Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>ARB System3.5.4.3 Converting a Waveform with the Application Software AMIQ-K2The application software AMIQ-K2 from R&S is distributed free of charge and allows to convert a largevariety of I/Q data sets to <strong>SMIQ</strong> waveform. Moreover, AMIQ-K2 can be used to remote-control someimportant <strong>SMIQ</strong> functions, to load and to store waveforms.This application software is available in the internet (http://www.rsd.de) under the path:Products →Test and Measurement →Signal Generation →IQ modulation generator AMIQ →orIQ simulation software WinIQSIM →or from each R&S representative.The control sequenceSelect Source File(s)Type Mathcad (mixed)Source File SICO.TXTTransmitDestinationWV formatted SICO.WVallows to quickly generate a waveform that is ready to operate from the file SICO.TXT containing the I/Qpairs in alternate order. AMIQ Compatible Commands for Transmission and Administration ofWaveformsSee AMIQ <strong>Operating</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> for a detailed description of the commands.AMIQ command Parameter <strong>SMIQ</strong> command and Parameter:ARB:MMEMory:DATA:DATA?:DELete:CATalog?:LENGth?:LOAD‘listname‘,‘listname‘, 'tagname‘ tag‘listname‘ name[,name]... nRAM,‘listname‘:WAVeform:DATA ‘listname‘,:DATA? ‘listname‘,'tagname' tag:DELete ‘listname‘:CATalog? name[,name]...LENGth? n:SELect ‘listname‘:MEMory:DATA?:NAME?RAM,‘tagname‘ tag listname:TAG? ‘tagname‘ tag:SELect?1125.5555.03 3.29E-9

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