[:MEASure]?:DATA?:NDSim[:MEASure]?:ROSCillator[:DATA]:VSUMmation[:MEASure]?:OFFS?:DAC?:KOS?:VMODulation[:MEASure]?:LFGenerator[:MEASure]?ON | OFF0 to 4095Query onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery onlyQuery only:CALibration[:ALL]?This command triggers all internal calibrations which do not require any external measuringequipment. The command triggers an event and thus has no *RST value.Example: :CAL:ALL?:CALibration:FSIM[:MEASure]?The command triggers a calibration measurement of the DC offset of the fading simulator. Thecommand triggers an event and thus has no *RST value.Example: :CAL:FSIM?:CALibration:LATTenuation[:MEASure]?The command triggers a calibration measurement of the level attenuation of function envelopecontrol. The command triggers an event and thus has no *RST value.Example: :CAL:LPR:MEAS? Response: 01125.5555.03 3.37E-9

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