Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>SYSTem System:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:PACE XON | NONEThe command sets the software handshake. *RST has no influnence on this parameter.XON Software handshake using the ASCII codes 11h (XON) and 13h (XOFF).Note: This mode is not recommended for binary data and for baud rates above9600 bauds.NONE No software handshake.Example: :SYST:COMM:SER:PACE NONE *RST value is NONE:SYSTem:ERRor?The command queries the entry that has been in the error queue for the longest time. Positiveerror numbers denote errors specific of the instrument, negative error numbers denote errormessages specified by SCPI (see annex B). If the error queue is empty, 0, "No error", is returned.The command is identical to STATus:QUEue:NEXT?Example: :SYST:ERR? Response: -221, "Settings conflict":SYSTem:KLOCk ON | OFFThe command (Keyboard LOCk) disables the keyboard of the <strong>SMIQ</strong> including the [LOCAL] key orenables it again (OFF).Caution:If :SYSTem:SECurity is ON, the keyboard cannot be enabled, i.e., :SYSTem:KLOCkOFF is not accepted. If the disabling of the command is released by switching overto :SYSTem:SECurity OFF, data will be lost.Example: :SYST:KLOC ON *RST value is OFF:SYSTem:MODE FIXed | MSEQenceThe command sets the operating mode of the instrument.FIXed The overall instrument state can only be switched over using *RCL.MSEQuence The instrument successively sets the instrument states indicated under:SYSTem:MSEQuence:RCL.*RST value is FIXedExample: :SYST:MODE FIX:SYSTem:MSEQuenceThis node follows the SOURce:LIST system. It can manage several memory sequences whicheach consist of a list of instrument state numbers and a time list. If :SYSTem:MODE is switchedto MSEQuence, the instrument states stated in the list selected are set successively for the timestated in the time list in each case.:SYSTem:MSEQuence:CATalog?The command queries the memory sequences available. It returns a list, the entries areseparated by means of commas.Example: :SYST:MSEQ:CAT? Response: "SEQ1", "DEMO", "SEQA"1125.5555.03 3.203E-9

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