Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>Test ProceduresEDGE measurement The initial state is restored on the <strong>SMIQ</strong> with SAVE/RECALLFRAME...GET PREDEFINED FRAME...NB0 for the EDGEmeasurement.Then SLOT LEVEL ATTEN is set in SLOT 0 andSLOT 4 is selected withBURST TYPE EDGE andSLOT LEVEL FULL. Settings on the analyzer:Select EDGE in MODE VECTOR ANALYZER/DIGITAL STANDARDS.Thus the SYNC PATTERN "edge_ts0" is selected as a standard. Thefunction EDIT SYNC PATTERN is used to display the pattern and tocompare it with the pattern on the display of the <strong>SMIQ</strong> (necessarybecause of different modifications on the pattern). The pattern iscorrected on the analyzer in case of deviations.The displayed vector error (rms) should not exceed 2% or (ifavailable) the data sheet specification. The error messages "SYNCNOT FOUND"/"BURST NOT FOUND" should not be displayed. DECTTest equipment Demodulator for digital modulation (Table 5-1, item 23)Measurement Settings on <strong>SMIQ</strong>:- Level 0 dBm, RF 1880 MHz- Switch on digital standard DECT. Make the corresponding settings on the demodulator.Measure the DECT deviation error (rms) with the settingSYMB TABLE / ERRORS. To measure the burst on/off ratio, operate the demodulator as aspectrum analyzer.Settings:SPAN 0 HzRES BW 2 MHzTRACE1 AVERAGETRIGGER/ VIDEO –40 dBm, SLOPE POSSWEEP TIME MANUAL 1 ms SLOT 0 should be displayed on the analyzer. Read the level inSLOT 0 and note it down. On the DUT, set the SLOT LEVEL in SLOT 0 to OFF.All slots must now be switched off. Switch on TRIGGER/ FREE RUN on the analyzer.REF LEVEL –30 dBm andRF ATTEN MANUAL 0 dB Read the (blanked) level. With RF OFF on the DUT, the spacingto the analyzer’s noise floor can be determined. If the spacing isless than 10 dB and more than 0.41 dB, the noise floor can bededucted (cf. section "Adjacent-Channel Power Measurement withHigher Resolution"). With less than 0.41 dB, the analyzerresolution is insufficient; the true measurement result is better byat least 10 dB. With more than 10 dB, correction is not necessary. The burst on/off ratio is the difference between the two levels in dB.1125.5555.03 5.47E-9

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