Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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List of Commands<strong>SMIQ</strong>Command Parameter SCPI Info Page[:SOURce]:DECT:TRIGger:OUTPut[2]:PERiod 1 to 67.1E6 not-SCPI 3.56[:SOURce]:DECT:CLOCk:SOURce INTernal | EXTernal 3.56[:SOURce]:DECT:CLOCk:DELay 0 to 1.0 not-SCPI 3.56[:SOURce]:DECT:PRAMp:PRESet not-SCPI 3.56[:SOURce]:DECT:PRAMp:TIME 0.25 to 16.0 not-SCPI 3.56[:SOURce]:DECT:PRAMp:SHAPe LINear | COSine not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:PRAMp:ROFFset -9 to +9 not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:PRAMp:FOFFset -9 to +9 not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:ATTenuation 0 to 70 dB not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:SIMulation:TADJustment -4 to +4 (in Symbolen) not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:SIMulation:JITTer 0 to 4 (in Symbolen) not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:FLISt:PREDefined:CATalog? not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:FLISt:PREDefined:LOAD 'Framelisten-Name' not-SCPI 3.57[:SOURce]:DECT:FLISt:CATalog? not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:FLISt:LOAD ‘name’ not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:FLISt:STORe ‘Framelisten-Name’ not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:FLISt:DELete ‘name’ not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:DLISt:CATalog? not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:PREamble:TYPE NORMal | PROLonged not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:TYPE FULL | DOUBle | ADATa not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:LEVel OFF | ATT | FULL not-SCPI 3.58[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:PRESet not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:STSHift -9 to +9 (in Bit) not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:RAMP:CW ON | OFF not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:RAMP:DATA 0 to 111 to (12 bit) not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:PREamble:DATA 0 to 111 to (16 bit) not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:PREamble:PROLonged:DATA 0 to 111 to (32 bit) not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT:SYNC #B0 to #B111 to (16Bit) not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT[:SOURce]:AFIeld PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN16 | PN20 | PN21 |PN23 | DLISt | SDATanot-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT[:SOURce]:AFIeld:DLISt 'name’ not-SCPI 3.59[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT[:SOURce]:BFIeld PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN16 | PN20 | PN21 |PN23 | DLISt | SDATanot-SCPI 3.60[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT[:SOURce]:BFIeld:DLISt 'name’ not-SCPI 3.60[:SOURce]:DECT:SLOT[:SOURce]:ZFIeld ON | OFF not-SCPI 3.60[:SOURce]:DISTortion[:STATe] ON | OFF not-SCPI 3.61[:SOURce]:DISTortion:MODE POLYnomial | DATA not-SCPI 3.61[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:CATalog? not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:SELect 'Name der Kennlinie' not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:DELete 'Name der Kennlinie' not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:DELete:ALL not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:AM '-100 dB to 0 dB {, -100 dB to 0 dB} |Blockdaten'not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:AM:FREE? not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:AM:POINTs? not-SCPI 3.62[:SOURce]:DISTortion:DATA:AMBase '-100 dB to 0 dB {, -100 dB to 0 dB} |Blockdaten'not-SCPI 3.621125.5555.03 C.4 E-9

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